Not 'the' First Kiss

"I just wanted to make you a little jealous because you look cute when you are jealous, but right now, you are not cute at all."


"I didn't wear your gift because I wanted to cherish it."

"Is that the truth?"

"You think I am lying?"

"....." It wasn't as though Luka didn't believe Ana, they have been through many fights, and their relationship had crumbled many times, so he didn't want to ruin their current relationship they had.

Luka opened the window of Ana's room, then opened the window of his room, and went in.

"Lily, Lily, where are you?!" He yelled as he walked out of his room.

"I am here; what happened?" Lily opened the door of her room and peeked her head out.

"This," He showed the gift box to Lily. "You gave this to Ana?"

"Yes, but why do you have it?"

"I see, thanks. You can go back."

Luka went back to Ana's room from the window.

Ana was still standing in the same spot. "You are cruel," Ana said

"....." Luka couldn't say anything.

"Did you really think I would cheat on you?"

"...." He still stayed silent.

"You don't trust me?"

Luka glanced at Ana and opened his mouth to say, "I just feel a little insecure."

Ana started crying. Her voice was already breaking before as though she was holding her tears.

"Hey, don't cry." Luka reached out to Ana.

"I am not crying." Ana started wiping her tears, but they just kept falling.

"I am sorry, please don't cry." Luka could bear anything; he would endure everything, but the only thing he couldn't endure in this world was Ana's crying face.

"Do you even know how I felt when you told me that?" Ana was deeply hurt. As though it wasn't entirely Luka's fault, he was partly to blame.

"I am sorry" If he had talked to Ana before judging, this wouldn't have happened.

"Do you know how I feel every time you talk with Liz? every time you are alone with her?"

"You knew?"

"Yeah, I know that you love her too."

"I am sorry."

"You think sorry is enough?" Ana had stopped crying, but her eyes were still teary.

Luka stared at Ana, then with a seriousness in his voice, he said, "Fine." And walked closer to Ana.

"Huh?" Surprised, Ana backed off as she asked, "Why are you coming closer?"

Luka walked to Ana, grabbed her hands, then started into Ana's eyes and kissed her on her lips.

Ana pushed Luka, not forcefully, but a little so their lips could separate.

"W-What are you doing," Her face flushed more Idiot!"

"Listen, I love Liz, but I love you the most. If you ever tell me not to talk with Liz, then I will stop talking to her"

"I don't want that."

"Are you really okay with that?"

"Of course I am not."


"But I don't mind."

"Ana..." Luka felt guilty about taking advantage of Ana's love like that, but this was something he had to do.

"But I will be your number one, okay?" Ana added.

"Yeah." They had finally settled.

"Now kiss me."

"What?" Luka was caught off guard with the sudden statement of Ana.

"You kissed me out of nowhere, and that was my first kiss. Kiss me properly this time." Ana demanded.

"It wasn't your first time. We had kissed when we were kids."'

Ana's eyes widened as she uttered, "You... remembered?"

"How could I forget that? That kiss is the reason I fell in love with you." He averted his gaze. 'Not really. I was in love with you even before that.'

Their relationship has faced several ups and downs; it was shattered many times, but every time they got together, they were closer than they were before.

"Okay, then this will be our third kiss," Ana said as she wrapped her hands around Luka's neck.

Luka brought his face closer to Ana, and as their lips were about to touch, he stopped.



"What happened today might happen again in the future."

"You mean you will get jealous again?"

Luka shook his head and looked into Ana's eyes before saying, "I am talking about our fight. We have fought every time. And most of our fights were because of misunderstandings."

"We are both to blame," Ana remarked.

Luka brought his lips closer to Ana's face and whispered, "So in the future, if something happens, we will talk about it without any fight, okay?"

Ana looked into Luka's eyes and smiled without saying anything. She then pulled Luka towards her and kissed him. They kissed again, but this time it was a bit longer.

"My, I came to see why Ana was yelling but oh my, what is going on?" A voice rang in the room.

Irene was peeking from the gap between the open door.

"Mom!" Ana pushed Luka away, "What are you doing here?!" she retorted.

"It's nice to be young."

"How many times do I have to tell you to knock?!"

"But the door was open."

"..." Ana blamed herself for not closing the door.

"And Luka"

"Yes?" Luka was also nervous.

"You can now officially call me 'mother'."


"Shut up, mom!" Ana roared and then looked at Luka, "And Luka, stop doing as she says"

"My, she is hiding her embarrassment."

"I am not!"

"But your face is red."

"It is not!" Her face was getting redder and redder.

"It is," Luka and Ana's mom said in unison.

"Get out both of you!"

She kicked both of them out of the room.

"Idiot Luka"

"I can hear you, you know?" Luka said from the other side of the door.

"What are you still doing here?"

"I want to talk to you more."

"You want to kiss me more?" Ana questioned.

"I don't."

Ana opened the door a little. "What do you mean by you don't?"

"Can I come in?" Luka asked.


"I just... want to?"

"I am about to clean my room."

"I will help you."

"My underwear and everything is lying on the floor, and I don't want you to see them?"


"It's embarrassing."

"But I saw you in your underwear not long--" Luka stopped.

Ana glared at him as she said, "I told you to forget it."

"Say, Ana,"


"Can you show me your body wearing underwear again?"

Ana looked at Luka as if he was a piece of trash and said, "Why are you suddenly acting like a pervert?"

Luka squinted his eyes and smirked. "Wasn't I always a pervert?"

Luka was expecting some comeback, but Ana just stared at him in response.

"Hey," He called out.


"Want to go on a date?"


"I mean, it's Sunday today, and well... we just kissed, and I want to go on a date."

"I want to, but I can't."

"Is it because of Liz?"

"Yeah," Ana nodded. "I said we would be 'Status quo', but we kissed twice. How am I going to tell her that?"

"I will tell her."

"You will?"

"Yeah. I want to take responsibility here. I will tell her and... I want to confess to her too."

"You just kissed me then asked on a date, and now you are talking about confessing to her in front of me."

"But you said you are okay with it."

"I am kidding," Ana grinned. "I will leave that to you but let me ask her if we can go on a date or not."

"What if she denied it?" Luka questioned, knowing what Ana would answer.

"We won't go."

Luka smiled and asked, "What if she agreed?"

"We will go."

'So simple.' Luka thought. "She hasn't replied yet?"


"Maybe she is still sleeping?"

"Not everyone is like you."

"What's that supposed to--"

"Oh, she replied."

"What did she say?" Luka curiously asked.

"Okay, I don't mind.... is what she said."

"Great, now let's go on a date."

"Fine. But let me get changed first." Ana closed the door.


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