Cold Blood


"Earth, my home planet. But it's still my home in my heart. And I cherish it immensely. I've been hanging out with Team RNJR, Weiss, and Yang. But time to go back in time a bit. To Cold Blood. Where there's a possible peace treaty between humanity and the Silurians." Jared said, looking back at Weiss and Yang.


"This place is enormous and deserted. The majority of the race are probably still asleep. We need to find Amy, Madoka, and Mami. Looking for heat signature anomalies." The Doctor said.

"Sayaka? Kyoko?" Jared asked, looking at the two Magical Girls. "Anything?"

"Can't contact Mami." Kyoko said, closing her eyes. "She must be unconscious."

"Or she's temporarily dead." Jared said, holding up Mami's Soul Gem. "We're beyond 100 meters still. I think."

"Right. That's not too bad." Sayaka said, happily.

"But Doctor, Jared, how can all this be here? I mean, these plants." Nasreen said.

"We must be getting closer to the centre of the city." Jared said, smiling. "I love having adventures like this."

Jared is holding Sayaka's hand while Kyoko is holding the blue haired Magical Girl's hand and is taking the lead.

"You're sure this is the best way to enter?" Nasreen asked.

Sayaka lets go of Jared's hand and Kyoko's hand.

"It doesn't hurt to try the front door." Sayaka said, walking towards the front door. "Asking politely."

Alarms sound.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen." The computer said.

"Argh! For god's sake! Let's try the back door." Kyoko said, walking towards the back door.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen."

"Doctor. Jared." Nasreen said.

"Son of a…" Jared said, when warriors approach from both sides.

"Hostile life forms detected area seventeen." The computer said.

"We're not hostile. We're not armed. We're here in peace." The Doctor said.

A warrior steps forward and gasses them with its weapon.


"Don't you come near me with that." Amy said.

"What is he doing?" Madoka asked.

The scientist makes an audio note, "From the clothing, the human females appear to be more resistant to the cold than the male."

"We dressed for Rio!" Amy said, annoyed.

"Do you think we'll actually go there?" Madoka asked.

"I don't know. But I want to get out of here!"

"Leave them alone. You've got me." Mo said.

Amy's wrists are clamped tighter, "Argh."

"Decontamination complete. Commencing dissection." Malohkeh said.

"Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested. Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested." Someone on the speaker said.

"An alarm?" Madoka asked.

"Madoka?" Sayaka asked, telepathically. "Are you okay?"

Malohkeh runs out.

"The hell happened?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"Sayaka? Kyoko?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"I have Mami's Soul Gem." Jared said, telepathically. "We're being taken to somewhere else in the underground city. Stay with Amy and Mo."


"Yeah. And stay out." Amy said, and she has somehow managed to get the restraints control from Malohkeh.

Amy frees herself, then Madoka, and finally Mo, "Ah ah!"

"How did you get that?" Mo asked.

"You never picked a lizard man's pocket? I learnt some tricks from Kyoko Sakura and Homura Akemi. Come on, before he gets back." Amy said, taking the lead.


"That creature, do you think it was an alien? Any more of them, do you think? Do you think the Earth's been invaded?" Mo asked.

"I don't know." Madoka said. "Maybe."

"We know people who could have some answers. We need to get back to the surface and find them." Amy said.

"Oh. I wonder where this leads. Maybe it's a secret passageway!"

"Maybe it's a way out of here." Mo said.

Madoka presses a button on a wall panel. A screen lights up, then the area behind the door.

"Is that a kid?" Madoka asked.

It is a stasis alcove, and Elliot is inside.

"Oh, my God, no." Mo said, shocked.

"What's wrong?" Madoka asked. "Who is that?"

"It's my son. It's Elliot. What've they done to him? He's in there. We have to get him out. Elliot? Elliot, it's Dad."

"Access denied. Unauthorised genetic imprint." The computer said.

"Stop. Seriously, we can't get in." Amy said, angrily.

"That's my boy in there." Mo said.

"These screens, they're monitoring something." Amy said, looking at the monitor.

"Maybe they're checking for vital signs. Heartbeats. Pulses." Madoka said, studying the monitor. "That's what made you human, right? Why is he wired up? Maybe Elliot's still alive. If we remove those things."

"All right. We find weapons, get that creature from the lab and force it to release Elliot, yeah?" Mo asked.

"Yeah. Trust us. We'll get him out." Amy said.


Ambrose is still holding Elliot's headphones.

"Ambrose." Homura said, walking towards Ambrose.

"Rory, you lied. You and your friends told us you were the police." Ambrose said, letting out tears.

"It was a misunderstanding." Rory said.

"Who are you? You, Jared, and the Doctor? Why is this happening to us? What did we ever do?" Ambrose asked.

"Um, the Doctor and Jared will get your son back." Homura said, sadly. "I, I promise."

"She's right. In the meantime, we take turns guarding the creature." Rory said.

"Oh, so that's it? We just sit and wait." Ambrose said.

"And then we exchange her for your family. I promise you, Ambrose, I trust the Doctor and Jared with my life. We stick to their plan. We keep that creature safe."


The Doctor is being scanned, and it hurts, "Argh."

Jared is using astral projection to see what's going on, while Sayaka and Kyoko are asleep.

"The Doctor's getting hurt!" Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Kyoko said, telepathically. "What do we do?"

"We can't do anything." Jared said, telepathically. "Not now, at least."

"So, we just wait it out then? Like that will work."

"Decontamination? No, no, no." The Doctor said.

That hurts even more.


Alaya is soaking in the sunlight from the small window when she smells Mack enter with Homura, "Why aren't you dead? You're carrying my venom in your blood. But you should have died. Why aren't you dead? Show me."

"Um, he's in pain." Homura said, when Mack shows Alaya the green veins. "Can you help him?"

"How does it feel, ape?�� Alaya asked, looking at Mack.

"Like it's burning in my blood. Please, if you help me, Homura and I can help you. If you could cure me, we could help you escape." Mack said.

"You see? You beg and offer betrayal so early. Why would I want to escape when I can watch you die? The first ape death of the coming war." Alaya asked.


"No! Argh!" The Doctor said, angrily,

"It's all right, it won't harm you. I'm only neutralising all your ape bacteria." Malohkeh said.

"I'm not an ape. Look at the scans. Two hearts. Totally different. Totally not ape! Remove all human germs, you remove half the things keeping me alive."

Malohkeh turns off the decontamination machine. Jared opens his eyes, along with Sayaka and Kyoko.

"Careful." Jared said, looking at Malohkeh. "Don't hurt him."

"No, complete the process." Restac said.

"Oh, that's much better, thanks. Not got any celery, have you?" The Doctor asked.

"Celery?" Kyoko asked. "Why do you need celery?"

"Tell us." Sayaka said, happily.

"He believed it would stop poison." Jared said, laughing a little.

"No. No, not really the climate. Don't explain that. Tomatoes, though. You'd do a roaring trade in those. I'm the Doctor. Oh, and there's Nasreen, Jared, Sayaka, and Kyoko. Good." The Doctor said.

Nasreen wakes, "Oh, a green man."

"Hello. Who are you?" Sayaka asked.

"Restac, Military commander." Restac said.

"Ah. Great. More military." Kyoko said, annoyed.

"Your weapon was attacking the oxygen pockets above our city." Malohkeh said.

"Oxygen pockets, lovely. Ooo, but not so good with an impending drill. Now it makes sense." The Doctor said.

"Where is the rest of your invasion force?" Restac asked.

"Invasion force. Me, Jared, Sayaka, Kyoko, and lovely Nasreen? No. We came for the humans and Magical Girls you took. And to offer the safe return of Alaya. Oh wait, you and she, what is it, same genetic source? Of course you're worried, but don't be, she's safe."

"You claim to come in peace, but you hold one of us hostage."

"Wait, I don't want fighting." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "Please. We want the same thing here. Peace and quiet. Living in harmony together. On the surface of the Earth."

"I don't negotiate with apes. I'm going to send a clear message to those on the surface."

"What's that?" The Doctor asked.

"Your execution." Restac said.



"These pods are all over the city." Madoka said, and she lights up two. They contain Silurians. "They look like lizards to me."

"Urgh. Turn it off, quick. They're not moving." Mo said.

"Maybe they're asleep. Let's have another look at them, okay? It can't be that bad."

"No, Madoka, don't. Don't." Mo said, and Madoka opens the chamber and goes inside. "Madoka, what are you doing? Get out of there."

"I think they're in suspended animation." Madoka said. "Like when we're lying down on a seat at the beach. Oh, what's that?"

The discs the Silurians are standing on.

"The Doctor and Jared would know. They always know." Amy said.

"Hey, look." Mo said.

Above the two Silurians are tunnels heading straight up.

"Wait. I've got it. It's how they came up to the surface. Some sort of powered transport discs. It's our way out of here." Amy said.

"Even better. Weapons. Come on, now we can fight back." Mo said.

Amy and Mo take the Silurian disc weapons from the warriors and back out of the chamber.

Madoka takes out her Soul Gem and transforms so she can wear her Magical Girl outfit, "Right. We have weapons. But I don't want to hurt anyone."

Amy switches it off.

"Which way now?" Mo asked.

"Maybe we can try the door at the end of the hallway." Madoka said, holding her bow.

"Are you sure?"


Army storage…

The door at the end leads to a balcony overlooking a vast chamber, containing warriors as far as the eye can see.

"Wow." Mo said, shocked.

"All those lizard people." Madoka said, squeezing her bow.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"We don't stand a chance." Mo said.

"We don't." Madoka said, sadly. "My wish. Well, it's a secret to everybody."

"We have to find the Doctor and Jared." Amy said.


Homura is sitting on the ground and Rory walked over to the black haired Magical Girl, comforting her.

"How long have you known Madoka?" Rory asked.

"Um, I think a few years." Homura said, looking at Rory. "Have I told you my wish?"

"That you want to save Madoka no matter what. Yeah. You did."

"Good. I have the power to rewind time. I, um, I haven't had the need to do it yet."

"Why haven't you?"

"I managed to defeat Walpurgisnacht. Or me and my friends did." Homura said, happily.

"You defeated the most powerful Witch ever. Wow." Rory said, his eyes widening.


The Doctor, Nasreen, Jared, Sayaka, and Kyoko are under escort.

"There are a lot of Silurians." Jared said, holding Sayaka's hand. "Most of them are asleep. These must be the only ones awake."

"So, why did they go into hibernation in the first place?" Sayaka asked.

"Their astronomers predicted the planet heading to Earth on a crash course. They built a life underground and put themselves to sleep for millennia in order to avert what they thought was the apocalypse, when in reality it was the moon coming into alignment with the Earth." The Doctor said.

"How can you know that?" Malohkeh asked.

"Long time ago, I met another tribe of Homo Reptilia. Similar, but not identical."

"Others of our species have survived?" Restac asked.

"The humans attacked them. They died. I'm sorry." The Doctor said, sadly.

"Was that with UNIT?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, I was the dandy. The Brigadier and Liz Shaw were with me."

"Who is the Brigadier?" Kyoko asked.

"He's an old friend of the Doctor's." Jared said, happily. "I met him once. Well, a couple of times. When he was near the end of his life."

"A vermin race." Restac said, annoyed.


"Homura? So. Have you been relaxing with Madoka and the others?" Rory asked.

"I, um, we have." Homura said, looking over at Rory. "You've known Amy since you were kids."

"Yeah. Us and Mels."

"Mels? Who's, who's Mels?"

"Our best mate."

"That's nice. What's she like?"

"She likes getting into trouble."

"Trouble? How?"

"She makes the teacher angry. She steals guns. She steals cars."

"Wait. What?" Homura asked. "Cars?"

"We've known her since we were kids." Rory said. "I have this feeling, y'know."

"What feeling?"

"That she knows us way too well."


"Tony. I'm a nurse. You should have told me." Rory said, walking over to Mack.

They hear a scream from the crypt.

Alaya is still alive. Rory and Homura run to her.

"Ambrose, what have you done?" Homura asked.

"She kept taunting me about Mo and Elliot and you, Dad." Ambrose said, looking at Mack.

"We have to be better than this." Mack said.

"She wouldn't tell me anything. I thought sooner or later she'd give in. I would have done. I just, I just want my family back, Dad." Ambrose said.

"I'm sorry. How do we help you? Tell us what to do." Rory said.

"I knew this would come. And soon the war." Alaya said.

"You're not dying. I'm not going to let you. Not today."

"What, what do we do now?" Homura asked, looking over at Rory. "Should I…"

Alaya dies.

"No. You're not rewinding time. This is the best outcome. You and your friends saved the world. Do you want to lose that?" Rory asked.


Long table in the middle, ranks of benches along the walls.

"So, what do we do now?" Sayaka asked.

"I don't know." Jared said, sadly.

"Oh, lovely place. Very gleaming." The Doctor said.

"This is our court and our place of execution." Restac said.

"Let them go." Madoka said, holding her bow.

"Madoka Kaname. The bringer of hope wherever she goes." Jared said, happily. "She's a girl you can always rely on!"

"You're covered both ways, so don't try anything clever, buster." Amy said.

"Mo." Nasreen said.

"Now let them go, or I shoot." Amy said, and Restac moves towards her and Madoka. "I'm warning you."

Restac disarms Amy and Madoka.

"The hell? Don't touch them!" Kyoko said, angrily.

"And you." Restac said.

Mo is disarmed.

"All right, Restac, you've made your point." Malohkeh said.

"This is now a military tribunal. Go back to your laboratory, Malohkeh." Restac said.

They hiss at each other.

"This isn't the way."

"Prepare them for execution. And take any Grief Seeds the Magical Girls might have."

"Okay, sorry. As rescues go, didn't live up to its potential." Amy said, frowning.

"Ya think?" Kyoko asked.

The eight are shacked to rings in a pair of columns.

"So, what's going on?" Madoka asked.

"It's a long story." Sayaka said, looking at Madoka. "Madoka. That was a nice superhero entrance."

"Homo Reptilia. They occupied the planet before humans and Magical Girls. Now they want it back." The Doctor said.

"After they've wiped out the human race." Kyoko said. "Along with Magical Girls."

"Right. Preferred it when I didn't know, to be honest." Amy said.

"Why are they waiting? What do you think they're going to do with us?" Nasreen asked.


"So, did Jared tell you what would happen?" Rory asked.

"No. He, he didn't." Homura said, playing with her hands.

"That's weird. He has his secrets. But he usually tells us hints along the way. Why isn't he this time?"

A computer screen in a box comes to life.

"Oh, my God." Ambrose said.

"Who is the ape leader?" Restac asked, on screen.

"It's them. How are they doing that? How do they know that we're in here?" Ambrose asked, covering Alaya's body with a tarpaulin.

"Who speaks for the apes?"

"Don't tell them what's happened." Mack said.


Rory is on a large holographic screen with Homura, "I speak for the humans. Some of us. And Homura speaks for the Magical Girls, anyway."


"Do you understand who we are?" Restac asked, on screen.

"Um, not really." Homura said, sadly.

"We have ape and Magical Girl hostages."


"Doctor! Amy! Jared!" Rory said, on screen.

"Madoka! Sayaka! Kyoko!" Homura said, on screen.

"Mo! Mo, are you okay?" Ambrose asked, on screen.


"I'm fine, love. I've found Elliot. I'm bringing him home." Mo said, on screen.

"Amy, I thought I'd lost you." Rory said.

"What, cause I was sucked into the ground? You're so clingy." Amy said, on screen.

"Tony Mack!" Nasreen said, on screen.


"Having fun down there?" Mack asked.

"Guys, no need to worry." Jared said, on screen. "Just stay calm. Have a bit of faith and hope, we'll get through this, okay?"

"Show me Alaya. Show me, and release her immediately unharmed, or we kill your friends…" Restac said, on screen.


"One by one." Restac said.

"No." Ambrose said, on screen.


"Ambrose." Homura said, looking at Ambrose.

"Easy now, you guys." Sayaka said, on screen. "Don't cause a ruckus."


"Ambrose, stop it." Mack said, on screen.

"Get off me, Dad." Ambrose said, on screen.


"We didn't start this." Ambrose said.


"The hell? Just let Rory and Homura deal with this, okay?" Kyoko asked.


"We are not doing what you say any more. Now, give me back my family." Ambrose said.

"No. Execute the pink haired girl." Restac said, on screen.

"No, wait! Um, stop!" Homura said, angrily.

"Homura!" Madoka said, on screen.


"She's not speaking for us." Rory said, motioning towards Ambrose.

"There's no need for this. No fighting, okay?" Madoka asked.

"Listen, listen. Whatever you want, we'll do it." Rory said, on screen.

��Aim." Restac said.

"Madoka!" Homura said, on screen.

"Homura!" Madoka said, looking at Homura.

"For fuck's sake! Don't do this!" Jared said, angrily.


"No!" Homura said.

The screen goes blank.


"So, you thought bringing us to next decade was a good idea." Sayaka said.

"I didn't know we would still be kidnapped." Jared said. "I mean taken hostage."

"What happens in this adventure, really?"

"Is it good?" Madoka asked.

"Maybe. Time gets rewritten a ton. It sucks that I always have to carry a great burden." Jared said, frowning. "I want to release it all someday."

"How are you gonna do that?" Kyoko asked. "It's not like you can do it forever."

"I'll think of something. Don't know when. But it's unimaginable power."

"Where's Mami?" Madoka asked.

"She's here somewhere." Jared said, looking around. "I think."

"What do you mean by that?" Kyoko asked.

"She's just here."

"It's not that bad." Sayaka said. "Despite us being hostages."



"Nothing. Homura, we've got to get down there." Rory said.

"Your Fieriness. Rory the Roman." Jared said, on screen. "Hi. What's up, you guys?"

"Fieriness?" Homura asked, playing with her hands. "Um, where's Madoka? And Amy?"

"They're fine. The Girl Who Waited. And a girl who's peaceful." Jared said, on screen. "There they are."

Madoka and Amy came into view.

"Oh, thank God." Rory said.

"Keeping you on your toes." Amy said, on screen.

"No time to chat. Listen, you need to get down here. Go to the drill storeroom. There's a large patch of earth in the middle of the floor. The Silurians are going to send up transport discs to bring you back down using geothermal energy and gravity bubble technology. It's how they travel and frankly, it's pretty cool. Bring Alaya. We hand her over, we can land this after all. All going to work, promise. Got to dash. Hurry up." The Doctor said, on screen.

Transmission ends.

"The moment we get down there, everything will fall apart." Mack said.

"We have to return her. They deserve at least that." Rory said.


"Well, you guys have a lot of talk about." Jared said, leaning against the wall.

"What are you talking about?" Sayaka asked.

"Well, you there want the planet. This Earth isn't my Earth. This is only a parallel one. Humans, Magical Girls, and Silurians have a genuine claim to it."

"Are you authorised to negotiate on behalf of humanity and Magical Girls?" Eldane asked.

"Nope, but they are." Jared said, pointing my finger at Amy, Nasreen, Sayaka, and Kyoko. "At most I'm a future Vice President of Earth. Maybe. Possibly."

"What?" Nasreen asked.

"No, we're not." Amy said.

"Say what now?" Sayaka asked.

"The hell have you gotten us into?" Kyoko asked.

"Jared's right. Course you are. Amy Pond, Nasreen Chaudhry, Sayaka Miki, and Kyoko Sakura speaking for the planet? Humanity and Magical Girls couldn't have better ambassadors. Come on, who has more fun than us?" The Doctor asked.

"Is this what happens, in the future? The planet gets shared? Is that what we need to do?" Amy asked.

"The planet is already shared between humanity and Magical Girls." Jared said, leaning against the wall. "It has been for millennials now."

"Er, what are you talking about?" Nasreen asked.

"Oh Nasreen, sorry. Probably worth mentioning at this stage, Amy, Jared, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko, and I travel in time a bit." The Doctor said.

"Anything else?"

"There are fixed points through time where things must always stay the way they are. This is not one of them. This is an opportunity. A temporal tipping point. Whatever happens today, will change future events, create its own timeline, its own reality. The future pivots around you, here, now. So do good, for humanity, for Magical Girls, and for Earth."

"Right. No pressure there, then." Amy said.

"We can't share the planet. Nobody on the surface is going to go for this idea. It is just too big a leap. And by the looks of things, the sharing between humanity and Magical Girls have been a secret." Nasreen said.

"Come on, Nasreen. Be awesome! I know you can do it. Have some faith." Jared said, happily.


"Okay. Bringing things to order. The first meeting of representatives of the human race, Magical Girls, and Homo Reptilia is now in session." The Doctor said.

"I bet you haven't said that before, Doctor." Sayaka said, smiling.

"It's kinda stupid." Kyoko said.

"But awesome!" Madoka said.

"Carry on. Now, Mo. Let's go and get your son. And Madoka, time to get your mentor. Oh, you know, humans and Magical Girls, and their predecessors shooting the breeze. Never thought I'd see it." The Doctor said, walking away with Jared, Madoka, and Mo.

Store room…

"Um, they, they look like lifts." Homura said. "I think."

Five travel discs are lined up.

"So we get on those, and they take us down through the Earth?" Mack asked.

"Geothermal gravity bubbles, or something." Rory said.

"They sent five. She was our only bargaining chip." Ambrose said.

"We have to hand her back."

"Wait. Before we go down, there's something I've got to do. Dad? I need your help."


"Do, do you know where Madoka is?" Homura asked.

"She's probably with the Doctor, Jared, and Amy." Rory said. "They're fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You and Madoka are inseparable."


"Yeah. Everything will work out."

Stasis pod…

"Elliot and Mami." Jared said, taking out Mami's Soul Gem out of his pocket. "There you both are."

"Did you hurt Mami?" Madoka asked. "And Elliot?"

"Of course not. I only store the young." Malohkeh said.

"But why? Why would you do that?"

"I took samples of the young, slowed their lifecycles to a millionth of their normal rate so I could study how they grew, what they needed, how they lived on the surface." Malohkeh said.

"You've been down here working by yourself, all alone?" The Doctor asked.

"My family, through the millennia, and for the last three hundred years, just me. I never meant to harm your child or your mentor."

"Malohkeh, I rather love you."

"It's safe. We can wake him." Malohkeh said, unhooking Elliot from the wires. "Come."

Jared places Mami's Soul Gem in her hand, waking the blonde Magical Girl up, "Hi."

"What happened?" Mami asked.

"It's okay. You're safe now." Jared said, as Mami walked out of her stasis pod.

"Where are we?"

"About that." Madoka said, sadly. "We're in the center of the Earth. And we met lizard people."

"Hi." Malohkeh said, looking between Mami and Elliot. "To the both of you."

"Wow." Elliot said.

"Elliot, I'm sorry about what happened." Jared said, frowning. "I forgot about what will happen. I, I thought Mami would keep you safe."

"It's okay. I forgive you."

"I was pretty cool though." Mami said. "With my guns?"

"Yeah!" Elliot said, excitedly. "You were. You were like a superhero!"

"Why did you think Sayaka and I became Magical Girls?" Madoka asked.

"You go on, Doctor, Jared. I'll catch up." Malohkeh said.

"Storage facility nineteen operational." The computer said.


"We lived on the surface of the planet long before you did. Our sole purpose has been to return to our rightful place." Eldane said.

"And we've got a planet that can't already sustain the people who live there. And you want to add a whole other species to drain resources…" Nasreen said.


"Blake, this is why when I was on that adventure. With the Silurians. I thought of you. Humanity, Magical Girls, and the Silurians living together in harmony. Peace and tranquility. On equal grounds." Jared said, sadly. "You were fighting with Sun, your parents, and Ilia against Adam and the White Fang. For equality for the humans and the Faunus. That's how much you meant to me. You're one of the people I rely on, and part of my family."

Jared looked back at all of Team RWBY still hugging them tightly.


"So, what about the areas that aren't habitable to us? Australian outback, Sahara desert, Nevada plains. They're all deserted." Amy said.

"Yes, fine, but what happens when their population grows and breeds and spreads? And anyway, what benefit does humanity and Magical Girls get, and how will we ever sell this to people on the surface?" Nasreen asked.

"I don't know." Sayaka said. "We were against Walpurgisnacht and we barely made it."

"And everyone is still recovering from that." Kyoko said, crossing her arms. "But that was in the late 2000s to the early 2010s. A lot can change since then. Like hell, what even happened within this last decade?"

"If I could get a word in, maybe I could tell you. You give us space, we can bring new sources of energy, something to help with Witches and the system the Incubators created, new methods of water supply, new medicines, scientific advances. We were a great civilisation. You provide a place for us on the surface, we'll give you knowledge and technology beyond humanity's and Magical Girl's dreams. If we work together, this planet could achieve greatness." Eldane said.

"Okay. Now I'm starting to see it." Nasreen said.

"Oh yeah." Amy said.

The Doctor and Jared enter with Mo, Elliot, Madoka, and Mami.

"Not bad for a first session. More similarities than differences." The Doctor said.

"The transport has returned. Your friends are here." Eldane said.


"Hello?" Homura asked, telepathically.

Homura is walking in the tunnel with Rory taking the lead.

"Homura?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Is that the rest of your friends?" Rory asked.

"Y...yeah." Homura said, happily. "It is."

(Jared's POV)


Rory and Homura appear in the doorway, followed by Ambrose, then Mack carrying Alaya's body wrapped in a blanket.

"And there they are!" Sayaka said, excitedly.

"Homura!" Madoka said, running up to Homura for a hug.

"Madoka!" Homura said, letting out some tears.

"The hell happened?" Kyoko asked. "Something's wrong here."

"What's that?" Mami asked. "Is that a body bag?"

"Son of a bitch!" I said, annoyed. "Don't tell me you did what I think I remember."

Mack lays Alaya on the floor.

"What did you do?" Madoka asked.

"It was me. I did it." Ambrose said.

"Mum?" Elliot asked.

"I just wanted you back."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. And Jared forgot. He had it rough recently. You have to believe me, they're better than this.�� The Doctor said, sadly.

"This is our planet!" Ambrose said, angrily.

"We had a chance here." The Doctor said.

"Leave us alone."

"In future, when you talk about this, you tell people there was a chance but you were so much less than the best of humanity."

Restac and her troops march in, "My sister. Oh. And you want us to trust these apes, Doctor?"

"One woman. She was scared for her family. She is not typical." The Doctor said.

"I think she is." Restac said.

"One person let us down, but there is a whole race of dazzling, peaceful human beings up there."

"Like, come on! You were building something amazing here. An alliance between humanity, Magical Girls, and the Silurians. It could work!" I said, grabbing Madoka's hand.

"It's too late for that, Doctor, Jared." Ambrose said.

"How come?" Madoka asked.

"Our drill is set to start burrowing again in fifteen minutes."

"What? Why did you do that?" Sayaka asked.

"What choice did I have? They had Elliot." Ambrose said.

"The hell were you thinking? Don't call their bluff! Don't do this!" Kyoko said, angrily.

"Let us go back. And you promise to never come to the surface ever again. We'll walk away, leave you alone."

"Execute her." Restac said.

"Oh, no you don't!" I said, holding out my music note pendant. "Aqours, set up!"

My armor went on me as quickly as possible as it analyzed the situation, it then supposed Juliet's Rose in compact mode.

"Master." Aqours said. "There seems to be futuristic technology. Did you want this weapon?"


I turned my back to see the Holy Quintet transformed too, "Hey, Spaceman, Madoka, protect Ambrose. Sayaka, protect Elliot. Kyoko, you take Amy. Homura, you do Rory. Mami, you do Tony. Got it?"

"No!" The Doctor said, as he and Madoka grabbed Ambrose and they ran. "Everybody, back to the lab. Run."

"Execute all the apes and the Magical Girls." Restac said.

I sent out some Kill Juliet bullets out of the dual scythe pistols for the Silurian weapons to explode, "This is a deadly weapon. It's Juliet's Rose. Stay back. It's my favorite fusion of Igalima and Crescent Rose."

I dodge a lashing tongue.


"Guys, go to the lab. I'll cover you." I said, aiming the dual pistols at the Silurians. "Doctor, you too. This is my fight for the day."

"Go. Go." Rory said.

"Don't move. I'll use my weapon fusion again. Come on, we can go back to negotiating, okay? This is your last chance. If there's no deal, go back to hibernation. All of you, right now. Please! The fighting ends here."

"No. It only ends with our victory." Restac said.

"And you wasted your last chance." I said, running off with the Doctor. "Come on, Spaceman. Sorry you saw that!"


The Doctor seals the door, "Elliot, you and your dad with Sayaka and Kyoko keep your eyes on that screen. Let me know if we get company. Amy, keep reminding me how much time I haven't got."

"Okay. Um, er, twelve minutes till drill impact." Amy said.

"Tony Mack. Sweaty forehead, dilated pupils. What are you hiding?" The Doctor asked.

The green veins are all across his chest.

"Tony, what happened?" Nasreen asked.

"Alaya's sting. She said there's no cure. I'm dying, aren't I?" Mack asked.

"You're not dying, you're mutating." Sayaka said, sadly.

"How can I stop it?" Mack asked.

"Maybe a bit of decontamination could work? I don't know. Eldane, can you do a bit of it on Tony?" I asked, squeezing Mami's hand.

"Jared, a shitload of Silurians are coming here!" Kyoko said. "We're surrounded."

"Okay, how do we stop the drill? If we can't get there in time?" Sayaka asked.

"Um, how do we get out? When we're surrounded." Homura said.

"Nasreen, I'm sorry. But an energy pulse has to be channeled up through the tunnels. To the base of your drill." Mami said. "There isn't another way."

"To blow up my life's work?" Nasreen asked.

"I really am sorry. But the Doctor, Jared, and I are the planners. And strategic."

"There's no way of doing both." Madoka said, sadly. "I think."

"Right, well, you're going to have to do it before the drill hits the city, in er…" Nasreen said.

"Eleven minutes forty seconds." Amy said.

"Yes. Squeaky bum time." The Doctor said.

"Yes, but the explosion is going to cave in all the surrounding tunnels, so we have to be out and on the surface by then." Nasreen said.

"But we can't get past Restac's troops." Rory said.

"I can help with that. Toxic Fumigation. An emergency failsafe meant to protect my species from infection. A warning signal to occupy cryo-chambers. After that, citywide fumigation by toxic gas. Then the city shuts down." Eldane said.

"You could end up killing your own people." Amy said.

"Only those foolish enough to follow Restac."

"Eldane, you sure you want to do this?" I asked. "You really sure?"

"My priority is my race's survival. The Earth isn't ready for us to return yet. It was ready for Magical Girls. Since they were still human beforehand." Eldane said.

"No." The Doctor said.

"Ten minutes, Doctor." Amy said.

"But maybe it should be. So, here's a deal. Everybody listening. Eldane, you activate shutdown. I'll amend the system, set your alarm for a thousand years time. A thousand years to sort the planet out. To be ready. Pass it on. As legend, or prophesy, or religion, but somehow make it known. This planet is to be shared." The Doctor said.

"Yeah. I get you." Elliot said.

"Nine minutes, seven seconds." Amy said.

"Yes. Fluid controls, my favourite. Energy pulse. Timed, primed and set. Before we go, energy barricade. Need to cancel it out quickly."

"Fumigation pre-launching." Eldane said.

"There's not much time for us to get from here to the surface, Doctor, Jared." Rory said.

"Ah ha, super-squeaky bum time. Get ready to run for your lives. Now." The Doctor said.

"But the decontamination program on your friend hasn't started yet." Eldane said.

"Well, go. All of you, go." Mack said.

"No, we're not leaving you here." Ambrose said.

"Granddad." Elliot said, sadly.

"Eight minutes ten seconds." Amy said.

"Now you look after your mum. You mustn't blame her. She only did what she thought was right." Mack said.

"I'm not going to see you again, am I?" Elliot asked.

"I'll be here, always. I love you, boy. You be sure he gets home safe."

"This is my fault." Ambrose said, letting out tears.

"No, I can't go back up there. I'd be a freak show. The technology down here's my only hope." Mack said.

"I love you, Dad."

"Go. Go." Mack said.

Madoka, Mami, and Homura ran off with Ambrose and Elliot.

"Come on." Mo said.

"Go on." Mack said.

"Toxic fumigation initiated." The computer said.

I ran off with Sayaka and Kyoko too.


"So, what's the plan?" Sayaka asked.

"Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, go back to the TARDIS. Protect everyone." I said, looking at the Holy Quintet. "Madoka, Homura, stay with me."

"Are you sure?" Homura asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"The hell are we gonna get there?" Kyoko asked.

"You guys are Magical Girls. You are like huntsmen and huntresses. You can do anything." I said, happily.

I ran back into the lab with Madoka and Homura, giving a salute to Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami.


"Toxic fumigation initiated." The computer said.

"They're going back into hibernation. We're safe. We're cleared." Madoka said.

"Okay, everyone follow Nasreen, Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami. Look for a blue box. Get ready to run!" I said, excitedly. "Because there's gonna be a lot of it. Hope you guys are ready for some cardio!"

"Return to cryo-chambers." The computer said.

"I'm sorry." The Doctor said.

"I thought for a moment, our race, Magical Girls, and the humans…" Eldane said.

"Yeah, me too." The Doctor said.

"Me three." I said, frowning.

"Doctor, Jared, we've got less than six minutes." Amy said.

"Go, with Madoka and Homura. We'll be fine."

"You sure?" Madoka asked.


"Just." Homura said, sadly. "Just come back to us safe and sound."

"Don't worry." I said, walking up to Homura for a hug. "We'll be right behind you. I promise. Nasreen, Doctor, let's get the hell out of here."

Amy ran off with Madoka and Homura.

"I'm not coming either." Nasreen said.

"What?" The Doctor asked.


Amy goes back for the Doctor and I with Madoka and Homura, "Oh, for goodness sake."


"We're going to hibernate with them, me and Tony." Nasreen said.

"Doctor, Jared, you must go." Eldane said.

"I can be decontaminated when we're woken. All the time in the world." Mack said.

"But Nasreen, you can't stay here. This place is full of Silurians. Your research. It'll be blown up!" I said, looking around.

"No, this is perfect. I don't want to go. I've got what I was digging for. I can't leave when I've only just found it." Nasreen said.

"Doctor!" Amy said. "Jared!"

"Thank you, Doctor, Jared." Nasreen said.

"You're welcome!" I said, smiling. "It was nice doing this. Trying it out."

"The pleasure was all ours." The Doctor said.

"Come and look for us." Nasreen said.


"You promised that humanity, Magical Girls, and Silurians would live together in harmony." Ruby said.

"I did. But it's only a possible future." I said, sadly.


"Immediate evacuation." The computer said.

"Amy. Your dummy of a fiancée is heading the wrong way!" Kyoko said, annoyed.

Rory passes us.

"Kyoko's right. Other way, idiot." Amy said.

"Toxic fumigation is about to commence. Immediate evacuation." The computer said.

"Come on." I said, happily. "We don't have much time."

"Toxic fumigation is about to commence."

Outside the Tardis…

"No questions, just get in. And yes, I know, it's big. Ambrose, sickbay up the stairs, left, then left again, Get yourself fixed up." The Doctor said.

Ambrose, Elliot, Mo, Mami, Sayaka, and Kyoko entered the TARDIS.

"Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko, make sure they're safe and sound while in the blue box!" I said, looking at Madoka and Sayaka. "We've got only five minutes to go. Crap. Not here…"

There is a crack in the wall.

"Not now. It's getting wider." The Doctor said.

"Um, what's that?" Homura asked.

"The crack on my bedroom wall." Amy said.

"This is two parts of time and space. That should have never touched together. It's right here, right?" Madoka asked. "How do I know that?"

"It's your other self. The one who's the Law of Cycles. Memories of her are flowing through to you. Even from the Byzantium." I said, looking at Madoka. "All throughout this universe, the one Madokami can't interfere with. It rips through the time space continuum."

"What is it?" Homura asked.

"Some sort of space-time cataclysm. An explosion, maybe. Big enough to put cracks in the universe. But what?" The Doctor asked.

"Four minutes fifty. We have to go." Amy said.

"The Angels laughed when I didn't know. Prisoner Zero knew. Everybody knows except me." The Doctor said.

"The Law of Cycles couldn't interfere with this universe for several reasons. Due to Iroha tripping over a pebble and becoming a Magical Girl, the Reality Bomb, and now the cracks in time." I said, kicking my foot back and forth.

"Doctor, Jared, just leave it." Amy said.

"But where there's an explosion, there's shrapnel." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, you can't put your hand in there." Rory said.

The Doctor puts a red handkerchief over his hand and reaches into the crack, "Why not?"

I took out a part of Ruby's disheveled cape and I had it over my hand and I also reached into the crack, "I don't know, Spaceman. It could be anything."

"Are you okay?" Madoka asked.

"Argh! I'm fine."

"Argh. I've got something." The Doctor said.

"Same." I said, gripping onto what I found tight. "The hell did I pick up?"

"Um, what is it?" Homura asked.

The Doctor and I pulled our arms back out.

"I don't know." The Doctor said.

"Neither do I." I said, feeling that it's probably a hair clip and a ribbon. "Okay, that feels familiar."

"Doctor?" Rory asked. "Jared?"

"Is that Restac?" Madoka asked.

Restac crawls in.

"How, how did she…" Homura said, at a loss for words.

"She was there when the gas started. She must have been poisoned." Amy said.

"You." Restac said.

"Okay, get in the Tardis, all of you." The Doctor said.

"You did this."

"I know." I said, while Restac raises her weapon.

"Doctor!" Rory said.

"Jared!" Homura said.

Rory pushes the Doctor and Homura pushes me out of the way and the two of them take the full force of the blast.

"Rory!" Amy said.

"Homura!" Madoka said.

Amy ran towards Rory as Madoka ran over to Homura.

��Rory, Homura, can you hear me?" I asked, looking between Rory and Homura.

"I don't understand." Rory said.

"Shush. Don't talk. Doctor, Jared, are they okay? We have to get Rory and Homura onto the Tardis." Amy said.

"We were on the hill. I can't die here."

"Don't say that."

"You're so beautiful. I'm sorry."

Rory dies.

"Madoka, we're, we're not even from the same time." Homura said, sadly.

"Jared told me you're able to time travel, right?" Madoka asked. "You can see me again."

"I don't know. Madoka, I, I wanted to see you again. But not like this."

"Same. Can I help you?"

"Um, I don't think you can." Homura said.

Homura dies with her Soul Gem completely black. She is quickly turning into a Witch.

"Doctor, Jared, help them." Amy said.

Light from the crack reaches Rory's feet and Homura's feet.

"I don't think we can help them." I said, grabbing Madoka's hand. "Not anymore. This is the future I didn't want to happen. I'm sorry. The cracks in time are dangerous."

I let go of Madoka's hand but she's too fixated on trying to help out Homura, and save him somehow.

"Amy, Madoka, move away from the light. If it touches the both of you, you'll be wiped from history. Girls, move away now." The Doctor said.

"No. I am not leaving him. We have to help him." Amy said.

"And we have to help Homura!" Madoka said. "We can't give up now. This is a horrible way to die!"

"Girls, the light is already around Homura and Rory. We can't help either of them." I said, looking at Rory and Homura.

"I am not leaving Rory." Amy said.

"And I'm not leaving Homura. She's done so much for me. For Sayaka! For Kyoko! For Mami! I can't!" Madoka said, letting out tears.

"We have to." I said, letting out a sigh.

"No!" Amy and Madoka said, at the same time.

"I'm sorry." The Doctor said.

"Same. I wish I could have changed it. Where no one got unscathed. But too late now." I said, looking down.

"Get off me!" Amy said, annoyed.

"Please!" Madoka said.

The Doctor drags Amy and I drag Madoka to the Tardis.

"I'm sorry." I said, frowning.

"Get off me." Amy said.

"No." Madoka said. "Homura."


The Doctor sonicks the Tardis door shut.

"No! No! No! No! Let us out. Please let us out. I need to get to Rory." Amy said.

"And I need to get to Homura! She's one of my best friends." Madoka said, running up to me.

"That light. If both of their bodies are absorbed, I'll forget Rory, and Madoka will forget Homura."

"Wait, that's terrible. Both of them never have existed. Doctor, Jared, you can't let that happen. What are you doing?"

The Doctor and I set the Tardis in motion.

"Doctor, Jared, no! No! No! No!" Amy said, annoyed.

"Stop it!" Madoka said, grabbing my hand. "You can't do that! It's wrong! Leaving them behind."

Rory and Homura are absorbed by the light from the crack as the Tardis dematerialises.

"I know." I said, flicking another switch on the TARDIS console. "And there's nothing I can do. I can't change history."

"Doctor, Jared, we can't just leave them there." Amy said.

"We can't." Madoka said.

"Amy, keep Rory in your mind. Don't forget him. If you forget him, you'll lose him forever." The Doctor said.

"And Madoka, do the same with Homura. Don't forget her, okay?" I asked, leaning against the TARDIS console.

"I won't. I know I won't." Madoka said, grabbing my hand.

"When we were on the Byzantium, I still remembered the Clerics because I am a time traveller now, you said." Amy said.

"The Clerics weren't part of your world, Amy. And Team RWBY and JNPR aren't part of your world, Madoka. This is different for the both of you! Amy, your own history will change if you forget Rory. And Madoka, your own history will change if you forget Homura." I said, looking between Madoka and Amy.

"Don't tell us it's going to be okay. Both of you have to make it okay." Amy said.

"It's going to be hard, but you can do it, Amy. Tell me about Rory, eh? Fantastic Rory. Funny Rory. Gorgeous Rory." The Doctor said.

"And you can do it too, Madoka. Homura means flame, right? Where you're flaring up passionately or something. Homura's awesome. She does anything for you. She rewound time dozens of times. She's funny and cute whenever she's shy. Her ribbons when her hair is braided." I said, looking at Madoka.

"Amy, Madoka, listen to us. Do exactly as we say. Girls, please. Keep concentrating. You can do this."

"I can't." Amy said.

"Neither can I." Madoka said.

"Yes, you can. Both of you can do it." I said, leaning against the TARDIS console. "I know you can. We can't help you unless both of you do it. Come on, please. Girls! Madoka Kaname and Amelia Pond! We can still save the memory of Rory Williams and Homura Akemi!"

"Come on, Amy, Madoka, come on, Madoka. Girls, please. Don't let anything distract you. Remember Rory and Homura. Keep remembering. Rory and Homura are only alive in your memory. The two of you must keep hold of them. Don't let anything distract you. Rory and Homura still live in your minds." The Doctor said.

The memory of Rory Williams and Homura Akemi disappeared completely from my mind in an instant. The Tardis comes to a sudden halt.

"Talk about a bad landing." I said, noticing some purple bows on the floor. "What…"

We are thrown to the floor. The ring box lands in front of the Doctor.

"What were you saying?" Amy asked.

"I don't know." I said, placing the purple bows inside my hoodie pocket. "Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko?"

"Yes." Mami said, running down the stairs.

"Yeah." Kyoko said, behind Mami with Sayaka.

"What's up?" Sayaka asked. "Did we make it out of the tunnels?"

"I don't know." Madoka said.

"I have seen some things today, but this is beyond mad." Mo said.

"Doctor. Jared. Five seconds till it all goes up." Amy said.


"That was a cool explosion." Sayaka said.

We all dash outside just in time to see the drilling derrick explode.

"But it's a bit sad." Mami said, frowning.

"All Nasreen's work just erased." Amy said.

"Good thing she's not here to see it. She's going to give Tony hell when they wake up." Mo said.

Church porch…

"The both of you could've let those things shoot me. You saved me." Ambrose said.

"An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth, Ambrose." I said, eating some green tea Pocky. "It's never the way I want for others. What we want, unless we really have to."

"Jared's right, Team RWBY and Symphogear showed him that." The Doctor said. "Now you show your son how wrong you were, how there's another way. You make him the best of humanity, in the way you couldn't be."


Amy, the Doctor, and I return to the Tardis.

"You're very quiet. Oh. Hey, look. There I am again. Hello, me." Amy said.

A lone figure waves back from the other side of the valley.

"Man, I love Pocky." I said, eating the Pocky. "I should get mochi at some point. So, Amy. Are you okay?"

"I thought I saw someone else there for a second. I need a holiday. Didn't we talk about Rio?" Amy asked.

"Rio sounds good. I need a vacation too. And that's right after I spend some time with Team RNJR, Weiss, and Yang." I said, excitedly.

"You two go in. Just fix this lock. Keeps jamming." The Doctor said.

"You boys and your locksmithery." Amy said, entering the TARDIS with me.


"So, what are you gonna see with your friends?"

"I don't know." I said, holding a black ribbon and a hairpiece in my hand. "To be honest."

I went into my pocket to see that there's two purple bows there.

"What's that?" Madoka asked, walking down the stairs.

"I don't know. It might be important." I said. "Purple bows? Know anyone that wears them?"

"No. I don't think so."

(Open POV)


The shrapnel the Doctor pulled from the crack is a charred piece of the Tardis, "This is bad. I have to talk to Jared."