
We carry the bodies outside, and we place them on top of a fire pit. Everyone gathers around. Lexa holds my hand tightly, and I give her a comforting smile. Some people say a few words about the two that died, and Lexa speaks. "Clarke." She says. She holds the torch to me. I take it, and I light the fire. Tears stream down people's faces as their loved ones are burned to ashes.

Later, after the fire is gone and everyone is trying to get back to normal, Lexa takes me to the lake. I hide the drawing, and thankfully she doesn't notice it. We sit together on the rocks. I hold her hand. "When you handed me the torch, it reminded me of when you did the same thing in TonDC." I tell Lexa. "Me too." She replies. "Do you ever think about Costia?" I ask. Lexa looks into my eyes. "Sometimes. But the pain of losing her is nothing compared to the pain I would feel if I lost you." Lexa says. "I thought you were going to die today." I say, as a tear rolls down my cheek. Lexa brushes it away with her thumb. I lean my head on her shoulder, and she wraps her arm around me. She plants a kiss on the top of my head, and I smile lightly. "I told you I'm not going anywhere." She says.

Once we get back to the camp it's already night time. Madi hugs us once she sees us. "Do you think we'll ever be safe?" She asks. "Yes. We are safe now." I tell her, and something tells me that's true.


Thank you for reading this chapter!

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