Chapter 22: Enter into Darkness

Darcian and Arakna flew until the sun began to rise. Arakna started to fly down, Darcian following.

"How are you holding up?" Darcian asked.

"Fine. I just want to sit for a moment."

Darcian nodded, "Sure, I'll go scout the area for some food or water."

Arakna started to get up.

"It's fine." Darcian reassured, but it was no use as Arakna walked passed him.

"You know, others would misinterpret you as being upset."


"You stay quiet in moments that need 'cushioning'."

Arakna looked around, "It's not my place to help others understand me or my motives. I am who I am."

Darcian smiled, "I respect that. You have a warriors awkwardness toward gentleness. Although, I am not like that."

"Oh? You stated yourself you watched humans be tortured and did nothing." Arakna reminded him.

Darcian paused in his steps, "It's the guilt I feel that reminds me that at the time I wasn't just a blind loyal angel that considered what I did just 'a part of my duty'."

Arakna stayed in thought. She was one of those angels that found everything to be a part of her duty, no questions asked. Darcian walked further, pulling some plants from the ground, then some berries from a shrub.

Arakna looked down realizing she was going to miss Razo's cooking when she looked up, "You sense that?"

Darcian was already looking afar, "Yeah, four demons and one tainted angel." Darcian rolled his shoulders, "I need one of your blades."

Arakna, without hesitation tossed one to him. Darcian grabbed the blade when he looked down at it, "You have blessed weapons." Looking up at Arakna he smiled, "Someone's looking out for you." He winked, then leapt into the air flying directly toward the tainted angels location.

Arakna grabbed her blade and looked for a moment at it, was it Father or Uriel? After, she ran on foot, releasing her red aura to hide her presence. She figured Darcian would make a big enough scene that she might be able to sneak in. What if it was Uriel? She thought to herself. It couldn't be, she reassured herself. She'd seen Uriel in battle before and although he wasn't Darcian's size, he could easily take on at least 10 demons. Still, she ran a little faster.

Darcian flew immediately down, hardening his wings, cutting trees in half. A loud bang echoed across the land, when then his blade collided with the demons sword. The demon with glowing green eyes and long black hair snarled at him. Darcian smiled, "Thought I'd join in on the fun!" The demon forcefully shoved Darcian off, making Darcian press firmly into the ground. Two demons held this short white haired, silver eyed angel by his arms, while one hand covered his mouth. He was a small angel, the type meant to whisper in children's ears and protect up to a certain extreme, yet here he was, tainted.

Darcian knew there were four demons, yet three were in his field of view, when he heard a slight sound behind him. He immediately rolled, now in a kneeling position, low to the ground. The demon slammed his axe into the ground, rubble flew into the air.

"Well I see where the muscle is at now." Darcian remarked as the demon stood up. It had dirty brown hair, it's bottom teeth protruding. He turned to face Darcian with his red eyes.

Darcian placed the blade in front of him, the demon slammed his axe at him. Darcian slid to his side and kicked the demons ankle, which didn't seemed to be impacted at all.

This will require more force, Darcian thought as he jumped back, dodging the demons swing. Once again the green eyed demon came from behind and swung at mid level, forcing Darcian to flip over it.

Darcian landed staring at both demons now. Things would be simpler had there been no hostage. Darcian glanced at the small tainted angel, who hadn't moved. Darcian understood why this angel wasn't even fighting back. What would he do? Get away to find himself in another demons grasp?

"Hey, little guy." Darcian said to the angel.

The angel didn't look up. Darcian speaking to this angel angered one of the weaker demons, that it slapped him across its face.

Darcian felt his anger rise.

"This is our little pet." The green eyed demon replied, "Just leave and we won't have to kill you."

Darcian smiled, "Are you serious?"

A demon grabbed the little angels hair, forcing his head to shake back and forth, making him look at this new demon that wanted him.

The little angel looked at this new demon. He didn't look like a monster like this big beast, nor carried himself like this green-eyed demon, but he still was built strong and tall. He still looked scary, but just then the demon spoke to him while his silver eyes seem to sparkle.

"Hey, little angel. I won't hurt you, but you have to trust me."

Suddenly the massive beast slammed his weapon into the ground, causing the ground to crackle. Darcian hardened his wings, spinning low, his wings sliced easily through the beats legs. The demon fell on his back, as it screamed.

"You son of a bitch!" The green eyed demon said, slamming his blade on Darcian's wing.

"That won't do." Darcian said shoving him off.

"You were toying with us!" The demon growled out.

Darcian shrugged, "Yeah, I mean. You are stronger than most demons I encounter in this world, but you haven't encountered many demons like me. Or anyone like her." He said gesturing back to the angel.

The green-eyed demon looked back to see his men decapitated on the floor. The demon grew angry, "Alright, let's play."

The angel went wide-eyed, grabbed Arakna's hand and placed a white shield around them.

Their surrounding instantly changed into darkness.

Arakna looked around, "What just happened?" She asked the angel.

"He's able to go into our minds. This is how he tricked me."

Arakna touched the white shield, "You're a protector."

The angel nodded, "You're a halfbreed."

Arakna remained silent.

"I protected us, so that we are aware that we are in his world within our minds. That other demon, doesn't know." The little angel said worried.

Arakna looked down at the angel, "He's my help. I need to find him."

The angel looked at her with worried eyes, "He killed the family I was protecting. I couldn't save them."

Arakna knelt down, "Look, I'm not good at this. I am not perfect as you can see. I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm going to see to it that this mind demon dies. So let me out."

The angel let down his shield. The darkness held still and very quiet. The little angel grabbed Arakna's hand, which made her pull her hand away.

"Please, we can't separate. If we do, we might get lost. You especially, might forget this isn't real. Even though it'll feel very real....even when we are aware." The angel explained to her.

Arakna looked down at the little angel, who reminded her of Ian. Clearly there was no way this angel was young, but he was so gentle, fragile, and innocent. What could've tainted such a little innocent thing? Arakna thought as she hesitantly grabbed the angels hand.

"Let's go." Arakna said as their steps echoed in the dark.