Different expressions

"Wh...What? What... did you say?"




Making a loud reverberating noise inside the cafe, Eva banged the coffee tray quite hard on the table Zeus was sitting on to cut off their entire conversation chase. Her facial expression seemed extremely vexed, raising her chin, she glared at the woman who was approaching her man shamelessly.

"Excuse me, ma'am? The table is already reserved, so you can try somewhere else. Thank you." Her eyebrows were twitching in perturbation, and in a displeased tone she pointed her index finger towards an empty table at the corner of the room, indicating her to go away. 

"Huh?" That lady looked highly offended with her impolite behavior as well as his atrocious threat. Glaring back at both of them, she grumbled, "what a bunch of creepy weirdos! Darn it! I am leaving here right now! Such a disgusting place!"