World 1.6

Jihoon went to school the next day, he could feel those piercing eyes on him as he walked through the hallway. Everybody was murmuring some uncomfortable words, he looked down and ignored it.

"Jihoon Chung class 1-1?? Is that you? come with me to the office" the professor who just walked out from the faculty room ordered him as he hurriedly went inside.

"Please take a seat Mr. Chung" the principal said to him as he took the seat in front of the table.

"We would like to apologize for trying to suspend your scholarship and also we already found the culprit who posted your malicious picture together with Mr. Daewon Wong" the principal explained to the male who seems shocked from what he heard. He showed some respect as 'Thank you' before heading out.

Jihoon went to his classroom with thoughts on his head, his conscience was bothering him. The guilt he was feeling was heavy, he slapped Daewon that day because he thought that the alpha was the culprit behind everything and just trying to play his feelings. Daewon didn't attend the first period until it was recess time, Jihoon was left alone in the classroom as everyone headed to the cafeteria.

He snapped back when Sunghoo tapped his face with a cold soda "Hey Jihoon! don't skip meals, take this'' the beta smiled at him. The omega bowed showing his thanks "You're really quiet ehh, so Daewon like a silent type" he chuckles leaving redness on Jihoon's cheeks

"He's at the school garden, I told him to stop skipping class, you should stop him" he pat Jihoon's head "Hurry! recess will end at 20 minutes" he added

Jihoon didn't hesitate to run as fast as he could, he was catching his breath when he reached the school garden, the fragrant scents from the flowers beside the pathway is sweet, the wind is just enough for it, there he saw someone under the shady tree; he slowly walked closer to Yang. He was not mistaken, the alpha was sleeping soundly. Jihoon sat beside him as he scanned Yang's perfect face, The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. His thick eyebrows and long eyelashes suit his sea rover-blue eyes. He's indeed a dominant Alpha.

"How long are you going to stare at me?" Yang gently spoke which caused Jihoon to snap and flinched backwards. He grabbed the alpha's hand leaving a piece of paper on it's grip and then he stood up and ran away. The words written in the paper was 'I'M SORRY IF I SLAPPED YOU' Yang was left there stunned but the smile on his face was priceless.


{Author! Did you hear that? the love meter just raised to 40%!! Im halfway}

AUTHOR: Halfway your foot! half of 100 is 50, idiot! you need 10% more to reach half of the mission

{Damn! It's only 10% can you atleast celebrate with me this time}

AUTHOR: Atleast study Math before celebrating

{ I hate you!}

AUTHOR: Who told you I like you?

{ '_' }

The class is over. As usual Yang was left again to help the other class with their remedial time and of course to take back the lesson he skipped earlier. He's not only the top student, he was also the school organization's president and today is not a lucky day for him, the school will soon hold an event and he's the one assigned for it. In other words, he finished at exactly 6pm, the sun was already down.

"Jihoon?!" He almost jumped out from panic when he saw the omega standing beside the door

"A-Are you waiting for me? all this time??!" Yang exclaimed again, Jihoon nodded and then hand him again a piece of paper; his hands was shaking


Yang smirked, he pushed Jihoon against the wall and then cornered him with his both hands "Anything? really?" he whispered

Jihoon froze in astonishment, his heart was beating so loudly that Yang might hear it. He can't even move his eyes away because this alpha was looking straight into his sight. "How about a kiss Jihoon?" his eyes widened when Yang bent closer to his face, they're already feeling each other's breath.

The omega closed his eyes very tightly as if he's really waiting for a kiss, Yang smiled seeing how Jihoon blushed. But instead of kissing, he flicked the male's forehead "Why so nervous? I'm just kidding" he said

Yang held Jihoon's hand "Let's go.." he said as they walked together "Let's eat dinner.. Damn! I'm so hungry, you should have helped me there, don't just stand outside next time, What do you want to eat? Im craving for some meat"

The omega behind following the man's pace while holding his hand can't stop smiling, seeing how Yang was comfortable around him, he felt a bit secured. It was only Yang who let him experience this feeling, it was all new to him but somehow it scared him.

Jihoon ended up inviting the alpha to their house and cooked dinner for them, they enjoyed the food together with his father and as usual Yang helped him wash the dishes while Jihoon wiped it one by one. They look cute together just like a husband and wife.

"Jihoon, Did you have someone you like?" Yang asked out of the blue

The round ceramic plate shattered into pieces as it suddenly slipped from Jihoon's hands. "Im sorry! Im sorry!" Yang hurriedly picked up the broken pieces but he accidentally pricked his finger "Ouch!" he exclaimed, Jihoon immediately cleaned the mess and then helped Yang put band aid on his finger.

Yang went home frustrated. He was scolding his self on his mind for asking that stupid question to Jihoon..

{Author what should I do? Did I make him mad?"}

AUTHOR: What do you think?

{ Man! Are you answering my question by another question?! Seriously!?}

AUTHOR: It's your fault.. I told you to take things slowly


"Wait! What?! Is this for real???!!!" Yang almost threw his soul out

{So it means that Jihoon likes me?!}

AUTHOR: Stop being too cocky, it's not yet 100%

{ But it means I have a chance! Damn! I'm starting to like this love meter thing}

Yang excitedly wrapped himself into the blanket with a smile up to his ears..

"I guess I'm having a good sleep tonight" he thought