Chapter 36: Wisdom's Daughter Stands Alone

Nico and Jason stood at the foot of the Empire State Building, a map New York City laid out in front of them with a big circle around the island of Manhattan.

"We need to cover all the bridges and tunnels that lead anywhere close to the Empire State Building. This means we will have to spread our forces out somewhat thinly." Jason muttered to Nico as he circled the bridges and tunnels they needed to defend.

Nico nodded along as he studied the map, "What about Percy, where is he?"

Jason half grimaced and half smirked, "He's doing what he does best; being reckless but most likely coming out victorious in the end."

Nico paused and looked at Jason questioningly.

Jason sighed, "He has one hundred of our best warriors along with a few hunters on the George Washington Bridge. The enemy is trying to march more than a quarter of their army into Manhattan over the bridge to spread us out so we are too thin to defend the other entrances."

"What? We need to back him up!" Nico exclaimed.

Jason shook his head, "No, Percy knows what he's doing. Those are the absolute best fighters we have in our army. Percy's plan is brilliant if he can pull it off and it might be just what we need to hold the island."

"What do you mean? They'll be massacred." Nico said incredulously.

"Has Percy ever let you down Nico?" Jason asked seriously.

Nico shook his head, making Jason smile.

"Then trust his judgment. He'll hold the bridge as long as he needs to." Jason said before turning back to the map.

"So we've got three hundred demigods from both camps, five hundred of our soldiers and twenty hunters." Jason said as he thought about how to set up the defenses.

"That sounds right but we can send fewer fighters with whatever group I go with. I can summon an army of undead to bolster our numbers." Nico added.

Jason nodded and smiled, "Good; that will help but we have eight entrances and eight hundred fighters. Each entrance gets one hundred fighters plus a commander. Alright, so we'll send a group of one hundred fighters with Luke to defend the Lincoln Tunnel; another one hundred with Clarisse to hold the Manhattan Bridge." He explained as he checked off the two bridges.

"Reyna will take one hundred to the 59th Street Bridge. Nico you take your fighters to the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. I'll take mine with me over to the Williamsburg Bridge. Gabriel will take his soldiers to the Queens Midtown Tunnel. Phoebe can take ten hunters and one hundred fighters to defend the Brooklyn Bridge while Thalia takes the other ten hunters and one hundred fighters to the Holland Tunnel" Jason finished breathlessly.

"Well this certainly brings me back." Thalia muttered to herself as she remembered defending the same tunnel with the hunters during the second Titan War.

Jason looked around at the people who he called out to lead the groups, "Grab the people you need and get to your posts, we don't have any time to waste, Percy is already holding back their forces on the George Washington Bridge, it won't be long until they reach the other bridges."

Everyone nodded and quickly gathered up one hundred fighters and went off to defend their assignments.

Line Break

Percy and Zoe waited another hour until the sun had set and the only light illuminating the bridge were from the bridge lights that hovered overhead. Percy put the other hunters in the middle of phalanx where they could shoot from cover. The rumbles of footsteps alerted the army of the next assault. As the army neared, a second group of monsters appeared out of a shadow fifty yards behind the phalanx and charged, trapping Percy and his soldiers in the middle.

Zoe cursed loudly when she saw they were trapped in the middle of the two charges. She looked over at Percy to see his eyes closed in concentration. She was about to yell at him to get ready to defend himself when a large flash of sea green light appeared in front of them.

Zoe's eyes widened when she saw fifty Cyclops standing in front of Percy. Her eyes widened further when she saw Triton barking orders to the Cyclops to charge the monsters that tried to flank them from behind. He then turned and flashed over to Percy and Zoe.

"Here is what we can spare for now Percy. We are still battling the last of Oceanus' army but soon they should be finished and I can send more help." Triton explained.

Percy smiled and nodded, "Thank you Triton, I knew you'd come through. Take care of Atlantis, we'll handle these monsters."

Triton gave a Percy a nod before giving Zoe a small smile and flashing back to Atlantis.

Percy turned to Zoe, "We'll hold the bridge until this attack ends then we're going back to Manhattan to help where they need it."

"But what about the bridge?" She asked confused.

Percy smiled mischievously, "You leave that to me."

Zoe rolled her eyes but smiled a bit as she pulled out her bow and began firing at the monsters being fended off by the Cyclops.

With the help of the Cyclops, the monsters that had tried to flank the soldiers were disposed of. The Cyclops lost more than half their little battalion leaving only twenty-five still able to fight. Percy grouped the Cyclops together and teleported them back to Atlantis; he wasn't willing to let the rest of the Cyclops fall in the battle. Percy had no way to show his allies these were good Cyclops so he figured they would be of more use in Atlantis.

As Percy turned back up the bridge towards the phalanx, the monsters' attack had ceased and a long figure made its way up the bridge, stopping halfway between both armies.

Percy stepped out of the phalanx and began to walk forward as well. He stopped ten feet away, his jaw hardened as he stared forward with pure hatred.

"What do you want Annabeth?" Percy growled.

Instead of responding Annabeth sent a blast of dark energy at Percy. Percy side-stepped the attack and charged at Annabeth with Riptide raised. Annabeth pulled out a dagger and a hunting knife and parried Percy's strike. She tried to push Percy back but he responded by kicking her hard in the chest.

Annabeth was knocked back a few feet and was about to charge again until she saw Zoe and a few of Percy's soldiers coming up behind him. Percy noticed where she looked and glanced back at his friends.

"No! She belongs to me. Stay out of it!" Percy snapped in a tone that even Zoe didn't dare ignore.

Annabeth grinned, "That's more like it Seaweed Brain."

"Shut your mouth Annabeth. The time for games is over; one of us dies on this bridge tonight." Percy snarled.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes, "It's about damn time Jackson."

Percy wasted no time charging at Annabeth again, the memories of all those he had lost because of her coursing through his mind. He lunged towards Annabeth, Riptide coming down in a strike aimed at her head. Annabeth raised her dagger to block the strike while bringing her hunting knife across his exposed arm drawing a gash; Percy jumped back before the strike could cut too deep. Percy growled as ichor dripped down his arm before he charged again.

Percy slashed with Riptide but Annabeth caught Percy's blade between her two knives, smirking at Percy's predictability. Percy was held in place momentarily until Annabeth was knocked backwards as Percy delivered a headbutt that split the skin on her forehead. Annabeth winced as ichor began to flow from the wound and into her eyes. Percy charged again, trying to finish the fight while she was partially blinded but her reflexes were lightning fast as she blocked and parried every strike that Percy threw at her.

Percy's rage only continued to grow as he failed to land a blow. He soon increased the speed and strength of his attacks. Percy lunged forward with a strike aimed at her head but Annabeth was engulfed by a shadow, vanishing.

Percy whirled around and blocked a strike from Annabeth's dagger but her hunting knife made a deep gash along his jaw line. Percy jumped back as golden ichor began to pour from his wound.

Annabeth smirked, "Aw, did I mess up that pretty little face of yours? Is your little girlfriend Zoe going to be mad at me?"

To Annabeth's surprise, Percy smirked at her comment rather than getting angry. Shadows began gathering around Annabeth as she looked at Percy with pure hatred. Annabeth stepped forward like she was going to lunge at him but stopped and sent a blast of energy at Percy. A shield of pure white energy appeared in front of him but the blast still knocked him back a few feet. Percy cursed to himself, it was night and Annabeth would be more powerful in Nyx's domain.

Annabeth smiled evilly as she looked over at Percy, knowing he would be weaker at night than in the day. Shadows began to form behind Percy as Annabeth kept his attention on her. The shadows tried to wrap around Percy but he flashed away before they could bind him, reappearing behind Annabeth who whirled around only to be blown back as a fireball hit her in the chest.

Annabeth was engulfed by a shadow before hitting the ground. She reappeared a few feet away looking at Percy in a rage as her clothes and armor smoked from the blast.

"You will die painfully Jackson." Annabeth hissed.

Percy remained silent as his mind raced with ways to end this traitorous bitch once and for all. He was brought out of his thoughts as Annabeth charged at him again. Percy let her stay on the offensive as he studied her technique; it had improved since her true nature had been revealed.

Annabeth's frustration grew as Percy continued to fend off every strike she made. She feinted a strike with her hunting knife and as Percy went to block, she brought her dagger down towards his chest.

Percy saw the move coming and knew he finally had her. When the dagger was thrust towards his chest, he spun out-of-the-way and brought Riptide down on her exposed wrist, severing it from her body. Annabeth screamed in pain as her hand plummeted to the ground. Percy wasted no time in slamming the flat of his blade into the back of her legs, dropping her onto her knees. Percy leveled Riptide at her throat as he knew his revenge had finally come.

Annabeth glared at Percy from her knees, golden ichor still pouring from her severed wrist, "What are you waiting for Jackson?"

Percy's eyes narrowed, "Tell me why? Why betray the gods and everyone at camp?"

Annabeth laughed humorously, "What and serve those arrogant Olympians? Please, I wanted power and each war has offered me a chance to achieve it. But of course a pawn like you wouldn't understand that would you? No, you'll just spend the rest of your life being the god's little tool to use however they please. It's pathetic, but I would expect nothing else from you." She sneered at him.

Percy shook his head, "You were nothing more than a pawn for Kronos, Gaia and now Erebus and Nyx. You act like you are different but you're not. If anything you're more pathetic since you were ignorant enough to believe them when they told you they would share power with you. Where are all your allies now Annabeth? Here you are, my blade at your throat but no one is coming. You stand alone without anyone caring enough to come to your rescue."

Annabeth glared murderously at Percy. Her good hand clutching the hunting knife she had never dropped. Before Percy could react, Annabeth lunged toward him with her hunting knife aimed at his heart. Half way there, her eyes widened as her own dagger was driven into her back. Annabeth collapsed onto her knees again, her hunting knife falling from her hand. She looked behind her and saw the narrowed volcanic rock black eyes of Zoe Nightshade as she smirked at Annabeth's look of shock.

"He's my brother, not my boyfriend, you dumb bitch." Zoe growled before she brought Annabeth's own dagger down and drove it right through the top of her head. Annabeth collapsed onto the ground as her immortal body flickered a few times before fading out of existence.

Percy turned towards Zoe with a smirk, "Aw, you consider me a brother?" He teased.

Zoe smirked right back as she twirled Annabeth's dagger in her hand, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Percy paled at bit but still smiled, "Thank you Zoe."

Zoe smiled back as she handed Percy the dagger. Percy shook his head, "Keep it. I trust it your hands more than mine. We might need it again and we can dispose of it after the battle."

Zoe's eyes widened before she smiled at Percy and nodded, sheathing the dagger at her waist.

They both turned towards the monsters that had begun to make their way across the bridge. Percy's troops were spread out over the bridge and had no chance to get back into their phalanx before the monsters reached them.

"Get back!" Percy screamed.

As his friends retreated, Percy stepped forward with Riptide raised, his body glowing with an ethereal sea green light. Percy slammed Riptide into the ground releasing a huge earthquake that shook the bridge down to its foundations. The ground split where Riptide entered, causing a crack to spread across the bridge. Percy stood and stomped on the crack, sending another quake into the bridge widening the crack as the bridge began to crumble in both directions.

Percy sprinted back towards his troops until he outran the crumbling bridge. When he turned around he saw the monsters halted in front of the thirty foot gap that was now standing between them and Percy's soldiers. The monsters began retreating back down the bridge in search of a new way into the city.

Percy turned back to his soldiers, before lightning flashing in the direction of the Williamsburg Bridge drew his attention.

"Samuel, grab fifty men and go reinforce Jason on the Williamsburg Bridge. Noah, take the rest and reinforce whoever is holding the Brooklyn Bridge. The hunters and I will be roaming from entrance to entrance finding whoever needs help."

"Yes sir!" The two said loudly before flashing off with the rest of the soldiers to reinforce the bridges they were assigned.

Percy turned to the hunters, the only people remaining on the bridge, "Well that was a good start eh?"

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Where to commander Jackson?"

Percy grinned, "Let's start with the Holland Tunnel. After that we'll play it by ear."

The hunters all gathered close to Percy who flashed them into the Holland Tunnel. The scene was not good when they got there.

"How the Hades is he even here?" Zoe asked worriedly as she looked at Perses the Titan of Destruction carving a path of destruction through a combination of soldiers, demigods and hunters.

"It doesn't matter now. All I know is his return will be short-lived." Percy growled.

"Go help the other hunters out." Zoe told the hunters. Percy looked at Zoe and nodded. He grabbed her hand and flashed them to the side of the tunnel. Zoe pulled out her bow and fired three quick arrows at the Titan, drawing his attention.

When he saw Percy standing next to Zoe, Perses' face reddened in rage, "Jackson, come face your death so that I can finally have my revenge!"

Percy's simply twirled Riptide in left hand as he extended his right and waved Perses over in a "bring it" motion as he stepped towards the middle of the tunnel to get himself some more room.

Perses wasted no time in charging at Percy, a large mace in his hand. Perses sent a powerful strike at Percy who stepped to the side, smacking the mace off its course with the flat of his blade. Percy jumped back as Perses swung wildly trying to catch him off guard. Perses went to charge again when a two black arrows sprouted from a chink in his armor. He turned towards Zoe and made to charge but Percy quickly stepped into his path slashing Riptide at the Titan's midsection. The strike made a shallow gash in Perses stomach, hardly fazing the Titan but effectively distracting his attention away from Zoe.

Before Percy could react, Perses' mace slammed into his chest, knocking Percy into the wall of the tunnel. Percy gasped for breath, each one more painful than the last from the broken ribs in his chest. Perses stalked toward him menacingly as Percy tried to scramble to his feet.

"Aw how sweet revenge feels. Do you feel it Jackson? Feel you and your allies slowing losing this war? Soon the world will be shrouded in darkness as a new king and queen begin their reign." Perses said as he kicked Percy in his already broken ribs, knocking him back to the ground.

Perses raise his mace only to stiffen suddenly as a silver hunting knife poked just noticeably out of his chest. Perses was knocked to his knees as Artemis stood behind him with a look of rage on her face.

"No one kills my boyfriend but me." She spat before grabbing the Titan by the hair and running her hunting knife across his throat. Perses let out a pained gurgling sound as ichor poured from his throat followed by the Titan dissolving into a fine golden dust.

Artemis quickly ran to Percy's side and put a hand on his ribs without a word. She sent a few pulses of silver light into his broken ribs before pulling her hand back as looking at Percy worriedly.

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked softly.

Percy nodded as he stood up, "Thank you Artemis."

Artemis winced as she saw the gash along Percy's jaw line. She did her best to heal it but the wound was deep and she was barely able to close it, let alone heal it completely.

Percy grabbed Artemis' hand softly, "It's alright, I will take care of it later."

Artemis gave him a small smile before she pecked him on the lips, "How many times do I have to warn you about dying on me?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm sure it will sink in one of these days. Where have you been?"

Artemis scowled, "A few minor gods, Phobos and Deimos along with a couple others attacked Olympus but we have them all subdued now."

Percy shook his head muttering about 'idiots' before he looked back at his love, "Are you here to stay now?"

Artemis nodded making Percy smile.

"Good, we need all the help we can get." Percy said gratefully.

Artemis smiled, "Are you sure? We all saw that little show you put on over on the George Washington Bridge. You looked ready to take on the whole army."

Percy rolled his eyes as he looked back at the battle taking place in the tunnel. The tide had been turned without a Titan to lead the army of monsters.

"We need to check on the other entrances. We can leave the hunters with Thalia but you, Zoe and I should go help someone in more need." Percy said.

Artemis nodded as she waved Zoe over. Zoe came running over as her bow vanished back into the ring on her finger, "Yes milady?"

Artemis smiled and pulled Zoe into a hug, "Thank you for making sure my idiot boyfriend didn't get himself killed."

Zoe smirked, "Someone has to look after him when you're not around; he tends to get himself hurt with all these pointy objects around."

Artemis laughed while Percy glared at Zoe, "Sorry to interrupt your little making fun of Percy session, but we are in the middle of a battle. Could we maybe go help someone out before Olympus is overrun?" Percy asked annoyed.

Artemis smacked the back of Percy's head before grabbing both Zoe and Percy and flashing over to the Brooklyn Bridge. When they reappeared, they saw Phoebe and the hunters shooting from the tops of the bridge trying to hold back and army of almost about five hundred monsters, while a wall of Greek fire separated the monsters from the soldiers and demigods but the fire was slowly dying out.

"You guys go help the hunters; I need to gather my soldiers in a better position of defend the bridge." Percy said quickly.

Artemis nodded as she and Zoe flashed up to Phoebe and the other hunters.

Percy's demeanor quickly shifted more serious. He walked up and sent two large fireballs of Greek fire to build up the barrier again before turning to his soldiers who quickly snapped to attention. He had right around one hundred of his soldiers and about thirty demigods as ideas began to form in his mind. He explained his plan to his soldiers, each of their faces shifted into smiles as Percy explained his plan.

The wall of Greek fire finally died out as the monsters were able to cross the barrier. When they looked up, they saw the demigods and soldiers had gather themselves into phalanx and stood in a wall across the bridge. The monsters started to charge toward the phalanx when a flash of light behind them halted them in their tracks.

Percy stood alone before he brought Riptide down and drove it into the ground. A crack appeared in the bridge and continued to grow until it was nearly ten feet wide, leaving the monsters nowhere to retreat, their only option being to get through the phalanx.

Artemis stood atop the bridge firing arrows continuously as Percy gathered his soldiers. She watched as they formed into a phalanx and smiled at Percy's idea, assuming it would work. She froze when she saw Percy reappear behind the monsters. She was about to flash down next to him until she saw him drive Riptide into the bridge, forming a crack that stretched the bridge and grew at least ten feet wide. She couldn't help but smile at Percy's intelligence; his plan was ingenious as the army of hundreds of monsters was now trapped between Percy's soldiers and a ten foot gap in the bridge. Their only choices were to fight or take their chances in the water.

Percy flashed himself back to his troops as the monsters crashed into the phalanx.

"Wait for it!" Percy ordered his troops.

The monsters continued to try to break the lines of the phalanx but the soldiers held firm.

Now!" Percy yelled as the soldiers' shields lowered just a bit and spears shot out and impaled any monster within reach of the weapon. The shields locked back together before the monsters behind could attack.

This continued a few more times until Percy grew impatient.

"Noah, give me a boost." Percy said as he stepped back behind the phalanx.

Noah's eyes widened before he grinned and nodded, "You got it commander."

Percy sprinted toward the back of the Phalanx as Noah knelt down, his shield strapped to his back. Percy jumped and launched off Noah's shield, over the phalanx and into the still large swarm of monsters. As Percy flew through the air, his body became engulfed in Greek fire, his hidden blades springing out of his vambraces as he drove them into the throats of two wide-eyed Dracaena.

Percy's right blade retracted into his vambrace and was replaced by a flaming Riptide.

"Charge!" Noah yelled to the troops who broke out of their phalanx and engaged the monsters in open combat.

Percy was in full battle mode, his mind blank, as he cut off the leg of an Empousai with a swipe of Riptide before ducking a Hellhound that lunged at his throat. Percy rolled forward and drove his hidden blade into the gut of a Laistrygonian Giant, the giant roared in pain as the fire from Percy's body charring its exposed skin. Percy jumped to his feet and kicked a Dracaena before he stepped back, and narrowly avoiding an arrow fired by an Empousai. Percy raised his hand and sent a fireball right into the face of the Empousai.

Slowly the monsters were pushed back towards the gap in the bridge; the relentless silver arrows only adding to the carnage that was being inflicted on the monsters. With fifty of Percy's elite soldiers, they were able to push the enemy back quickly.

Percy ducked under the club of a Laistrygonian Giant and was about to attack when another giant tackled Percy from behind and into the gap in the bridge, sending them both tumbling into the river below.

Artemis watched in horror as Percy was tackled into the gap in the bridge. She was about to flash down to him but Zoe put a hand on her mistress' arm, "Artemis it's only the river. Percy will be fine."

Artemis was about to argue when a geyser of water shot out of the river with Percy on top, an evil grin on his face. Percy raised his hand as the water bended to his will. Two tendrils of water shot out towards the monsters, wrapping around them by the dozen and dragging them over the edge of the gap. More and more tendrils of water dragged monsters into the water until the bridge was cleared.

Percy's soldiers began beating their swords against their shields as the water brought Percy back to the bridge. When he Percy landed back on the land, the soldiers stopped.

"I need half of you to head for the Lincoln Tunnel. The rest of you are coming with me to the Williamsburg Bridge." Percy ordered.

The soldiers nodded and the fifty told to were off to the Lincoln Tunnel. The rest took off towards the Williamsburg Bridge.

Percy made his way around to the seven of his soldiers who died one the bridge, quietly chanting before their bodies disappeared into a bright light.

Artemis and the hunters flashed down next to Percy, "What did you just do?" Artemis asked curiously.

"Just a prayer for their easy passage into Elysium before I teleported them to Aether's realm where they will receive the honorable burial they deserve." Percy explained sadly.

Artemis nodded solemnly, "Come on Percy; let's get to the Williamsburg Bridge."

Percy nodded and slid his hand into Artemis' before she, Percy and the hunters all vanished into a silver light.

The first thing Percy noticed when he reappeared was that the majority of monsters that had left the George Washington Bridge must have come here as the numbers of monsters on the bridge was overwhelming.

Percy made to charge into the fight when something in the back of the army of monsters caught his eye. Percy pulled out his bow and fired an arrow at the figure hoping to strike unnoticed. When the arrow was only inches away, the figures hand shot up and snatched the arrow out of midair. Golden eyes snapped in Percy's direction as Percy locked eyes with a fully reformed Titan of Time.