" Alright children we've got something different assigned for you today. Master Edward and I have some good news that I'm sure you'll all be excited to hear... we're going out camping!
Sure we aren't the best guardians when it comes to out door activities, but trust us the lake incident will not repeat itself. Instead we'll be out there training for a very special event known as the Garthacium".
The Garthacium is a special tournament that Garthville holds every fifteen years for the chance to win seven hundred thousand dollars and a written alliance with the military offering one request of the winner's choice.
The elder fosters weren't expecting to be part of such a big event. The younger kids looked pretty excited to be part of something so massive. As the fosters packed for there outing, Genius approached Erts and Winx...
" This isn't a good year for me, first you two get me mixed up in some crazy Clown frenzy and attached some crazy symbol onto my arm that making me do weird things and now Master Benson has us registered for the most deadly tournament of all time", Genius said as he grabbed his head in frustration.
" Ahhhh, we didn't do anything first and foremost, you we're the one who decided to follow us and got clapped in the process", Winx said before Erts pushed him to the side by saying " Listen I was planning on telling you my plans, but if you two want to keep arguing it's your own faults. The Garthacium is a major deal and its got some of the most talented kids competing".
" You two babies have no idea what goes on in there, do you?", " wait isn't it like a school sports day?", Erts asked.
" Listen it's more or less like a science fair/ treasure hunt/ gladiator duel; there's a tournament bracket that consists of sixteen slots. Since there so many people who sign up... the only way to select the best sixteen is to group the children into teams of eighteen. They are to go up against each other for a spot on the bracket
The hardest part is how your spouse to do so...the battle field is full of junk and useful supplies, the only way to knock someone someone out of the competition is with a device or machine that the contestant has built. All this has to be done in under an hour, if more than one person remains standing...the entire group gets eliminated.
This goes on until sixteen children are selected", " Wait what if all the kids are done and there isn't any one left?", Winx asked " well that's when the mix hopes in...a one for all among the ones left", Genius said.
The Garthacium wasn't sounding pretty exciting anymore.
Cupid looked at the two with dangerous intentions... Pide Piper positioned his fingers in such a way that once he bleu air out it would rest as though he held a flute. The ♔Light King produced an ora of tinny sparks... Cupid manifested a blade of pink energy from his left hand before charging at the Kings slicing.
Pide Piper played his flute, causing blue chains to rush out of the flute (there goal were to a attached themselves to others controlling them through means of music), ♚ Dark King took his rob off and tossed it at the chains. Lucius dodged every slash with ease, though Cupid wasn't so shaken up at all...in fact it was as though he enjoyed missing.
" Cupid enough playing around!", Pide Piper said. He then shot one of his chains at him. To the two kings surprise the enemies attack split the joyful fellow into two...the two identical Cupids stuck bother of there blades on the ground causing a devastating out burst of energy.
All that could be seen was a dust cloud big enough to shoot out of the mountain as though it was a volcano. Simon felt the massive power release and decided the next phase of his plan was to be executed.
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤!