I Remember

"So...you...do remember me now. Isn't it a wonderful thing to have your long-lost memories back, my little sister?" Owning a vicious smirk on his puffy roseate lips, Calix uttered those words casually leaning his face a bit closer towards her. 

Awestruck at the bitter realization, Clara sat absolutely still on the chair breathing out very intensely. Her dark dreary eyes were sharply fixated on his cruel smirk as it took her a moment to realize what on the earth was happening to her. Those memories, both sad and joyous ones, which were wiped out of her mind without leaving any trace came back without a said warning that in a flick of a moment, the world she was living within until now turned upside down!

Indeed the person standing right before her was her own bloodline brother and the realization caused a severe ache in her trembled heart as she forgot to respond back for a moment.