Yes ... Today is the first day of the academy, better known as a ninja school. I am very anxious but afraid. I had a lot of trauma at school in my previous world.
The surroundings were packed with parents with their children, mostly children my age, but there are also quite a few who seem to be older.
"So this is the ninja school, mommy?." Sakura asked beside me. I feel like we're not as close as we were, since she made friends with Ino and the other girls, she doesn't seem to care about me.
By the way, now that we are 5 years old mommy gave us different rooms. Yes, I finally have a room. I wanted to be celebrating ..... But unfortunately the room is pink like most of the house, so my excitement is not so much ... I will never understand what this admiration for pink is.
While Sakura talks to Mom, I look around to try to find my friends. The only one I can see clearly is Naruto, while Hinata and Hanabi are nowhere to be seen.
"Mom, I'm going to talk to my friends." I pull on Mom's sleeve to get her attention, which worked, since she quickly turned her gaze on me.
"Ah, Saori, you can go, but you have to behave and obey the sensei, so I will have to leave you two here. So you can go talk to your friends, I'll accompany Sakura while we wait for Ino." Mom gives me a caress on the head with a smile, to which I also smile and give her a hug, after that I go towards Naruto, of course I do this without letting him appear in Mom's vision, she still doesn't like me to have friendship with him.
While I'm walking, I notice several looks on me, I didn't feel any malice from them, so there were probably some parents looking at me, I don't understand why, but that's okay I hope ....
By the way, because of what Harumi-Oneechan did to me, I developed a taste for cute clothes ..... Yes .... Even though everything is fine, my heart still hurts to think that I a Man is wearing such cute things. ...
Right now I'm wearing a white t-shirt, with light pink edges, in the middle of this shirt there are 7 diamonds 4 of light blue and 3 of light pink.
I'm also using some things that make my heart bleed more than normal ...
First being skirts ... Most of the women's children's clothes use skirts ... Harumi-Oneechan made me get used to them .... It is very strange to wear them, the wind passes under me, sometimes the skirt even flies ... In this time when I am getting used to skirts, I ended up getting used to wearing panties ... And now she is comfortable to wear ... But the panties always remind me that I no longer have the little self down there, so I still hate them.
Second is that I started wearing a children's bra ... I didn't think I would have to wear one so soon, but my body was uncomfortable, especially on my chest ... More specifically on my nipples ...
Mom explained that my breasts may be starting to develop, that's why this discomfort in this area ... I think I cried a lot that day ... Why does my body have to develop so fast? I just want to be macho ...
As a result, Mom bought several children's bras for me .... And I had no choice but to wear them, since they improved my discomfort. But even though they improved my discomfort, he ended up adding another one ... It's strange to have something holding your chest ... It breast that's, called for girls, isn't it? ..... I feel my soul cry ...
Third thing I use are stockings ... They go up to my thighs and are white to match my clothes. They didn't bother me so much, men also wear knee-length socks ... I think ..... Social socks? .... Why am I feeling my soul cry even more? .....
In that time, from my 4 to 5 years old, my hair has been growing a lot, mainly my bangs, they almost cover my eyes, Mom wanted me to cut it so it would be short, but I hate short hair, I have trauma when anime girls cut the hair hair .... so no ... for the first time my soul and heart didn't hurt ...
So I use a loop to remove the pink fringe from my eyes ... Although I only use it on the fringe of my left eye, it helps a lot ... And unlike bra and clothes, wearing a bow does not affect me much.
This is the look I'm wearing to come to ninja school, it's a cute outfit at least ....
When I finally reach Naruto, I see that the parents are leaving leaving only their children here. I see Mom waving her hand, so I wave back ... I still don't see Hinata or Hanabi ... I don't actually see Naruto's main characters ... Only Naruto is here. Well, let's talk to him first.
"NA RU TO." As Naruto is so distracted looking at nothing ... I know what he is thinking, but there is no reason why I show sadness to him, or talk about it, what I can do is put a smile on his face.
So I approach his back and give him a scare ... It was very effective, since he jumped off the swing and fell to the ground.
"Hiiii ... What did you do Saori, hurting me before we even entered school, how am I going to make friends like that?" Naruto had watery eyes, he wore a black T-shirt with shorts. But what attracts the most attention is the glasses he has on his forehead.
This was actually a gift that I, Hinata and Hanabi bought for Naruto ... As it was his birthday and we didn't know what to buy, I remembered that he wore glasses like that, so we decided to buy it, and as you can see he liked it a lot his.
"It's very difficult for you to get friends with that Naruto personality of yours. You have to thank the great me for putting up with you and being your friend." I say with a smile on my face, while my hands are on my back.
"Shut up, you have a bad personality here." Naruto answered me angrily, he was ready to attack me, but halfway he stopped.
"What is it?. Gave up because you know you're going to be beaten?." Naruto and I have been training together, so it is not strange, we are used to this type of interaction, the strange thing is that he did not attack me as he normally does.
"Of course not ... I just don't want to hurt you too much." Naruto has a pout on his face and a red cheek, he is very cute when he's like this, he looks like a girl ..... Wait .... I had a great idea ... I'm going to make Naruto suffer as I also suffer. Friends have to be together in those moments too.
I have several clothes that can match him ... Yes, it will be a good idea.
As if Naruto felt something of me he looked at me with caution ... Ah, you don't know what awaits you Naruto, Muha ... Muhahahaha.
Before we could continue our interaction, all the children started to come together with the voice they called, me and Naruto went together.
I still don't see Hinata or Hanabi ... They must be together with the others from famous clans, like Ino since I don't see her either, it made me less worried.
As soon as we joined the crowd, a man wearing chunnin clothes started to explain some basic things and then asked us to follow the instructors.
As we were many, we were divided into groups, as I was with Naruto, I stayed with him. As for Sakura, I have no idea which group she is in, we were a total of 5 groups, with around 15 ~ 20 people each. While two groups were taken to listen to the Hokage's lecture, another 3 were taken to visit the school. And then it was changed.
As me and Naruto were in the last group, we were the last ones to go to the Hokage, Naruto even called him Jiji ... Well ... Naruto likes him, but he did a lot of things wrong, things that an old man like him shouldn't have done, so I'm still angry at our Hokage.
Since I didn't want to hear his lecture, my cheek was swollen with air whenever he looked at us, and the rest of the time I spent looking at the faces of the Hokages.
As soon as the lecture ended, the instructors brought us back together and started to divide us by room.
Most groups consisted of 20 to 30 children, in the end there were only a few left, which included me, Naruto and Sakura. This instructor then took us to a room, as soon as he opened the door the first thing that caught my attention was the children who were already here.
There were all 10 remains of the original Konoha group, + Hanabi. Sakura and Naruto were with me. Anyway, they don't matter, Hinata and Hanabi were here, that's what's important.
"Take your seats, I'll start explaining what your classes at ninja school will be like." The instructor asked us to take our seats.
Me and Naruto didn't think much and joined Hinata and Hanabi.
"I was worried, I didn't see you at the school entrance." As soon as I join them, that's the first thing I say.
"I don't know what happened, but when we got here, we were separated from the others and an instructor started to explain things, we had a talk with Hokage-Sama too." Hanabi said that. So they did practically the same thing as us, but did they go first because they were clan members?
"We did the same, too." Naruto started talking about what we did.
"You look very cute, Saori." Hinata who is next to me commented ... It's a compliment, I know ... But it still hurts a lot ...
"You too Hi-Chan." Well I still answer, Hinata is very cute, she still has a hint of shyness from time to time and that makes her even more cute.
"And I have a big plan for what we can do after ninja school." With a malicious smile, I explain my plan in Hinata's ear, she gets tense but then she smiles ... Yes, she also liked the plan.
"What are you talking about ?." Hanabi asked beside Hinata. Hinata then says the plan I told you in Hanabi's ear.
"Eh ... I want to know, too." Naruto the curious, tries to get information.
"Secret ~." We said in sync .... We are looking like Harumi-Oneechan ....
The whole room was chatting, except for some anti social ones, so our conversation didn't draw much attention. The conversation stopped when a new instructor entered the room and hit the table, silencing the room, including the four of us.
"Good morning, class, I am your teacher, Umino Iruka. I will begin to explain some things, I ask that everyone be silent." So this is Iruka-Sensei? It is very similar to the anime, how interesting.
"This class that is here today, will continue until the end of the school year, maybe some changes may happen, but be aware that until graduation, for 7 years, you will be classmates. I hope you are prepared for that." Iruka-Sensei said out loud that it reached everyone, including the four that were at the back of the room.
"Guhum. So to start, I want each of you to introduce yourself." Is this the famous first Japanese class? ..... I'm getting anxious ... Iruka pointed to the first student in the wallet and asked him to introduce himself.
The boy is a secondary character named Takamura ... As I am trying to become a ninja I better keep this information, even if he is a completely forgettable secondary character.
The performances continued until arriving at one of the main character of Naruto.
"I am Sasuke Uchiha." And that was his presentation ... Well meh ... But I think I've met him before ..... Duck Hair ..... Ah, I don't remember and I don't have to remember, bhleeeee, damn vengeful emo.
The next to perform, already in another row was Kiba with Akamaru, then Chouji followed by Shikamaru, in the following rows were Shino and some forgettable characters.
And then it was the girls' turn. The first to introduce himself was Ino, followed by Sakura. And it finally arrived in our row ... I hope I can introduce myself well.
"I'm Saori Haruno ...." Now I can't say anything to that damn emo ... I couldn't speak my next words because of the tension I felt .... At least my face remained neutral, so I wasn't ashamed ... I hope ...
I didn't notice some red faces while I was presenting ...
Hanabi is social and curious, so her presentation was nice, unlike Hinata's who was very similar to mine.
And the last one to perform was our great protagonist.
"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I will be a hokage, Dattebayo." Naruto introduced himself with a big smile ....
That was the beginning of my ninja academia. (Don't take it seriously, I just wanted to add that, lol.)