
Kidnapped:chapter nine

when I woke up I could not see I came to the conclusion that I was tied up and blindfolded I heard breathing but could not tell where it was coming from I tried and failed to use my magic to cut throw the ropes but than someone laughed but it was cold and humerles.

"you can use your magic here" the voice said "who are you"I asked "that's none of your concern" the voice retorted "ok then why am I here" i said the voice did not respond but now i heard multiple people breathing.

"Take the blindfold off" said a new voice" are you sure Boss"said yet another new voice "yes of course I am we must make our guest comfortable and judging from the bright red around were he is bound then he must be in pain" the other voice was silent but than my blindfold was removed.

"umm not to be rode or anything but what are you guys?" the voice that told them to remove the blindfold was coming from the biggest of the three creatures in front of me "we are the dragons"wiat your dragon? does that mean you know John?".

"who`s John?" asked the biggest dragon it front of me"never mind that where are we the last thing i remember was reading a book on the palace balcony?" well you are now in the kingdom of the dragons"said the biggest dragon.

"the kingdom of dragons hey this place is pretty cool" i said trying to keep them talking"you think so" the smallest dragon committed "can we take him on a tour of the castle? please"he said when the big dragon looked at him sternly he gave in and told the small dragon"yes you may but you are responsible for him and getting him back here before midnight".

"thank you so much my King" said the small dragon"King?"i asked "why yes i forgot to introduce myself yes i am conrad the King of the dragons and you are?" i looked at him and said "i am jace evergreen the prince of the wolfs".

he looked shocked "I am very sorry my lord" i looked puzzled "lord?" i asked "yes you are lord i am again very sorry untie him immediately and give him clothes" for the first time i realize i was not wearing clothes the only thing i was wearing was a kilt of swamp grass.

"Thank you for the clothes" i said as we walked through the streets the clothes i was wearing now were dragon scale i was reluctant to wear them but they were so comfortable and warm"how long have i been here"i asked when i saw the sun was at it highest peak.

the dragon KIng said"for three days"I was horrified "THREE DAYS I must go home immediately" the KINg simply grabbed me by my shoulders and took off "i can fly myself you know "i had to shoot over the wind to be heard "yes i know but i can fly way faster and you did say IMMEDIATELY"he imitated my voice on the last word.

"HAY i don't sound like that" he laughed " yes you do he dropped me and i flew up and onto his back in between his wings was where i sat it worked best that way "DRAGON SOUND THE ALARM" yelled one of the centuries.

but before they could they saw me riding the dragon i waved and they daysed waved back the Dragon King landed on the highest tower which was my room i asked"can you come meet me here everyday" he smiled and said" yes my lord as long as the king and queen approve".

"We do" they said from behind me i was terrified by the sunded noise"sorry" my mother and father laughed "please don't do that again" i pleaded "ofcore Hony" my mother said "bye conrad"i aid and went to my closet and got changed into my dark green hunter outfit because i was going to the forest to practice my archery.

"you ready to go" my mother asked she was wearing a similar outfit to mine "yep" i said and went over to the edge of the castle grounds which was the five hundred foot drop to sudden death if you did not have wings like the royal family and the guards and maids.