The Fourth Member of the Squad

Weeks passed, and Luka, Ana, and Liz grew close to each other as time passed. They were doing well on their missions, and they haven't encountered that strange monster again.

It was Tuesday today, so all the squads had to report their weekly reports to the squad leaders. Squad leaders are the ones who give missions to the squads.

Luka absolutely didn't want to go there, but Ana and Liz dragged him. As soon as they entered the room, a voice came from behind the large screen.

[Oh Luka, you came. I… your dad is happy that you came]

"Shut up, old man." That's right; his father was their squad leader.

[Aw, look, he is embarrassed.] he remarked.

Luka turned to Ana, "See?" then turned to Liz, "See? This is why I didn't want to come here."

[Alright, jokes aside.]

"You are the one who started this!" Luka retorted.

[I have some important things to do so I can't check your reports now, but I am sure it will be good.]

"So we can go now?" Luka asked.

[Before that, I need to make an important announcement.]

Luka raised his eyebrows, thinking it would be nothing important. He knew his dad better than anyone.

[You are finally getting the fourth member in your squad."

"Hah!" All three of them are surprised.

"Wait, what?" Luka questioned.

[I said, you are getting the fourth member in your squad]

"Why?" Luka was acting strange.

[Why you ask? Because a squad is supposed to be of four members]

"I know that, but we don't need a fourth member." he looked at Ana and Liz as he said, "Right?"

[You say that, but you are having a hard time on missions.]

"What's that supposed to mean? You haven't even seen our reports!" Luka didn't want a fourth member. He, Ana, and Liz could spend time together during missions, but if they got a fourth member, Luka wouldn't be able to do so.

[If there are four members, you can pair up in two teams]

Luka was furious, but he couldn't do anything. He sighed and gave up. "Alright, fine! So, where is this fourth member?"

[He is on his way.]

'Wait! He?! It's a boy?! I don't want him to team up with Ana or Liz'

[Here he is] The door opened, and the boy walked in.

"You..." Luka's eyes widened as he frowned.

[Say hello to the fourth member of your squad, Tero Urek]

"I demand an exchange!" Luka screamed.

[What exchange?]

"Why does it have to be this guy?"

[What do you mean?]

"It's… Nothing"

[Alright, I am heading out. YOur today's mission is on the screen. Good luck]

'Dammit, I hate this guy!'

Tero smiled at the remaining squad and said, "Hello, I am Tero Urek. I will be joining this squad."

"Yeah, Welcome" Luka drew out his sword.

"Luka, what are you doing?" Ana questioned.

"Welcoming him," Luka replied.

"You don't need a sword for that" Ana took the sword from Luka and put it in his sheath.

"Hello Tero, I am Ana, captain of this squad."

"Hello Ana"

"Call her captain, you bastard," Luka retorted.


Luka looked at Ana. "What?"

"That's my line. what are you doing?"

"Didn't you tell us to call you captain?"

"Umm… I know Luka and Liz, they are in the same class as me, but this is my first time seeing you," Tero said calmly.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I didn't know there was someone this beautiful in our school."

"Hold it, you bastard!" Luka was drawing his sword every time Tero said something.


"He is clearly trying to hit on you."

Ana rolled her eyes and said. "Let's discuss today's mission."

They all looked at the screen. Meanwhile, Liz nudged Luka and said, "Luka, are you okay?"


"You are acting strange."

"Am I?"


"Well… when I see Ana talking with some boy, I feel… "

"Could it be that you are jealous?"

"Yeah, I am."

"So cute."

"Did you say something?"

"No, nothing at all."

Luka had heard everything, but just to make sure what he heard was true, he asked again.

Ana turned off the screen and discussed the plan before leaving for the hunted spot.

They reached a construction site outside the barrier. "There have been several sightings of unusual monsters," Ana noted.

They stood before the construction site and watched it from outside.

"Okay, let's search this area," Ana suggested.

"Yeah. That way, we can search more areas in a short time." Liz added.

"We will form two teams," Ana stated. "Tero and I will search at the bottom area, and Luka and Liz, you look at the top."

"Wait a minute. Why you and Tero?" Luka roared.

"Oh…!" Ana had noticed Luka acting strange, but now she knew the reason. "Okay, Liz and Tero, and me and you."

'He with Liz...alone?' Luka shook his head as he denied that idea.

"How about Tero and me and you and Liz?" Luka suggested.

"Alright. Liz and I will look at the bottom, and you and Tero will search at the top," Ana reported.

"Signal us if you spot anything," Liz added.

Ana and Liz left for the search. Meanwhile, Luka and Tero climbed up to search the top floors.