03:00 ; Massage

" Tmorc★♪, the head of the Bear Bonds and the clown who would receive all the credit because he is one hell of a cone artist....they say he once lied about robbing a bank just to flash out the true robbers, just so that he could steal the money from them and hand it over to the police in order to receive the reward money.

Silver♠♥, the body of the Bear Bonds and as the name implies she works with her body in order to suck up bank account of very rich men. Also know as the White Viper she's famous in the underground.

Jug★♪, the tail of the Bear Bonds though the youngest of the trial, he's the wolf in sheep's clothing... in charge of making them disappear and cleaning up the loose ends, he makes sure the plans are done perfectly".

Corner returned and found Maryrose sited on his site.

" aha! Maryrose", " Corner... don't mind me I'll be on my way I just need to have a word with Erts that is all. Good day and Erts let's continue our discussion after class..",

" no no no no no, Erts and I have plans after class", " well looks like you'll have to reschedule because we've got something important we need to discuss!",

" YOU CAN'T JUST HOG HIM AWAY FROM!", " WELL WHO'S GONNA STOP ME! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY THINK HE WOULD PICK A GUY OVER A GIRL NOW WOULD YOU!", " WHY ARE YOU SO!".....I HATE YOU!!... they both yelled at each other before Miss Cooper walked in to.

There noise cost all three of us some serious trash picking all around the school while the other students were set free.

As they picked the litter Miss Cooper watched them like an eagle at a river... Genius stood at a distance with a flock of birds all around, Doce was sited on a beach not too far from him. She had promised to do Genius a favor that involved Erts as well as Winx.

Maryrose got the perfect opportunity to express her feeling to Corner, but his constant nagging kept causing her to loose focus. Erts saw Winx with the other two and he was the one they were waiting for.

Maryrose could say what she wanted, so the Erts pulled her away from him and told her to meet him by the mall tomorrow morning. She wondered why, but accepted it due to desperation.

Corner tagged along with Erts as he grouped with the other fosters. Genius told Doce to trust Erts no matter what...the eldest foster then asked Erts to help them with their false. Completely surprised Erts had no idea of what to tell them so he accepted without a second thought.

Winx felt something off about what Genius had asked, usually he's the isolated one and why on earth would he call Doce of all people. " Okay my false is an easy one... I'm a shepard and Doce over here's ...", " my false is first aid. I'm confused Gen, why on earth do you think these stink brains can help us? we're there elders and they shouldn't even be talking to us like we're equals", Doce said as she crossed her arms.