Panties, toilet ... And visiting Hinata ...


>>> Warning <<<

This first part is a delusion that I have, I still can't believe I wrote it ... But I couldn't stand it I felt I needed to write ... Anyone who doesn't want to be ashamed of others, don't read this part, for love.

>>> Warning <<<


Today is another quiet day, the snow is already decreasing, but the cold is still intense. Naruto was injured a few days ago, so we agreed not to meet for now, so I was at home with Sakura.

As Ino invited Sakura over to her house, Mom said she had something important to talk to us about.

"Sakura, Saori .... The time has come." Mom had a very serious face, so Sakura and I were tense ...

"You are already 4 years old, almost 5 years old, but you still haven't come out of that." Mom pulled a diaper and put it on the table ... Yes ... We are 4 years old and we still haven't got out of it ..... Well it's mostly my fault ....

"You're right ... Ino doesn't use them anymore, she stopped using them a while ago." Sakura nodded .... No ... The inevitable is coming .....

"I ... I think we should still use it ..." I say avoiding their eyes.

"No. It is time for you to use it." Mom put one on .... A pair of panties in front of us .....

No ..... Please ... No ... Everything but that .....

"Ah ... How cute ..." Sakura already received hers and liked it ... I'm sweating cold as I look at the panties that were in front of me ... Even with a teddy on her back .. It is unmistakable .... This is panties ....

"Mommy ... I ... I don't want to use .... It's uncomfortable .... I don't want to ....." Mommy looked at me angrily, that was the same argument that happened about the clothes. ..

"If you don't, I will forbid you to wear those clothes and you will only wear the clothes I choose." Mom said to me with a cold look ... It's as cold as death to me ...

"This is not a choice ... It is .. It is a death sentence." Before I can protest anything more, Mom picks up a super cute outfit that she had prepared .... She knew I would reject?!?!?!?.

"Choose .... One or the other ..." Mom turned into a giant, holding two things in front of me ..... I feel like I'm going to die .... Sakura has already put on her .... No .....

I feel my eyes tearing up .... But Mom didn't budge ....

A man has to be decisive ... One time or another I will have to wear this ... I will still be a man, even if I have to wear panties.

I take the teddy-print panties and go to the bathroom .... I feel my cheeks wet .....


This is extremely uncomfortable ... It is totally different from a male underwear ..... It sticks to my skin .... I don't have the feeling of space I felt when I used the men's underwear, and especially .... I can perfectly miss my little self .... I'm going to cry ..... Ah ..... I'm already crying ....

I leave the bathroom with my face wet ...

.... And then I feel absurd dizziness .....

I just realized another important fact of not using a diaper ... I will have to pee in the toilet now .....

Without my little self ... Just like a girl does ..... No .... Please ..... No .... .

I look at my mom, she has a smug look on her face ... She knew ... That was her plan .... It wasn't about making me wear one panties .... But not using the diaper for my needs ....

I hate you mom .....


I tried to put up with the maximum I could ... But it didn't work ... I would do it in my clothes ..... I as a man, I have to assume the consequences ..... I will do it .....

With my conviction coming from the beyond, I walk towards the bathroom with my greatest determination, my face was serious, this time ... My biggest enemy .....

I lift the toilet lid and look with determination .... I take off my shorts ... I lower my panties with shaking hands .... And I sit on the toilet ....

And with tears coming out of my eyes .... The sound of pee against water is ringing in my ears ....

Is different from doing it in diapers. In the toilet the relief that comes to me is different ..... Soon the torture section ends .... And the second part of this torture comes .... Me to clean.....

Mom left a wet tissue for us to use, they are soft unlike normal toilet paper ...

I take some of this moistened paper and take it towards my little corner(Groin) .... Mum has done this several times when I was a child, but this time it's me .... It's weird ...

I finish wiping the paper in my little corner(Groin), throwing it in the trash, getting up from the toilet, putting the panties back on, next to the pants and leaving the bathroom .....

A complete mission ... And successful, exactly as a man should be .....

Ignore the swollen face from crying.


>>> Warning <<<

I am finished with my sick delusion.

>>> Warning <<<


Here I am, holding Mom's hand ... In front of a giant house, a house that is very similar to the ones I saw in the anime, a Japanese house. And in front of it was a written sign.


... What am I doing here, you ask? ... Well ....

A few days after we were attacked by the boys.

"Sa ... Saori ..." I heard Hinata call me, it took a few days to stop her from calling me honorific. I didn't call her "Sama" either, even though she was heir to one of Konoha's strongest clans. It can be said that we are close friends now.

"Hinata." I hugged her and rubbed our cheeks, the only advantage I appreciate being a girl, I can hug Hinata every time, without looking awkward ... Even though I'm not wearing such feminine clothes ...

Hinata also hugged me.

"Dad found out what happened ... about being attacked by boys." It stopped me .... Father of Hinata = Head of the clan ... His daughter being attacked = for being with me and Naruto .....

I ended up drawing my conclusions, and it made my eyes fill with tears ... Men don't cry .... Men don't cry ....

Hinata was tense because I was almost crying.

"Won't we be able to see each other again? ....." Hinata was tense with my words ...

"I knew ....." I feel a tear fall from my eyes .... I mean, it wasn't a tear, it was sweat. IT WAS MALE SWEAT.

I must have taught Hinata well, she was momentarily panicked, but soon she patted my head, just like I do sometimes ...

"It was nothing like that ..." An extreme relief came over me with his words ... I don't know when, but I started to like being with Hinata very much, she is different from anyone I have ever met, be it mine previous life or this ... She is not like those who abandoned me.

Hinata is a friend, I don't want to lose her .... So her words were a lifeline for me.

"Really? ..." I wasn't sobbing .... I wasn't .... I swear ....

"Yes ... He just wants to meet you ... He wants to meet my friend ..." Hinata said with a red face, I am your first friend too, right?

This totally improved my mood.

"He invited you to come to our house tomorrow ..." It stopped me again .... Am I going to meet Hinata's father? .... And am I going to her house? .....

"I ... I'm going to ask my mom ..." As much as I was scared, I was also looking forward to going to a friend's house, I never did that in either of my two lives.

I hear Hinata laughing lightly, I don't understand why ....


"Are you sure this is your friend's house? ...." Mom asked me. Sakura was not accompanying us, she went to Ino's house, and Mom brought me to Hinata's.

"Yes, why ?." I asked curious, why did Mom get so tense?

"Why didn't you say that your friend was from the main branch of the Hyuugas?." Mom asked me shaking slightly ... I had told her that Hinata is a Hyuuga.

"But didn't I tell you? She is the daughter of the head of the clan." Mom turned to stone ... And just ahead the house gate was open and in front were two people. One was a tall man, with a stern face, wearing a white kimono ... Their eyes were also a clear lilac, the same as Hinata's, showing that he is one of the Hyuuga ... Behind him, there was someone I know good.

"HI-NA-TA." I didn't really care about the man ... Hinata was in front of me, which required a hug .... So I ran towards her and hugged her and rubbed our cheek ... I am a child, aren't I? ....

I feel the man looking at both of us, but neither I nor Hinata bothered about it ... Unlike Mom, she was whispering something I couldn't hear, so I didn't care.

The man, who could now see better, was a lot like Hinata, so he must be her father. He walked over to Mom and started talking to her. Mom seems to have recovered and is talking to the man normally, although she is still tense.

"Hinata, your home is huge." Now that the gate is open, I can see the house, it continues as far as my eyes cannot see ... Is that how clans are? ... Incredible ....

"Yes, but this is only the entrance, I will show you my house." Hinata seems to be excited too, I think it's the first time for both of us.

"Saori, come here." I hear mom calling me, so I run up to her.

"I'll come and pick you up later. So you better behave ... Did you hear?" Mom said with a very scary look, so I nodded. Of course I know, this is the Hyuuga clan, of course I will behave.

I ran back to Hinata, Mom waved to me, to which I replied and together with Hinata's father, we entered the Hyuuga complex.


As we walked, I could see that the Hyuuga complex surrounded a large field of land, which at that moment was covered with snow. Even though the snow season is coming to an end, in places like this you can find plenty of snow.

"So Saori-Chan, I heard that you defended Hinata from some troublemakers." Hinata's father commented, he still has a stern face while looking at me, but I didn't care so much, I wasn't afraid of him, it doesn't seem like he wants to give me that impression too.

"Yes, they were some annoying children ... I met them for the first time bothering Hinata. They attacked us, but they weren't that strong. They can't hurt Hinata with me here." Yes, with a male man like me nothing will happen to Hinata.

The man smiled a little at what I said. Hinata who was holding my hand also smiled.

Soon we arrived at a part of the complex that had a more peaceful atmosphere.

"I'll leave it to Hinata to show you around, just follow her rules, okay?" Hinata's father patted me on the head and left.

"Come, I will show you to my room." Hinata holding my hand pulled me towards her room. The door to the room was the same as in Japanese inns.

As soon as we entered my eyes shone. Hinata, unlike me and Sakura, had her own room. Sakura and I still share the same.

Hinata's room is similar to ours, infantile. If there is to be a difference, it would be the color, that hers is light purple and blue, mine and Sakura's are pink and white.

In your bed there are several cute stuffed animals that made my eyes shine, but I held on .... I shouldn't ..... I want to get one so badly ....

Before I can approach, Hinata's bedroom door is opened and a girl very much like her enters ...

"Onee-Chan, I heard that you brought a visitor." I look in the girl's eyes, she has the same pairs of eyes and she is almost identical to Hinata if I were to say the difference it would be that her hair is bigger and darker than Hinata's which had a blue coloring.

Wait ... Onee-Chan ... Hinata's sister ... But she is the same age as Hinata .... Hanabi is at least 5 years younger than Hinata, she is Konohamaru's age ..... She shouldn't have been born yet .....

What is happening ?....