Chapter 3: Just as I Am

Arakna followed the little boy. She didn't understand why, but she also didn't know where to go. As they walked further into the trees, she could see a cottage coming into view. The little boy ran toward the home, "Mom! Mom! I brought someone!" Arakna watched carefully as a woman walked out the door and grabbed her son from running back to Arakna. Arakna stopped in front of them, when the woman frighteningly with a shaky voice said, "You need to leave."

The boy looked up at his mother, "Mom she's my friend!"

"She's no friend dear, she has demon blood in her."

"She didn't hurt me."

The mother glanced up at Arakna and back at her boy, "Ian I said no. You cannot trust halfbreeds."

Arakna turned around to just leave, she hated stuff like this, nor cared for this. She could just rest some more hidden in the trees-she stopped to look down at a little hand holding hers.

"Please stay Arakna." He pleaded

Arakna studied his face. His blonde hair was short and his brown eyes, felt comforting.

"Listen to your mother." Is all she said as she started walking away.

"She's hurt mom! Please, please let her stay."

The mom watched her limping away with torn clothes filled with blood and dirt. Her chains on her wrist and ankles only showed an ounce of the pain this once angel must have endured.

"Come back! You can stay." She said reluctantly. Ian ran over and grabbed the halfbreed's hand once more. The halfbreed turned to look at her. Her light purple hair seemed to have a hint of silver and her eyes were no longer sky blue as an angels. Her eyes glared at her, purple, black, and red as if a painter just splashed paint together. She turned away afraid of what she'd done and walked inside her home.

Arakna walked back with Ian trying to grab her hand again.

"Don't do that."


"I don't like it."

Ian giggled, "You're funny." and ran off in the house.

Arakna sighed and followed him in to find his mother in the kitchen.

Arakna stood there unsure of what to do. She never intermingled with humans as an angel and here she was in their home.

Ian's mother turned to see Arakna looking around. She trailed her eyes to her filthy hair to her chains.

"I can't help with those, they look to heavy for me to swing an axe. You can take a bath, just grab the bucket and go out back. We have a well and a barrel tub right behind our home. Clean yourself up and come back inside. I'll place some spare clothes on the seat by the tub for you."

Ian's mother walked in her room looking for something for this halfbreed to wear. Even though this halfbreed looked feminine, she didn't seem feminine in the least bit. She looked to her late husband's clothes. She sighed and grabbed a shirt and pants.

Once she grabbed the clothes she found the halfbreed staring at the well.

"I gather you don't know how to use it." She passed the clothes over and started pumping water into the bucket. "My name is Elle. Those are my late husband's clothes." Arakna looked at the clothes.

"I am Arakna." Is all she said to Elle that night.