Chapter 13: Greeks and Romans

Just as the kiss started to heat up, someone cleared their throat, "I hope I'm not interrupting something."

Percy froze in the middle of the kiss. He opened his eyes to see Artemis' eyes wide and a look of panic on her face. Percy took a breath and peeked behind Artemis' frozen form to see someone that sent a wave of relief into his heart.

"Umm…..Hi Mom." Percy said awkwardly.

At Percy's words Artemis rolled off his lap and onto the couch next to him where he sat nervously, not looking up at Hera.

Both Artemis and Percy were broken from the awkward silence by soft laughter that began getting louder and louder. Hera was soon holding her stomach trying to calm her laughter down.

"Are you finding this humorous Mom?" Percy asked incredulously.

Hera looked up still laughing, "Your…. faces….. are….. hilarious." Hera managed out in between laughs.

Percy looked toward Artemis to see her looking like the weight of the world was lifted off her shoulders. Her face was relieved and she even had a small smile working its way on to her face.

Hera finally calmed herself down and her face morphed into a serious one, "But seriously, what are you two doing?"

Artemis' smile vanished and Percy knew she wasn't going to answer.

"We were doing exactly what it looked like Mom. I care for Artemis a lot. She feels the same way and now we are…. ah… dating, I guess you can say." Percy answered confidently.

Hera looked at Percy before her eyes shifted to Artemis. Artemis nodded her head in agreement to Percy's statement.

Hera remained emotionless before her face morphed into a wide grin, "That's wonderful." She exclaimed happily.

Artemis eyes widened, "You're okay with it?"

Hera looked at her incredulously, "Of course I am. I was hoping Percy would find someone. I couldn't ask for a girl more perfect for my little boy."

Percy scowled, "I am not a little boy mother."

Hera rolled her eyes, "I know you're not. But you are my little boy. And who better for my son than the one woman I know will never break his heart." She said in a very pleased tone.

Artemis smiled at Hera's words. She looked at Percy to see his face red but he was also smiling. Artemis reached over and grabbed his hand, making Percy's smile grow.

Hera looked at their intertwined hands and smiled, "I'm guessing this is going to be a secret for a while, correct?"

Percy looked at his Mom and nodded, "Yes, at least until after the war. Then we can deal with everyone's reaction."

Hera smiled, "Am I the only one who knows?"

Artemis nodded but Percy shook his head. Artemis looked at Percy questioningly, "Who did you tell?" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

Percy paled a little but smiled, "I didn't tell anyone. Hestia just knew. Don't tell me how but she just did."

Artemis' eyes widened before she shrugged, "She does always seem to find things out before anyone else. I trust her to not tell anyone until we're ready."

Percy nodded and smiled before his smile vanished and he turned to his mother.

"Not that I'm not always happy to see you Mom, but what the fuck were you doing here in Artemis' palace anyway?" Percy asked.

"Language Perseus!" Hera scolded.

Percy blushed, "Sorry Mom." He muttered. Artemis snickered at Percy's face.

Percy looked at Hera again and waited for an answer.

Hera smiled, "I was looking for Artemis because I knew she was back on Olympus. I went to your palace looking for you but it was empty. So I thought I'd ask her if she knew where you were. I knocked on Artemis' door but no one answered. I heard talking so I went in to find you two in the middle of your little moment." She said, finishing with a smirk.

Percy and Artemis both blushed. Percy looked at Artemis incredulously. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ever hear of a lock Artemis?" Percy asked teasingly.

Artemis blushed and punched him hard in the shoulder before glaring at him.

Hera watched the two in amusement. This wasn't what she had expected to find but was surprisingly pleased with Percy's choice.

"Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone until the council meeting." Hera said teasingly before walking to the door. When she reached it, she flicked the lock on the nob into the locked position before shutting the door behind her.

Percy and Artemis both looked at each other before starting to laugh hysterically. After a minute, Percy pulled Artemis back onto his lap where his arms wrapped tightly around her. Artemis smiled and let him hold her tightly.

"Are you sure you want to do this Percy? This won't be easy until we finally tell people. Even then, we don't know what their reactions will be." Artemis asked a little nervously.

Percy held her a little tighter, "I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

Artemis looked at him curiously.

Percy sighed, "Ever since everything that happened on Olympus and finding out my mother died, I haven't been truly happy. But that first night when we talked I was able to forget about all that stuff. Instead it was just you and I talking and hanging out. I don't know what it was but I was happy. And then every time I've been around you since then, I don't know, I've just been happier. I just know without you I couldn't be this happy again and that's something I'm willing to fight for, whether I have to stand up to your brother, your father or anyone on the Olympian Council." Percy said seriously.

Artemis looked at Percy for a second before she smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek. Instead of saying anything she just stayed cuddled to him and enjoyed the moment. His words stuck in her head and she couldn't help but think how lucky she was that he was hers.

Percy and Artemis walked to the council meeting, enjoying the trip to the throne room as they wandered through the streets of Olympus. They walked and talked as they went, ignoring the curious looks from some of Olympus' residents. Most people smiled at them, happy to see Artemis' usual cold demeanor gone in the presence of the Hero of Olympus.

They reached the throne room laughing as the entered, only to find everyone staring at them curiously. Percy looked to find his mother and patron smiling warmly at the pair. Most Olympians seemed to find their friendship humorous as they received amused smiles from most. Percy was shocked to find Zeus smiling at them from his throne. As Percy made his way to the foot of Hestia's throne, he saw one person glaring at him angrily, Apollo.

Percy stopped on his way to Hestia throne and looked at Apollo, "Did I do something to upset you Apollo?" Percy asked calmly.

Apollo continued to glare at him, "I don't like how much time you've been spending with my sister." Apollo growled.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "She is my friend. Is there a problem with that?"

Apollo seemed a bit shocked at Percy's reply but stood from his throne, "Yes there's problem. She doesn't have male friends and she certainly doesn't need one in you demigod." Apollo snapped before he was blasted back into his throne.

"How dare you speak to my nephew and wife's son that way?" Zeus bellowed as he stood, bolt in hand, a furious expression on his face.

Apollo looked at his father in shock, "Father, Artemis has sworn off the company of men for eternity, how can you be okay with this?"

Zeus' eyes narrowed, "Your sister is more than capable of making her own decisions. Becoming friends with Perseus is in no way a violation of her oath. From what I can see, her friendship with Perseus has been good for her. It has been a long time since she walked into a council meeting with a smile on her face."

"But father…" Apollo began before a silver arrow imbedded itself inches from Apollo's head.

"How dare you think you can tell me who I can and cannot be friends with?" Artemis hissed. "You are my brother and that is the only reason that arrow didn't go between your eyes Apollo."

Apollo looked around at the council to find everyone glaring at him, none more murderously than Hera and Poseidon.

Apollo paled a bit before turning back to his father. Before he could speak, Zeus held up his hand.

"Whatever you have to say, you can save it Apollo. This is your one warning. Touch a hair on young Perseus' head and you won't find a place on this earth to hide from my wrath." Zeus bellowed as he bolt pulsed threateningly in his hand.

Apollo paled and sat in his throne, a look of defeat evident on his face.

Percy gave a nod of thanks to his uncle and received a smile in return before making his to Hestia's throne where she smiled warmly at him.

"Well now that Apollo's childish fit is over," Zeus said sending another glare at his son. "We can begin this council meeting. Artemis, I believe you and Perseus have news for us from Camp Jupiter?"

Artemis nodded, "Yes, things were a bit troublesome with the arrival of the ship carrying the two Greek demigods and your Roman son Jason. When I arrived, Perseus was dealing with a troublesome auger, who happens to be a descendant of Apollo," she said throwing a glare at her brother, "but Perseus embarrassed him in front of the senate which kept him quiet for a bit. He again tried to cause trouble when the ship arrived but Perseus gave him to my hunters to watch over. Everything was fine until Hephaestus' son Leo attacked the camp from the ship during lunch."

Hephaestus stood from his throne, "What? My boy wouldn't do that!" He yelled from his throne.

Percy stood up, "It wasn't him. After the attack, the Romans had the six remaining members of the prophecy cornered and began to attack them. I swept the Romans away with the water from the aqueduct. When I reached them, Jason was injured. I sent the other five to the ship and had them leave. Once I healed Jason, I teleported Thalia and him to the ship. I searched Leo's memories once he calmed down enough to let me. I saw what happened. He attacked the camp but he wasn't in control of his body. It was almost like something had him possessed. He watched himself attack the camp but was powerless to stop it. I couldn't figure out what it was but he was not in control and I explained that to the other members of the quest before Thalia and I returned to Camp Jupiter."

Hephaestus gave Percy a nod, "Thank you Perseus. I appreciate you helping clear my son's name."

Percy nodded in response.

"Is Jason alright? And who attacked him." Zeus asked.

"Jason is fine. He had a deep gash on his head that I managed to close but he was still unconscious. Thalia put him to bed to rest once we were on the ship. I have no idea who attacked him but I do know who was egging the mob of Romans on." Percy finished growling.

Zeus looked at him and waited for Percy to finish.

"That auger is hell bent on causing trouble. I searched his mind in the senate meeting. Since he is a weak legacy, his mind was quite easy to probe. He is trying to use the situation to gain power within camp in hopes of replacing Jason as Praetor." Percy said angrily before his eyes narrowed further. "He won't be a problem for long. He hid after the attack. But to get away from the hunters he knocked out Athena's seven year old daughter Chloe. I am going to kill him, painfully." Percy said in an ice cold tone.

"You can't just kill my legacy." Apollo snapped.

Percy glared at Apollo, "He attacked a seven year old girl. He has no right to be alive."

Apollo was about to argue but Athena interrupted, "Perseus has permission from the council to do what is necessary to keep the peace. Your legacy is making that impossible. Besides, if Perseus doesn't kill him, I will for touching my daughter."

"I agree. Your legacy is trying to ruin our plans for this war. He could lead Olympus to its downfall in his lust for power. Perseus has permission to deal with him as he sees fit. Again, I remind you to heed my warning Apollo." Zeus announced, looking directly at Apollo when he finished.

Apollo glared at Percy but was blasted with ice cold water by Poseidon, "Watch how you look at my son Apollo. If you think I will let another Orion incident slide then you are mistaken. The only reason I didn't kill you for tricking your sister is because Orion was not without fault in the situation. He deserved what he got for what he did to those women and tried to do to one of Artemis' hunters. Percy is not like that. I will tear Olympus down if I must to rip you apart if you try anything like that again."

Apollo paled considerably as Poseidon was about as bad an enemy as one could have. He decided to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the meeting.

Zeus looked at Percy again, "So I take it besides the injury to Jason, the seven managed to leave New Rome unscathed?"

Percy nodded, "Yes uncle, they are on their way to Rome to try to figure out how to close the doors of death as Thanatos told Nico and I in Alaska. He said they would find the answers they seek there."

Zeus nodded, "And what of merging the two camps? Will they be able to co-exist in this war?"

Percy shook his head, "As of right now, no. I have an idea but I would like to speak to you and my mother about it after the meeting."

Zeus raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"Does anyone have anything else to add?" Zeus asked. No one spoke up and Zeus dismissed the meeting. Most of the Olympians flashed out. Finally it was just Percy, Hera, Zeus and Artemis.

"I will meet up with you after and we can return to Camp Jupiter." Artemis told Percy.

Percy shook his head, "No, stay. The only person I didn't want around was Apollo as he is the only one who won't like my idea."

Artemis smiled and nodded. The three Olympians looked at Percy to speak.

Line Break

Percy and Artemis returned to Camp Jupiter the next morning. They decided to spend the night on Olympus… in Artemis' palace. No, they didn't do that…but Percy had to admit, he rather enjoyed waking up to her lush auburn hair sprawled out on his chest. When they walked into Lupa's home they noticed the wide grins on the faces of the hunters.

"What has you girls so happy this morning?" Diana asked.

"Lupa's pack caught Octavian last night. He is currently spending some quality time with Chloe, Lily and Phoebe. Phoebe is teaching them the best ways to take down in enemy in a single move." Thalia answered smirking.

Percy grinned, "Perfect. The gods are transporting the Camp Jupiter demigods to Camp Half Blood tonight. We are going to eliminate the main problem before the merger."

Thalia smiled, "So are you going to kill him Percy?"

Percy shook his head and smirked, "You'll see Thals."

Thalia looked confused but nodded.

Percy had Lupa gather all the legionnaires on the Field of Mars. Octavian was shackled and held by the hunters, drawing many strange looks from the Romans.

Percy held his hand up, silencing any talking amongst the Romans.

"Romans, I am here to inform you that you will all be heading to Camp Half Blood at the end of the day." Percy started before yelling amongst the Romans stopped his speech quickly.

Percy tried to silence the Romans but found he couldn't. After a minute,he became angry. He stomped his foot down focusing on his earth shaker powers. The Romans all stumbled and a number were knocked to the ground from the earthquake Percy unleashed. Percy stomped his foot again, forming a large mound of earth in front of him. He hopped on top and glared hard at the stunned Romans.

"SILENCE!" He bellowed, quieting all talk immediately. "You are all members of the Twelfth Legion of the Roman Army and you are acting like a bunch of twelve year old kids. Shut up and stand straight like the proud Roman soldiers you are." Percy snapped.

Percy waited as the Roman's lines tightened and they all looked at him seriously, his words seemed to have been a wound to their pride.

"Thank you. As I said yesterday, I have been sent by the gods to ensure peace is kept between the two camps. I understand your actions after being attacked, but you have all embarrassed yourselves when you attacked your own Praetors in your anger. Behavior like that will no longer be acceptable. The attack on Rome was not done by the Greeks. A minion of Gaia used their ship to attack your camp. They used the Greek demigod as a pawn to wedge a gap between your camp and the Greek one." Percy said seriously. He saw the disbelieving looks from the Romans and prayed he was right. "I swear it on the Styx." Percy added.

Thunder rumbled loudly. Everyone waited. Percy himself tensed as he wasn't one hundred percent sure he was right. After a minute, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The Romans all looked at Percy to continue.

"As I was saying, tonight you will all be transported to Camp Half Blood by me and a few of the Olympians. There you will meet, learn to fight and work together with your Greek siblings. When the time is right, you will all sail to Greece where the war against Gaia and the giants will be decided. Any action to drive a wedge between the Greeks and Romans will be dealt with swiftly and severely. We have no time for petty grudges that began before any of us were born. As they aren't our grudges they will be forgotten. During the council meeting on Olympus, the situation here at Camp Jupiter was discussed. After looking into the memories and thoughts of Octavian, his actions have been deemed treason against Olympus. We are at war for our survival and the survival of the entire mortal population. As such, Octavian has been sentenced to death by the gods." Percy said seriously. The Romans looked at Percy in shock.

Percy beckoned Octavian to be brought forward. A trembling Octavian was dragged forward by a smirking Thalia and Phoebe. They threw him to the ground in front of Percy.

"For treason against the gods, as well as touching a hunter of Diana, you will die." Percy hissed at the auger.

A bolt of lightning hit the ground next to Percy. The Romans all bowed when they saw Jupiter standing next to Percy. Jupiter looked at Percy who nodded to him. Jupiter raised his bolt before hurling it at a wide eyed Octavian.

When the smoke cleared, all that remained was a charred piece of ground where Octavian had been standing.

Jupiter turned to the stunned Romans, "Legionnaires, this is no time to treachery. We must stand together in this fight for the survival of Olympus, gods, demigods and mortals. This is not what Perseus or I ever wanted. But it was clear after Perseus warned the boy multiple times, that he had no wish to cooperate in the merging of camps. From this point forward, the word of Perseus shall be listened to as if it came from my mouth directly. He is the champion of Olympus and speaks for the council when we make decisions. I will take my leave now that the situation is dealt with."

The Romans all bowed to Jupiter. Jupiter turned to Percy and put a hand on his shoulder, "You have done well nephew. I know you will lead the demigods and Olympus to victory once again."

Percy smiled and bowed his head to his uncle before Jupiter disappeared into a bolt of lightning.

Percy turned back to the Romans who looked at him warily, "Romans, you will take the rest of the day to prepare yourselves for the departure to Camp Half Blood. Take what happened to Octavian as a warning of two things. Try to disrupt the peace and it won't end pleasantly. And just as importantly, touch one of Diana's hunters, especially a young one like Octavian did by knocking her out in a cowardly way to escape, and you should pray for Jupiter's bolt as I will be much less merciful in delivering punishment. They are to be treated with the same respect that I am."

The Romans all nodded quickly and headed off to their barracks to prepare for the trip to Camp Half Blood.

Percy turned back to the hunters only to be tackled to the ground by an energetic little seven year.

"Thank you Percy. You might not be a hunter but like the other hunters are my sisters your now my big brother." Chloe said happily as she clung to Percy's neck tightly.

Percy smiled as he stood up with Chloe still wrapped around his neck, "Good, I like that. And I will always protect you like a big brother should."

Chloe smiled and kissed Percy on the cheek before dropping down and rejoining the other hunters who were all beaming at Percy after his threat to the Romans.

"Return to camp with Lupa girls. Percy and I must go speak to the gods about how we will transport nearly two hundred demigods." Diana told them.

The hunters all nodded and followed Lupa back to camp. Percy looked at Diana confused before she simply grabbed his hand and flashed them away.

Instead of going to Olympus, she teleported them to the cliff where she and Percy first talked. Percy looked at her confused but was met with a passionate kiss from Artemis. Percy's eyes widened before he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist while her hands found their way into his messy jet black hair.

When she pulled back she smiled at Percy widely. Percy smiled back but gave her a questioning look.

Artemis blushed, "You're really hot when you get all commanding and authoritative. I think a few Romans might have wet themselves during your speech."

Percy's face reddened but he pulled her closer to him and kissed her again. Just as the kiss deepened Artemis pushed him away and punched him hard in the gut.

Percy looked up at her shocked but she just glared at him, "What the Hades were you thinking? You weren't sure if it was someone working for Gaia that influenced that boy." She growled at him.

Percy paled, "They didn't believe me. I needed them to trust me about the incident."

Artemis slapped him across the face and continued to glare, "You could have died you idiot. Don't ever do something that stupid again or I will kill you then force Hades to resurrect you just so I can kill you again."

Percy nodded, "Sorry Artemis."

She glared at him for another minute before she sighed and kissed him again, "You better be sorry. The first guy I fall for in thousands of years can't die less than a week into dating him."

Percy smiled and nodded, "Are we really going to Olympus?"

Artemis nodded but then gave him a sly smile, "Eventually." She said as her lips crashed onto his again.

Line Break

Percy was nervous. He hadn't really thought about it, but he was about to return to Camp Half Blood for the first time since the day he left. He wasn't sure how he was going to be received. He knew they missed him but he wasn't sure how angry they were going to be.

Percy was currently standing with Phoebe and Thalia. He was going to transport the hunters while Artemis and a few other Olympians would teleport groups of demigods to Camp Half Blood. The Greeks knew the Romans were coming and were warned to remain on their best behavior unless they wanted serious punishment.

"You okay Kelp Head?" Thalia asked as she noticed Percy's troubled look.

Percy nodded, "Just a little nervous. I haven't seen anyone from camp other than Nico since before the war."

Thalia looked at him sympathetically, "Relax Percy, we've been there a few times. They all miss you."

Percy nodded, "I know they do but I don't know how they'll take me showing up with the Romans."

Phoebe punched him in the arm playfully, "You're not. You're showing up with us. I can't think of a better way to make an appearance than with a group of badass immortal hunters."

Percy chuckled, "Well said Phoebe."

Phoebe grinned at him, "Besides, we got your back. You're the only good guy we've ever met and we won't let anyone mess with you, Greek or Roman."

Percy smiled and nodded. He turned to see groups of Romans disappearing with different gods and goddesses until only Percy and the hunters remained.

Thalia put a hand on Percy's shoulder, "Don't worry Kelp Head. We'll be there with you."

Percy smiled at his best friend. He had all the hunters gather together and hold hands before he grabbed Thalia's and Chloe's before they all vanished into a flash of flames.

When they reappeared, they saw the Greeks looking at the Romans warily. Percy was about to step forward when a familiar voice spoke up.

"Percy my boy, is that you?"