Annoying Sister

The school ended, and Luka had dealt with the matter at school.

He walked home with Ana and Liz and made sure Ana wouldn't find anything weird.

As the doctors had told that Ana shouldn't be put under any kind of mental stress or in a situation that could affect her mind, and Luka was extra cautious to keep Ana safe.

When he reached home, he was welcomed by his mother— Macy, and his sister— Lily.

"Hey, Luka, listen here… whoa!" Lily approached Luka but stepped back when she noticed he was in a bad mood.

"You look in a bad mood, so I will talk about it later" "Yeah," I replied.

Lily was Luka's sister. She had short black hair that came to her shoulders and blue eyes.

Luka patted Lily and went upstairs to his room.

"Dammit, all!" He threw his bag on the floor while kicking the chair.

Luka was angry at himself for breaking his promise, but he was more mad at the circumstances.

He was clenching his fist so hard that his palm started bleeding.

Ring~ Ring!

Luka's phone rang.

"A text? Who is it? Is it Ana?" He grabbed his phone to check, "It's my old man."

[Yo, are you home yet? I heard some terrorists broke in today, and you took care of it. I never thought you would pick up a sword again after 'that' incident. So, you are ready to rock now, right? Happy to have you back.]

The text was from his father.

"Like hell, I am fighting ever again."

Luka replied the text with, [I said this before, and I will say this again, 'I am not going to fight again,' and don't text me again. It feels creepy]

He threw his phone on the bed, and seconds later, he got a call.

Ring! Ring~!

"A call? Is it from Ana?" He grabbed his phone, "It's my old man."

He wanted to cut the call but sighed and picked it up.


[Don't 'yo' me! I just said don't text me, and now you are calling me?]

[Aren't I smart? I knew you wanted to hear my voice, so I called you.]

[Like hell, I wanted that. Who will want to hear your voice? Seriously, what are you doing?]

[Me? I am in the bath right now. I wanted to talk to you about—]

He immediately hung up the call.

"What's wrong with my old man? Joking like this at this age," he threw the phone on the bed and left the room.

"Mom! I am hungry," He yelled as he walked down the stairs.

Lily was sitting on the sofa, playing with her phone. While Macy was setting up the table.

He sat on the chair of the dining table, saying, "Old man just called me."

"He is your dad, so call him dad."

"Where is he anyway? He didn't come home yesterday," Luka questioned, ignoring what his Macy just said.

"He just came home, and he is in the bath right now."


'He wasn't kidding about that?!'

"Hey Luka, guess what?" Lily sat on the chair beside his.

"Don't want to."

"Meanie!" Lily turned to Macy and said, "Mama Luka is being mean again."

"You shouldn't talk while eating" her plea got rejected.

"Luka" Lily turned to Luka and said, "Mama is being mean."

"Shut up and eat," and her plea got rejected again.

"What's this fuss about, huh?" a man in his late thirties entered the kitchen and sat on the chair next to Macy.

"Daddy! Luka and mama are being mean," Lily pleaded to her father—Dylan.

"Is that so? Don't worry; they are always mean."

"You two! Stop talking and start eating," Macy banged lightly on the table.

"Yes, ma'am!"

All four of them were having dinner. Everything was calm until:

"Heard you going out with Ana," said Dylan.


'You stupid old man! Is he doing this on purpose?' Luka grunted.

"Oh? When? I don't know anything about that," Lily asked in a surprising tone and dead look in her eyes.

After recovering from Dylan's surprise attack, Luka shrugged. "Well, it just happened."

"I see. It just happened, huh?" Lily glared at Luka.

'I am gonna die soon!' Luka gulped down the last bite.

"I am done!" He got up and ran straight towards his room.

"Hey, wait!" Lily called out to him.

He turned around and gulped down, "What is it?"

"We are going on a date tomorrow."



"So this is what you mean by date."

"Well yeah. Ana's birthday is tomorrow, so I wanted to buy a gift."

Lily and Luka were on their way to the shopping mall to buy gifts for Ana's birthday.

"I have already ordered a gift for her. And I just have to pick it up," he smirked.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah!" Luka glanced at her and said, "By the way, Lily."


"Aren't you angry?"

"Angry? Why? Why would I be angry because you are going out with Ana?" One glance at Lily was enough for anyone to notice that she was angry.

'You are angry!'

"Well, it's just, I never thought you would choose a time like this to confess to Ana. She might dump you later, you know?" Lily grinned.

"I know."

"I am looking forward to seeing your face when she dumps you."

"Shut up!"

'I honestly thought she would be more angry, but...why do I feel disappointed?' Luka was experiencing a feeling he had never felt before.

"So.." Luka matched Lily's pace and asked, "What were you talking about yesterday?"

"Hmm… what?" she looked at me and said, "Oh! Yeah. I won our bet. So now you have to do one thing as I say."

"Huh? Bet? What are you talking about?" Luka questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

"Remember we made a bet if I get my exorcist badge before I finish high school, then you have to do one thing as I say?"

"Did we make a bet like that? Weird. Not that I remember, but what about it?" Luka remembered the bet, but he was planning to back off if Lily demanded something weird.

"I got my badge!" Lily cheered.

"No way. I got my badge at 15 doesn't mean you can get it too." Luka refused to believe.

"I knew you would say that," She took out the badge from her bag and said, "Here, see this."

"..." Luka checked the badge, and without a doubt, it was the real exorcist badge.

"Hehehe. Do you believe me now?" She tossed the badge in the air and said, "So now you have to do one thing as I say,"

"I don't remember making a bet like that," and Luka backed out.

"We did. Don't lie!"

"Well, okay. What do you want me to do? Don't say something like 'break up with Ana'. She will dump me anyway," Luka groaned.

"Don't worry. I won't waste it on something like this. I will use this cleverly."

"Okay, as you wish, Lilith."

"Don't call me Lilith! Call me Lily."

"Is that your wish? Okay, then I shall grant your wish—"

"No. It's not my wish."


She was going to use this to make him do something unreasonable, and Luka was aware of that.

'As I thought, her brother-complex is really beyond the limit,' Luka shook his head.

As soon as they reached the mall, they parted ways.

"Wait here, I will buy a gift real quick," Lily ran into the stores.

"Okay. I will go pick up the gift I ordered."

Ten minutes later, they met up again at the same place.

"What did you buy?" Luka asked, looking at the paper bag in Lily's hand.

"Not gonna tell you," Lily replied.

"Fine by me."

"What did you order, Luka?" Lily asked with a curious look on her face.

"Not gonna tell you," Luka replied the same way Lily acted.

"Don't be so mean. I will give you a kiss if you tell me." Lily winked at Luka.

"I don't want your kiss."

'Seriously, I have no idea how her brother-complex increased this much.'

Then he remembered many things he has done in the past.

'Hmm?! So it's my fault that she ended up having such a brother complex?'

Luka was looking at Lily, thinking how fast she grew up.

"What are you looking at? Do I look that cute?" Lily flicked her hair.

"Yeah, yeah," Luka sighed and wondered, 'I have no idea what she will do if she finds out that I am not her brother.'

"Hey, Luka," She jumped in front of Luka and asked, "Are you really going to become an exorcist again?"

"I am not sure about that. But I am worried about Ana's condition," Luka replied sincerely.

"She will be okay. And her memories should return in three to four days anyway. So don't worry about it."


'Is she trying to cheer me up? She is a good girl, after all. As expected of my sister,' Luka praised Lily in his heart.

"And then I can't wait for her to dump you," she added.


'I take it back. She is annoying as always.'

"Heh!" Luka smirked and said, "Who knows? She loves me, so she might not dump me."

"No, she has to dump you."

"She won't."

"She will."

"She won't."

'At least I hope she doesn't.'