Chapter 23: Journey to the Original Mount Olympus

Percy chuckled and petted his old friend's mane, "Thanks buddy; you saved me back there."

"Someone's got to be around to keep you alive boss." Blackjack answered sarcastically.

The hunters and demigods made their way off the damaged ship and over to Percy. Percy turned to his friends before his eyes widened. Two giants stood a hundred yards behind them with an army of monsters behind them.

Percy turned to Blackjack, "Find a shady spot to hang out Blackjack, I promise we'll catch up later."

"Alright boss, but I expect some more sugar cubes later." Blackjack replied before he shot off into the night sky.

Percy pulled out Riptide and uncapped it quickly, drawing the attention of everyone who had just left the damaged Argo II.

Artemis whirled around and paled a bit when she saw the two giants, Clytius and Thoon. Artemis immediately became a little worried as she doubted she would be getting any divine help from Olympus as these giants were killed by Hecate and the Fates in the first Giant War.

"Well little demigods, I'm afraid this is the end of line for your little quest. The only two who will survive this fight are going to be the goddess and Jackson. Mother has great plans for you Jackson; you will pay for what you've done to our brothers." Clytius spat.

Percy narrowed his eyes. The demigods stood slightly behind him and Artemis along with a few hunters while the rest of the hunters had slipped into trees with their bows ready for the battle to start.

"I've heard the same threat from each of your now dead brothers. Why don't we skip the part where you try to tell me what will happen and get the part where you and your little monster pets get killed by me and my friends." Percy snapped back.

Clytius' eyes widened before a club shot out of the earth and into his hand. He wasted no time in charging at Percy who sent a fireball at the charging giant before disappearing into flames; he reappeared behind the giant with his bow out. Percy pulled back the string and smiled when the arrows caught fire. He quickly sent three arrows into the back of the now confused giant.

The monsters had charged at the same time as the giant and were battling the hunters who stayed out of the trees along with the demigods from the quest. Artemis had grown to her godly height and was battling the giant Thoon, hunting knives to spear.

Clytius roared in pain when the flaming arrows imbedded into his back. He quickly spun and tried to crush Percy underneath his club. Percy rolled to the side before shooting to his feet with Riptide in hand. He charged at Clytius before he could react and drove his blade through the calf of the giant before twisting it and then running off before the giant could attack again.

Clytius let loose a cry of pain as golden ichor began to pout from his leg. The giant saw Percy sprinting away and quickly lunged forward and snatched Percy in his hand. The giant picked Percy up and started to squeeze him tighter and tighter in his hand. Percy grunted in pain as he tried to concentrate on flashing out but the pain clouded his ability to think straight.

Suddenly the giant's grip loosened as he grunted in pain, allowing Percy to catch fire. The giant quickly released Percy from his now burned hand. Percy dropped to the ground but quickly rolled to his feet only to find Phoebe's spear imbedded in the back of the giant's knee.

Percy saw Phoebe about to make a run for her spear but the giant was about to bring his club down on her before she reached it. Percy vanished and reappeared in front of Phoebe, tackling her just as the giant's club connected with the spot she had been standing.

Percy shot to his feet with his bow and was about to fire when a giant woman appeared in flash behind the giant, a flaming torch in her hand. Percy's eyes widened before he smiled. He fired several flaming arrows into the giant to keep his attention on him.

The woman, Hecate, let loose a blast of energy into the giant's back causing him to be knocked roughly to the ground. Percy pulled out a flaming Riptide and walked to the stunned giant. Without a second's hesitation he drove the blade into the chest of Clytius. The giant roared in pain but his screaming only doubled when Hecate tossed a flaming torch onto his wounded body. The fire spread as if the giant were covered in gasoline, quickly engulfing the his body.

Clytius screamed in agony before he stopped suddenly and dissolved into golden dust. Percy snatched up Phoebe's spear and turned to a now human sized Hecate.

"Thank you, Lady Hecate." Percy said as he bowed a bit.

Hecate gave him a small smile, "Consider it repayment for getting me pardoned and helping my children gain acceptance at camp."

Percy nodded and smiled before Hecate vanished from the spot in a flash purple light.

Percy looked over at a grinning Phoebe and tossed her spear to her without a word. Both looked at Artemis and Zoe battling the giant Thoon.

Percy capped Riptide and twisted his ring making his bow appear in his hand as Phoebe pulled out her own bow. Both began firing arrows in the unsuspecting giant providing enough of a distraction to allow Artemis to slip inside Thoon's guard and drive her hunting knife through his throat. Thoon quickly joined his brother in Tartarus after dissolving into golden dust.

Percy and Phoebe ran over to Zoe and a now human sized Artemis.

They surveyed the battle as there were still several monsters locked in battle with hunters and demigods. Artemis and Phoebe quickly ran forward to join the fight. Zoe tried to follow but Percy put his arm in front of her to stop her.

She looked at him confused when she saw him smirking.

"Whoever kill the most monsters from here wins." Percy said as his smirk grew.

Zoe's face morphed into an identical smirk as both took aim at the monsters.

Percy stared firing flaming arrows into the unsuspecting monsters which consisted of several Earthborn, Cyclops, Hellhounds and Dracaena. Percy and Zoe stood side to side as they both began picking off monsters at faster and faster rates. Within a few minutes, the monsters were decimated and Zoe and Percy began trying to battle each other to pick off the retreating monsters as they tried to run away from the battlefield.

The last Cyclops exploded in golden dust as it was pierced through the back of the head by a flaming arrow and a black arrow almost simultaneously.

"That was my kill." Zoe shouted turning to Percy.

"Are you kidding me, my arrow definitely struck first." Percy argued.

Zoe glared at Percy until she heard chuckling behind them as a number of hunters and Artemis were looking at the two with amused looks on their faces. Both Percy and Zoe blushed a little in embarrassment.

"Are you two having fun?" Artemis asked chuckling.

Percy playfully glared at Zoe, "I was until someone started trying to cheat."

Zoe's eyes widened, "I did not cheat. You're trying to take credit for my kill because you know I beat you."

Percy rolled his eyes, "How many did you get? Not counting that last Cyclops."

"Twenty two." Zoe announced proudly.

Percy grinned, "So I win with twenty three after I killed that last Cyclops."

Zoe's eyes narrowed, "That was not your kill. I win with twenty three."

Percy was about to retort when Phoebe spoke up, "Children, children, you can call it a tie until the next battle." She said trying to contain her amusement.

Percy and Zoe glared at each other for a minute until they both chuckled, "Alright, a tie for now but I will win next battle." Percy said still chuckling.

Zoe rolled her eyes but smiled and nodded.

Percy turned to an amused Artemis, "No casualties right?"

Artemis smiled, "Only a few minor injuries. Sophie did well. She appears to have not inherited your natural lack of talent with a bow."

Percy glared at her, "I believe I just stood toe to toe with your greatest huntress."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "With the help of my blessing, which Zoe and Bianca don't have at the moment."

Percy's eyes widened before he turned to find Zoe smirking and looking triumphant.

Percy glared at her, "This isn't over Zoe. You're still in for fight of your life if you think you're going to beat me."

"Good luck with that Percy." Zoe said with a smirk still present on her face.

Artemis walked up Zoe and put a hand on her shoulder making her glow silver for a second. She then did the same with Bianca as they both officially become part of the hunt again.

Artemis looked at Zoe apologetically, "I'm afraid I can't make you my lieutenant again Zoe. Thalia was done well in her role since she took over for you."

Zoe smiled and was about to reply when Thalia spoke up, "Can we be co-lieutenants milady?"

Zoe's eyes widened and she shook her head but Artemis smiled and nodded, "Yes Thalia, the hunt has grown quite large since Percy began bringing us more girls. Perhaps two lieutenants will be good now to watch over the girls when I am not around."

Thalia smiled while Zoe looked like she still wanted to protest. Artemis waved her hand over Zoe's head as an identical silver circlet appeared. Zoe smiled and pulled Thalia into a big hug, "Thank you Thalia."

Thalia just smiled and nodded.

"So is the ship in any condition to fly?" Percy asked.

Everyone turned to Leo who suddenly looked very uncomfortable with everyone's attention on him, "It will take me at least a day to repair all the damage and by that time we won't make it the thirty miles in time to reach Mount Olympus at the same time as the ships carrying the demigods from Camp Half Blood."

Artemis looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding, "We will camp here for the night before we walk the rest of the way tomorrow."

Artemis snapped her fingers creating seven tents for the demigods of the prophecy while the hunters turned and began setting up their tents a little ways away from the seven. Percy made his way over to his little sister to help her set up.

"So how did you like your first real battle?" Percy asked.

Sophie smiled, "It was exciting; a little scary at first but still exciting. I can't believe you've been doing this for so long."

Percy shrugged, "It's not always very fun, especially when you're by yourself. But you don't have to worry about that; your new sisters will always be with you and have your back."

"You were pretty amazing out there Percy but you almost died. Good thing Phoebe noticed when you got grabbed by that giant." Sophie said a little worriedly.

Percy shrugged, "I wish I could tell you that was the closest I've come to dying but that would be a lie. I've always had friends around to help me when I needed it, just like you will."

Sophie smiled a bit, "Will I really ever be able to do the things you do?"

Percy smiled, "Not the things with fire but everything I do with my water powers you will be able to do except even better."

Sophie rolled her eyes, "I don't think I could ever be as powerful as you Percy. You're like the most powerful demigod ever."

"Maybe but since I'll be training you then I will make sure you're even better than me. I promise." Percy said seriously.

Sophie grinned as they finished putting up the tent. Percy walked over and snatched the little five year old up in his arms.

Sophie giggled a little as Percy walked them over to the where everyone else was sitting at a table. The hunters were sitting at an overly large picnic table that Artemis conjured while the seven from the prophecy were at a smaller table next to them. The hunters were being pretty good with spending so much time with boys but they were still the hunters and didn't plan on changing their ways just because their mistress had fallen in love with the one boy they had all accepted and loved.

Percy took a seat next to Zoe and set his sister beside him. He looked up to find everyone, including Artemis, looking at him expectantly.

Percy groaned, "One at a time." He muttered as the hunters started listing off their orders for dinner. Percy conjured up everyone a meal of their choice, including the seven, before he finally was able to relax and eat himself.

After dinner the hunters had all disappeared into their tents along with the seven from the prophecy until only Percy, Thalia, Zoe and Artemis sat around a fire Percy had made in the middle of their camp.

"So tomorrow it starts doesn't it?" Thalia asked a little nervously.

Artemis nodded solemnly, "Yes I'm afraid it does. Unfortunatley we have no idea what to expect when we get there. There are still ten giants left to be killed along with whatever army of monsters Gaia has been able to amass."

"And Annabeth." Percy spat with hatred. Everyone quickly mirrored his look of hatred.

"We'll get her Percy, don't worry. This time we will make sure she goes somewhere that the gods can monitor her eternal punishment." Thalia said as she looked at her best friend with sympathy.

Percy nodded, "I just want a chance to drive Riptide down her throat as I watch the life leave her eyes, just as she did to my Mom and Paul."

The three girls shivered at the tone in Percy's voice when he spoke. Artemis slowly reached over and grabbed his hand as she scooted herself closer to him. The tension and anger seemed to melt from Percy's face at Artemis' touch, something that brought a smile to the faces of the two lieutenants of the hunt.

"I just want this to be over and done with. I'm tired of wars and battles. I want to be able to have more than a five year break before we have to fight another war for the survival of western civilization." Percy said tiredly.

The three girls nodded. Percy had been at the center of two wars since he was twelve years old. His only break came after the Titan War but it was hardly pleasant for Percy after losing both his mother and future step-father. It had taken him nearly those entire five years to put himself back together which never fully happened until he allowed his friends Nico and Thalia back into his life and of course falling for Artemis.

"You two should go to bed. We will have a very difficult journey ahead of us once this war begins and rest may be difficult to come by once it truly starts." Artemis said seriously to her two lieutenants.

Both girls nodded and stood up. They started walking towards their tent when Thalia stopped, "Make sure you two behave tonight." She added mischievously causing Zoe to chuckle beside her.

A small fireball landed next to Thalia's feet causing her to yelp in surprise. She whirled around and glared at Percy who was looking at her innocently. Zoe grabbed Thalia before she had a chance to escalate things with Percy as those two could get out of hand quickly.

Once the two girls disappeared into their tent, Artemis laid her head on Percy's shoulder and relaxed as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you okay Percy?" Artemis asked softly.

Percy nodded, "I'm fine. I'm just worried about the war and how much danger everyone will be in. I don't want to lose anyone else I care about."

Artemis leaned over and kissed Percy softly, "We can only do what we can to protect the ones we care about and hope it is enough. I know you think everyone's safety is your responsibility Percy but you have to let them fight their own battles and hope the Fates are with us."

Percy nodded slowly, understanding the wisdom in her words but not fully accepting them as true. He needed to prottheme is friends unlike in the last war.

Artemis seemed to sense his thoughts and softly cupped his face in her hands, "Percy you need to let the past go, none of those things can be changed. I need you to take care of yourself in this war too. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Percy looked into her silver eyes and saw the worry and fear in them as she spoke. He leaned forward and kissed her instead of responding. Artemis wrapped her arms around his neck as her fears seemed to vanish at the touch of his lips, making her feel safe and secure in that moment.

When they broke apart, Percy leaned his forehead against hers and smiled warmly, "I will always come back to you, no matter what, I promise." He said softly.

"You better Percy. I will remember this promise." Artemis whispered back softly as she leaned forward and kissed him again, teleporting them both into her tent when their lips touched.

Line Break

The sound of giggling woke Percy up from a peaceful night of sleep. His eyes slowly opened to find a familiar mess of auburn hair spread out over his chest. Percy's eyes looked up to find Zoe and Phoebe trying to cover the mouths of a giggling Chloe and Lily as they looked at Artemis cuddled up on Percy's chest.

Artemis woke up with a smile as she felt Percy start to stir at the sound of her young huntresses' giggles. Artemis was trying not to laugh herself when she thought about the fact that a year ago, Phoebe would have killed any man whose chest Artemis had woken up on.

"Is there something you girls need?" Artemis asked from Percy's chest, refusing to give up the comfort and warmth she found cuddled up with Percy.

"The girls are ready for breakfast or they're ready for Percy to make their breakfasts for them." Zoe replied smirking at Percy's irritated expression.

"Tell them we will be out in a few minutes." Artemis said casually from Percy's chest.

The girls nodded and exited the tent. Percy started to stir a little but Artemis quickly pressed her head more firmly to his chest.

"Not yet Percy, I'm too comfortable." Artemis whined.

Percy chuckled, "I don't think I've ever heard the great goddess Artemis whine before."

Artemis used the hand that was draped over Percy to smack him upside the head as she continued to rest peacefully on his chest.

Percy chucked again and relaxed back down with Artemis on his chest. After a few more minutes, Artemis grudgingly lifted her head off Percy's chest only to bring it to his lips as she kissed him softly.

Percy smiled into the kiss, "I could get used to waking up like this every morning."

Artemis just smiled and kissed him again before climbing out of bed. Percy followed her and they flashed themselves out to the table where the hunters were impatiently waiting for their breakfast. Percy clapped his hands and a huge buffet of every possible breakfast food was laid out of the table. A small buffet appeared on the seven's table earning appreciative smiles from everyone seated.

After breakfast the hunters packed up their camp and they began the thirty mile trek towards the original Mount Olympus. About an hour into the journey an Iris Message appeared in front of Percy.

"My Lady." Percy said smiling at Hestia.

Hestia smiled warmly back at her champion, "Hello Percy. I just wanted to let you know the demigods from camp are a few hours from Mount Olympus. They have had a few small attacks from monsters but have mostly had a trouble free journey to Greece."

Percy smiled, "Thank you my Lady. We should reach the mountain around the same time assuming we don't run into any problems."

Hestia nodded, "Okay Percy. Please be careful when you arrive. We have no idea what will be waiting for you when you get there."

Percy nodded and swiped through the Iris Message. Artemis grabbed Percy's hand as they continued to walk for a few more hours. Around midday they were only a mile from the original Mount Olympus and were waiting for the demigods to meet them at a rendezvous point before marching the final mile.

As the small group of hunters and demigods waited for the arrival of the campers, a general feeling of apprehension could be felt within the group. The waiting was making it worse as everyone was anxious to see what they would face in the war. What no one knew was whether they were waiting for one long battle with the giants or if they would be in Greece for a while trying to fight a war over possession of the original Mount Olympus. Just as people were beginning to get impatient about waiting for the campers to arrive, the sounds of battle in the distance snapped everyone to attention.

Everyone quickly gathered their things are the group hastily made their way toward the sounds of fighting. After a little over half a mile, they passed into a clearing and paled at the sight before them.

An army of at least a thousand monsters was currently pounding away at the army of demigods from both camps. The campers had at most four hundred fighters and were just trying to keep their lines intact against the constant onslaught from the monster army.

Percy sprinted toward the monster army, stopping when he was still fifty yards away and stomped his foot onto the ground unleashing a huge earthquake that sent the army of monsters stumbling to the ground. The campers were able to regroup when the monster fell. They knew help had finally arrived when the quake left them harmfree while the monsters recieved the full force.

The hunters quickly began sending volley after volley of silver arrows into the mass of monsters while most of the demigods from the prophecy ran to jump in to the fight with their fellow campers.

Nico drove his sword into the earth creating a crack from which skeleton warriors began climbing out by the hundred. Following their master, the skeleton army charged into the battle behind Nico.

Frank transformed himself into grizzly bear and barreled into the monsters, ripping any monster within his grasp into golden dust.

Jason tried to follow Reyna, Leo, Piper, and Hazel to join the campers but Percy quickly stopped him and dragged him towards the back of the monster army. When they got near the back, the winds began to pick up and Jason quickly caught on.

Within minutes Percy and Jason were in the middle of their own personal hurricane. Lightning continuously struck while the winds whipped at over one hundred miles per hour under the joined effort of the two demigods of the big three.

As the rain poured down from the hurricane, Percy was slowly collecting it and it began to swirl around him and Jason. When he had collected enough water, Percy looked at Jason who nodded that he understood what Percy wanted to do. Percy sent the water forward in a thin sheet as it spread out over hundreds of monsters. Jason raised his hand to the sky as he focused until a massive bolt of lightning came down from the sky. The lightning hit the water and sent millions of volts of electricity coursing through the bodies of almost half the monsters in the army. The monsters' bodies went rigid before they all crumbled into golden dust.

Percy dropped to a knee in exhaustion while Jason followed his lead. The hurricane dissiapted slowly while the two demigods caught their breath. Percy reached into his pack as tossed Jason a large square of ambrosia as he ate one himself.

"Thanks man." Jason said breathlessly.

Percy simply nodded and finished his ambrosia. A minute later, Percy rose to his feet and offered a hand to Jason who took it gratefully.

"That was certainly effective." Jason said with a smile as they looked at the field of golden dust in front of them.

Percy grinned, "Definitley man. Not a bad team we make."

Jason returned the grin as he pulled out a coin and flipped it in the air. The coin shimmered into an imperial gold gladius while Percy uncapped Riptide. The two demigods charged into battle side by side as they crashed into the back of the remaining monster army.

Despite being only the two of them, Jason and Percy carved a path of death and destruction through the monsters as Jason's gladius crackled with electricity and Riptide was ablaze with Greek fire. The two fought together as if they had been doing it their entire lives, their fighting styles complimenting each other's perfectly.

Percy drove Riptide throught he throat of a Telekhine before he ducked the club of a Cyclops. Percy spun and cut the legs off a Hellhound that was trying to lunge at Jason's back. Percy turned back to find Jason's gladius be pulled out of the chest of the Cyclops Percy had just spun away from. Percy lit his free hand on fire and sent a fireball into a pair of charging Laistrigonian Giants before a bolt of lightning came down a few feet behind them blasting a group of unsuspecting Hellhounds back to Tartarus.

Percy and Jason were soon in the middle of the army standing back to back as they fought off monsters from both sides. The winds began to pick up again as Jason was carried up into the air. Percy let his entire body catch fire when he felt Jason rise up. Jason began bringing down bolts of lightning on the left side of the monster lines.

At the same time a tornado touched down about thirty yards from the right side of the monster army. The twister quickly ran rampant through the terrified monsters tossing them in every direction. Percy let the tornado die down with the right flank of the army now decimated.

Jason dropped down behind Percy after making a large dent in the left side of the monster army. The two began to push forward again.

The duo continued on their path of destruction until Percy decapitated and Dracena and spun to find a group of gaping demigods staring at him and Jason in awe.

Jason just seemed to realize that the fight was over as well as he looked at the demigods staring at him and Percy.

"Um... good win." Jason said awkwardly

Percy chuckled and grabbed Jason's shoulder and flashed them both over the area where the hunters were gathering. Even the hunters stared at the duo in shock until Thalia clapped them both roughly on the back from behind.

"That was one Hades of a show you two put on." Thalia announced as she wrapped an arm around the necks of each.

Percy smirked, "Someone has to watch out and protect our little sister Thalia out there."

Percy yelped when a large shock was sent through his body making Jason chuckle along with his sister.

Percy glared at Thalia for a moment before he smiled, happy that his friends had survived another battle.

Percy managed to gather up all the demigods in front of him as they waited for instruction of their next move. Percy was about to speak when the rumbling of footsteps caught his attention. Percy flashed himself to the top of a tree where he could overlook the area. What he saw made him pale incredibly. He could see the original Mount Olympus in the distance. At the base was an army of several thousand monsters along with ten giants who seemed to be waiting in anticipation for the battle to come.