Second Arc 1.12

Qi Zhou ceased his forehead. "Your highness, then who is this Mei Shin?.  It was the given name of Lady Daiyu's friend." he bowed his head and gave thanks for his permission to speak. 

Hearing that name, Li Jing was stiffened. She let out a small gasp after pouring tea to the prince's visitor. She remained calm and collected her composure very well. She'd never thought that she would hear that name again.

Though before the prince could answer, Hawk entered the room and explained everything. Including the fake death of Mei Shin.

Li Jing tightened her grip to the teapot in her hands. She was scared to drop it even though her fingers were shaking. Why is she so afraid though? Just from her uneasy expression, anyone would suspect her that she had something with Mei Shin.

If she could only look at herself right now. Probably, she will see her own face turning pale from nervousness.