24 Too Much of a Good Thing Can be Poison

Kierra woke from her nap. It was mid-day. She could tell by the way the sun hit on the floor. Her nap had taken too long. She normally didn't take one, but it had been an emotional ride for her. He looked so much like Emir and Isadar. And it had been so long since she had anyone in her home. Isadar and Mirrame were the last ones to stay in her home with her. And even then it had only been for a week. She didn't know what to say or do, and she was grateful for the fast ride she and Krevik had to make, or else who knows what she might have said. Why did he have to have those same piercing blue eyes?

Even some of his mannerisms were the same as Emir's. Why was that? Could it be that he was raised to be that way? Kierra's thoughts were swimming, and her emotions seemed to be boiling over with confusion. She didn't know how to feel. She didn't know how she should act in front of Krevik. It was something she needed to get right in her head before she faced Krevik. He was confused enough for the both of them. She needed to reign in her emotions, it wouldn't do either of them any good if neither one could trust the other, she needed to be trustworthy. She wanted Krevik to know she would do everything to protect him. Maybe it would be better if he never dreamed again. After all only his dreams could tell him where he had hidden the crest.

Isadora must have done something to Krevik to ensure the Magician, as he called himself now, couldn't get to Krevik's dreams. Whatever it was, it worked really well. It seems that Krevik found his way back home just in time though. His dreams seemed to be coming back. Isadora keeping Krevik's dreams at bay was the only logical answer. It was the only thing that made any sense. Why then was it wearing off now? Was it because Isadora thought that by now he would be old enough to fight off the Magician?

Who knows what that fiend had done to Krevik. He seemed not to like it when she used her magic for things. She would try to be considerate of him. After all, he was their hope for a better future.

All her thinking made her thirsty. It was too bad the healing waters didn't work on her mind the way they did on everyone else. The waters only worked on her body. They kept her young and healthy. Too bad… She could use a clear head. For now just a drink would do.

She walked into her living room. Krevik was gone! Where had he gone!? She knew she should have stayed awake. Technically Krevik should have still been asleep. He was exhausted this morning. She thought he would sleep all day! Maybe he too had gotten thirsty. She ran out to the well. Sure enough, sleeping like a baby, Krevik lay at the base of the well. She heaved a sigh of relief and exasperation. What was with this kid? She saw him holding a glass. The ground was wet, and there was not very much water in the bucket. Just how much did he drink? Surely not the whole bucket! A little of the water could heal, but too much and who knows what would happen!?

She knelt at his side and tried to wake him. She shook him. It wasn't working! She couldn't lose this boy now! His family had entrusted him to her! Not only that but he was a link to her precious Emir! What was she to do if too much water killed him! She kept shaking and nudging him, but his eyes wouldn't open. She needed his eyes to open! She needed him to be okay! She finally realized. If Krevik found the crest, perhaps they could defeat the Magician after all! Then, perhaps, just maybe …no matter how small the chance… perhaps… Finally she slapped him. His eyes popped open and he sprang up with a gasp. Kierra had tears in her eyes and started to laugh out of relief.

"Wha-" Krevik began.

She slapped him again. "What on earth were you thinking!?" She yelled out at him.


Krevik looked at her in shock. He hadn't expected such a human reaction from her. What was she so angry about? He stared her in the eye. It was the most honest look he had seen from her since he met her. She had been honestly relieved and then angry. But why was she angry?

"Well?" She asked, waiting for an answer. "Do you even know why I'm upset right now?"

He shook his head wide eyed. She was still kneeling next to him. Exasperated she put her head in her hands and hid her face. She was being so… human. She didn't have her unreadable doll face on. She had expressions on her face. Krevik was still looking at the Enchantress bewildered, when suddenly she stood up, mask back in place. She handed him her hand and helped him stand.

She sighed and said, " Follow me."

She led Krevik back to the house and into the kitchen. She looked in her cupboards, and began mixing things together. She had made him tea. She set it down before him only to notice that his eyebrows had been raised questioningly. It was clear her sudden change in behavior was alarming to him.


Kierra sighed and sat before him. It had left him uncomfortable standing, so he also sat. He looked at the tea before him, but didn't drink from it. He knew he should try and be nice to her. After all, hadn't she just shown she could be human? He swallowed before grasping the tea in front of him. He drew it closer to himself, warmed by the cup in his hands. He grasped it with both hands and let the warmth seep into him. He stared at the cup. Krevik could feel the Enchantress looking at him, he felt compelled to look up. He could see a kindness behind her eyes now. He wondered if she knew her humanity was showing. Some small part of him wondered if she was doing it on purpose to make him let his guard down. The magician used to say the Enchantress was far too easily influenced in the past, and had since become a betrayer of the worst kind. But he never told Krevik how she betrayed him. It seemed to be too painful. Krevik smiled at her, and drank some of his tea. He groaned. It was so delicious. He looked back at her and flashed a genuine smile. It alarmed Kierra. It was the first genuine look on Krevik's face she had seen. It was so unguarded. Oh if only he could always look that way.

"It's very good," Krevik said, still smiling, "thank you."

"I'm glad you liked it," Kierra replied the tip of her lips hinting at an incredulous smile.

"You still haven't told me what upset you earlier," Krevik said while eyeing her cautiously. The smile still played on his lips. It was the exact way Emir looked when he knew he was in trouble. He knew he was in trouble, but he would charm his way out if at all possible. And the grin that played on Krevik's face as he leaned back into his chair was just as charming as Emir's ever was. He rubbed his cheek a little to show that he remembered exactly how he had been awakened earlier. He was being defensive without outwardly showing it. He really did have too many of Emir's mannerisms. How she was going to train Krevik without thinking of Emir and the betrayal she suffered she would never know. Did she even have the strength to do it? Yes. She had to have the strength. Without her power, she did not know if Krevik would ever succeed.

Kierra cleared her throat. "I am sorry about that," Kierra started, "but you have to understand… That well is not… safe."