Chapter 38: Rewards and a Party

Jason and Piper caught up to Percy and the hunters as they walked. At the entrance of the throne room, Artemis told Percy and Jason to wait with her as the hunters filed in. After a minute, Artemis kissed Percy softly before she vanished in a flash of silver leaving Percy and Jason standing outside confused.

"What the Hades was that about?" Jason asked.

Percy shrugged, "I don't know but let's get this over with; I'm in desperate need to a good twelve-hour nap."

Jason chuckled and nodded as they opened the throne room doors. As they stepped into the throne room, they were met with a standing ovation from demigods, soldiers, Olympians and Primordials alike. Percy and Jason looked around as they both blushed in embarrassment. Percy sent a glare at his girlfriend who replied with a cheeky smile.

"Now that the saviors of Olympus have arrived we can begin our reward ceremony and celebration." Zeus bellowed as he looked at both Percy and Jason with pride clearly evident in his eyes.

Percy and Jason walked through the throne room as everyone watched them, the fourteen Olympians all seated in their thrones. Aether and Hemera were both smiling proudly at the two demigods from two pure white thrones at the end of the row of thrones. Unsure of what to do, Percy quickly made his way over to his usual spot by Hestia's throne. Following his lead, Jason took a seat at the foot of his father's throne.

Once he reached her throne, Hestia shrunk down to her human size and pulled her champion into a hug. As he hugged her, Percy began whispering in her ear. At first Hestia looked confused but after a minute she suddenly pulled back and led Percy out of the throne room.

"Sister?" Zeus called after her confused.

Hestia paused and looked back at Zeus, "I am sorry brother but I must speak to my champion in private. We will be back in a few minutes."

Artemis along with everyone else in the room looked at Percy confused but he avoided their questioning looks as Hestia led him outside. The throne room fell into an awkward silence after Percy and Hestia left the throne room. A general feeling of confusion settled in at what could possibly be so important that it couldn't wait until after the ceremony.

After five awkward minutes, Hestia walked back into the throne room, a warm smile on her face as Percy trailed in her wake. Zeus looked at Hestia questioningly but Hestia's smile only grew and she shook her head saying she wouldn't say what it was, at least not yet.

"Well now that Perseus and Hestia are back, we can resume our ceremony for rewarding our heroes from the war. We will begin with two fallen heroes who have returned to us with the help of Perseus and of course Lady Hemera and Lord Aether. Luke Castellan and Clarisse La Rue, please come forward." Zeus announced loudly.

Both immortal demigods stepped forward and bowed to Zeus before kneeling in front of their fathers' feet.

"Clarisse La Rue. For your bravery and leadership in the war, we the Olympian council offer to you the gift of godhood, should you want it. Should you refuse, you will have one gift from the gods as long as it is within our power to grant it." Zeus explained.

Clarisse's eyes widened, she had not expected to be offered godhood. She glance around the room until she found her boyfriend Chris Rodriguez smiling at her. He gave her a nod of encouragement.

Clarisse turned back to Zeus, "I am honored for the offer Lord Zeus but I would prefer to use my gift to grant immortality to my boyfriend Chris Rodriguez."

Zeus smiled at her request, "That is very admirable of you Clarisse. If you so choose, you may still become a goddess and I will grant Chris his immortality anyway."

Clarisse's jaw dropped before she regained her composure and nodded, "Thank you Lord Zeus, I am honored to accept the gift of godhood."

Zeus smiled as he and the rest of the Olympians rose from their thrones. Zeus began chanting in ancient Greek along with the rest of the Olympians until Clarisse's body began to glow a bright golden light. When the glow faded, she rose from a knee and looked down at herself in wonder.

"I now present Lady Clarisse, minor Goddess of War and Battle." Zeus announced.

Aether cleared his throat drawing the attention of Zeus who raised an eyebrow. Aether smirked and sent a blast of energy into Clarisse. She stumbled back from the blast but when she recovered, her brown hair was a lighter shade and her red eyes also had streaks of blue in them. She also had a slight glow to her body and was quite a bit prettier than she had been before.

Aether smiled, "I present Lady Clarisse, Goddess of Light and minor Goddess of War and Battle."

Clarisse grinned at Aether before making her way over and hugging both Aether and Hemera.

"Thank you Lord Aether." Clarisse whispered.

Aether smiled, "It's the least we could do after all you've done for us dear. And you're a goddess now, it's just Aether."

Clarisse smiled and made her way back to her father's throne who gave her a rare proud smile.

After Zeus immortalized Chris, he and Clarisse made their way back into the people seated around the throne room.

"Luke Castellan, please come forth." Zeus called.

Luke made his way to Zeus' throne where he bowed before kneeling at his father's feet. Hermes smiled proudly at his son, hoping he would also accept godhood.

"Now despite your past choices, Perseus has vouched for your eternal loyalty to Olympus. Had it been anyone else, I doubt the council would have accepted it; but Perseus' word carries a lot of weight with me and the rest of the council. For those reasons as well as your heroics and leadership in the war, we the council offer you the same gift as Clarisse. Godhood is yours if you so wish it." Zeus explained seriously.

Luke stood from his spot, "I owe more than I can ever repay to Percy for saving me in more ways than one. I swear by the River Styx to never go against Olympus in any way again, Lord Zeus."

Thunder rumbled in the distance as any bit of trepidation about the offer left Zeus' face.

"I am honored to accept the gift of godhood Lord Zeus." Luke announced.

Zeus began chanting as the rest of the Olympians rose from their thrones again and joined him. Luke's body glowed for a minute. When the light faded, he was blasted with energy from a grinning Aether. When Luke recovered he stood with his same blonde hair but now had sky blue eyes that matched Aether's perfectly.

"I present to you Lord Lucas, God of Redemption and minor God of Thieves and Travelers." Zeus announced before looking over at Aether.

"And God of Upper Atmosphere." Aether added quickly.

Luke bowed to Zeus before Hermes jumped down from his throne and pulled Luke into a tight embrace, "I can finally see my boy whenever I want." He said happily. Luke smiled at his father before turning towards Aether and Hemera before he stopped. He turned to Hestia's throne and quickly ran over and pulled Percy to his feet and hugged him tightly.

"I owe you so much Percy; I can never repay you for everything you've done for me." Luke said gratefully.

Percy grinned, "You owe me nothing Luke. You earned your redemption and everything you now have."

Luke shook his head, "Thank you Percy." He said before heading over to Aether and Hemera to thank them for everything.

"Jason Grace and Perseus Jackson!" Zeus bellowed loudly as the room fell into silence.

Jason stood from his spot at the foot of Zeus' throne and bowed in the center of the throne room. Everyone turned to Percy who hadn't moved. He looked up at his patron who whispered something in his ear. Percy smiled and nodded.

"Brother, I must speak to you in private before you continue. I apologize for the timing but it is of the utmost importance." Hestia said sternly.

Zeus looked confused but nodded numbly and gestured for her to follow him outside. The gaze of every person in the throne room turned to Percy who looked ready to dig himself a hole in the floor to hide from all their questioning looks.

Artemis jumped off her throne and walked over to Percy, "What are you doing?" She whispered.

Percy smiled, "Nothing Artemis, just keeping my word to an old friend."

Artemis' eyes narrowed, "And who would that be?"

"All will be explained soon. If you trust me then just have faith that I know what I'm doing." Percy replied back calmly.

Artemis glared at Percy for a minute, "Fine but if you do something stupid there will be Hades to pay."

"C'mon niece, is it really necessary to use my name like that?" Hades complained from his throne.

Artemis' face reddened a bit in embarrassment, "Sorry uncle."

Before anyone could speak, Zeus came back into the throne room with a small smile on his face. Hestia was smiling widely as she made her way back to her throne.

Everyone's expression turned to Zeus who looked thoughtful before realizing everyone was looking at him.

"Um yes, Perseus please come forth." Zeus said quickly.

Percy made his way to the middle of the throne and bowed next to Jason.

"I must ask you Perseus, are you absolutely sure this is what you want?" Zeus asked seriously.

Percy looked up and smiled a crooked grin at his uncle, "Never more sure of anything in my life."

Zeus smiled and nodded, "Very well nephew, it shall be as you want and I will honor your request as well."

Percy smiled and nodded, Thank you uncle."

"Zoe Nightshade, please come forward." Zeus announced loudly.

Zoe's eyes widened along with everyone else in the throne room, only Percy and Hestia were smiling albeit slyly. Zoe slowly made her way next to Percy and bowed but she snuck glances at him. Percy, for his part, just smiled a bit but gave nothing away.

"Ahem, as most of you can probably guess, Perseus and Jason were going to be offered godhood for their actions in the war. On top of that, both were going to be offered seats among us here on the Olympian Council. Apparently Perseus had a feeling he would be offered such a gift and made other plans for his wish." Zeus explained carefully.

Hera looked at Percy questioningly while Poseidon looked at his son nervously, desperately wanting Percy to join them on the council. Both had a feeling they would not like what was to follow.

"Perseus has decided to instead offer his gift to Miss Nightshade here for personal reasons that he can explain afterward. After speaking to Hestia, I can't help but agree with Perseus' wishes and his reasons behind them; he is more than deserving of the honor as well as the right to do with it as he pleases. So now I ask you, Jason my son and Zoe Nightshade daughter of Atlas and Pleione, will you accept the gift of godhood and a place among us on the council?" Zeus asked seriously.

Poseidon and Hera stood from their thrones, "What! Percy, why would you pass this gift to someone else? Think about what you're doing, this is a mistake." Poseidon shouted angrily while Hera nodded in agreement. Artemis sat on her throne in shock, completely confused about what was going on.

Percy stood up with narrowed eyes, "As Lord Zeus said, this is the honor I have earned and thus it is my decision to make father. I turned the offer of godhood down for others the first time but this time it is for me and the people I care about most in the world. I know what I am doing and my mind it made up."

Hera's eyes widened, "But why Percy?"

Percy's face softened a bit, "I have my reasons Mom and I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing. I chose the person who I thought was most deserving and who would be the biggest benefit to the council. Besides, I am immortal, it's not like I can still die, I simply have things that mean more to me than being an Olympian."

Hera looked at Percy in shock but slowly nodded her head and sat back down still confused. Poseidon still looked angry but sat back down after receiving a glare from his son.

Zoe grabbed Percy's arm and spun him back towards her, "What are you doing Percy?" She whispered.

Percy smiled, "What will make me happiest in the end, please just trust me. You don't have to accept but I won't agree to become a god regardless of your choice so if you want this then please accept."

Zoe looked at Percy confused but nodded and went back to bowing to Zeus.

"I accept father." Jason announced.

"I also accept Lord Zeus." Zoe replied.

Zeus nodded as he and the rest of the council stood from their thrones as they all began to chant in ancient Greek. Zoe and Jason both glowed with a bright golden light until the chanting stopped.

A flash appeared behind them as the three Fates stood in the middle of the room, "All hail Lord Jason, Olympian God of Heroes and Loyalty. All hail Lady Zoe, Olympian Goddess of Maidens, Sea Creatures, Virginity and minor Goddess of the Hunt." The fates said in unison. As soon as they finished two new thrones rose from the ground at the end of the rows of thrones before the Fates disappeared in a flash of light without another word.

The room was in stunned silence, only Zeus, Hestia and Percy were smiling.

Percy's smile vanished when every turned as looked at him expectantly.

"I would rather explain my reasons to only the council. The hunters can stay as well but I'd rather not do it in front of so many people." Percy said awkwardly.

Zeus nodded, "Everyone other than the people Perseus mentioned head out to the courtyard to begin the victory celebration. Percy will explain his reasons and we will join you shortly afterward."

Once everyone left the throne room, Percy was left with the Olympians and the hunters plus Aether and Hemera. Hemera smiled at Percy knowing his reasons.

"Now explain your reasons." Poseidon asked in a slightly calmer tone than before.

Percy nodded, "Well as you all know, Artemis and I are together. When she mentioned she would lose her hunters should she ever break her vow and that she intended to, I couldn't allow that. I love the hunters just like she does. So I visited an old friend and made a deal with her." He explained as a dark blue flash of light appeared next to Percy.

Styx stood smiling next to Percy, "I see you kept your end of the deal. I will keep mine."

Percy nodded, "I knew Uncle Zeus couldn't prevent Artemis from losing her hunters since she swore her oath on the Styx so I made a deal with Lady Styx. I offered the seat of power I knew I would be offered for Artemis to be freed from her oath, if she chooses. Lady Styx accepted the deal and even let me the honor to another as long I agreed to never become a god. As long as I don't become a god, Artemis gets to keep her hunters."

"But Percy…." Poseidon began but Percy cut him off.

"My decision is final father. This is what I want." Percy said seriously.

Poseidon stared at his son, trying to think of a way to change his mind but Percy's eyes shone with fiery determination showing it was clear that he had made his decision. Poseidon sighed and slumped in his throne, a look of defeat clearly evident on his face.

Everyone stood in shocked silence until Percy was suddenly grabbed from behind and spun around as Artemis pulled him into a deep kiss in the middle of the throne room.

As soon as they broke apart, Percy was slapped hard across the face.

Instead of being angry or surprised, Percy simply smiled and put a hand to his now reddened cheek.

Artemis' hand reached up and covered Percy's as he held it to his cheek. Percy looked into the love of his life's silver eyes; they were shining with gratitude and appreciation but more than anything else, love.

Percy looked around to see most of the council smiling warmly at him. Apollo hopped off him throne as walked over to Percy with a face void of emotion.

When he stood in front of Percy his face cracked into his patented megawatt grin as he pulled Percy into a bear hug, "I'm sorry for trying to get in between you and Artemis. There has never been a man more worthy of my baby sis." He said before he shrieked in pain as a silver arrow implanted in his backside.

"I'm not your baby sis, idiot." Artemis growled.

Apollo pulled the arrow out and grinned, "Whatever you say sis, but I expect some quality time with my future nephew or niece."

Artemis blushed furiously before glaring at Apollo.

Zeus cleared his throat, "So Perseus, you are immortal but not a god is there anything you would like to do?"

Percy looked thoughtful for a minute before his eyes widened; he looked back at Hestia who nodded encouragingly.

Percy walked up to Zeus and spoke in a hushed voice. Zeus' eyes widened before he grinned, "If she accepts then I think it would be perfect."

Everyone stared at both Percy and Zeus questioningly but both just smiled as Zeus turned towards Artemis.

"Artemis, how about Perseus joins your hunt as a guardian of sorts? Hestia has agreed to allow her champion to join your hunt as its guardian and only male member." Zeus asked.

Artemis' eyes widened before she got a thoughtful expression, "Well the hunt isn't really for men…." She began until she saw Percy look at her with a glare

"But I guess I can make an exception just this once." She said finishing with a smile.

Zeus smiled, "Alright, now I think we have a celebration to begin as we have two new Olympians to welcome as well as our three-time Savior of Olympus to celebrate."

Line Break

The celebration on Olympus lasted for hours. Percy and his father talked for a while about his decision until Poseidon was convinced his son knew what he was doing. Although disappointed, he was just happy his son had finally found some happiness.

Percy spent time dancing with anyone that could drag him out on the dance floor. Needless to say many of the female demigods and goddesses tried to pull Percy out on the dance floor but Artemis kept a close watch on who she allowed her boyfriend to dance with. The list did not include anyone outside Hera, Hestia, Hemera as well as numerous hunters who all had a new brother they were more than happy to welcome into the hunt. As the party died down, Percy was sitting at a table with Artemis and the hunters as Zoe stood from her seat and grabbed Percy's hand.

"I'm so tired Zoe." Percy whined.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "You're joining the hunt, it's time for you to toughen up Percy."

Percy looked at Artemis for help but she simply smirked, "It would not be smart to defy a goddess Percy, let alone an Olympian."

Percy smiled and let Zoe pull him onto the dance floor. Percy put his arms around her waist as Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck. They danced to the slow melody in silence for a bit until Zoe finally spoke.

"Why me Percy?" She whispered to him as they danced.

Percy smiled, "Why not you Zoe?"

She shook her head, "Percy, don't do that. You could have picked Thalia or Clarisse or any number of girls, I just want to know why you chose me."

Percy nodded, "Because I think out of everyone you will make the best goddess."

Zoe pulled back and looked at Percy questioningly.

Percy shook his head and pulled her closer again, "Thalia is like a sister to me but so are you Zoe. I know you well enough to know that you will take this more seriously than anyone else would. Of all my friends I think I respect you the most and I know you will be a better Olympian than I could ever be. Not to mention, if anyone was to take my place then it should be a child of the sea, Olympian Goddess of Sea Creatures."

Zoe smiled as she and Percy finished their dance, "Thank you Percy." She whispered softly as the song ended.

Percy smiled, "You deserve it Zoe; you don't have to thank me."

Zoe smiled and kissed Percy softly on the cheek before walking back to the smiling hunters. Percy followed closely behind as the hunters all stood from their table.

Artemis grabbed Percy by the hand and smiled, "Let's get you settled into the hunt, guardian."