Today I am another day at the Hyuuga clan, in front of the door of Harumi-Oneechan's room, I knock 3 times out of politeness and hope that Harumi-Oneechan opens the door.
As mom knew she was coming to the Hyuugas' house, she asked me to give something to Hiashi-Ojisan and something to Harumi-Oneechan, so I ended up coming earlier than usual. Hinata and Hanabi are still in training.
The guards of the Hyuuga clan practically know me for every ounce of hair I have, so they allowed me to come in easily, as always. It reminds me of the first time I had to wait for Harumi-Oneechan to come and pick me up, the guards were sweating cold that day.
The door opens slowly, Harumi-Oneechan was wearing a loose-fitting white outfit, she usually doesn't wear clothes like that, it's rare to see her looking like that.
"You arrived earlier than usual today, Saori-Chan. Come in, I'm not dressed well enough to be out here." Harumi-Oneechan strokes my head with a smile, as he always does.
I nod my head and enter Harumi-Oneechan's room. It is not the first time I have come, I always came with Hinata and Hanabi, we even slept a few times here. But after Haruo-Chan was born, we stopped coming and let Harumi-Oneechan take care of him.
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>>> Warning <<<
This first part is a delusion that I have. Yes, one more of my delusions .... Anyone who reads and wants not to kill me, I appreciate it. I ask that you do not read.
>>> Warning <<<
"Mom asked me to bring some things for Hiashi-Ojisan and for you Harumi-Oneechan." Saying this, I look in the bag I brought to take the gift to Harumi-Oneechan, as soon as I take the gift and I turn around I see that Harumi-Oneechan had her breasts out, with Haruo-Chan in her arms, she was breastfeeding him .. .
I froze in shock .... I only saw one real breast in my two lives and it was Mom's when I was born. It is strange to be looking at the bosom of my friends' mother.
"Ah .. Sorry Saori-Chan, I was breastfeeding Haruo before you arrived, so I had to stop in the middle, are going to be okay?" I nodded, and I'm sure my face is red, very red. I can't take my eyes off Harumi-Oneechan's breasts, she must be finding this very strange. (In her view, she only sees a child with curious and ashamed eyes.)
"Are you curious Saori-Chan?. It's normal to be curious about things like that, you're still young. When you grow up you'll have to breastfeed your children too." I think I felt a piece of my heart break .... Never ... I WILL NOT BE A MOTHER. I will never date a man or marry a man. NEVER.
"Come sit here, let me show you how I do this." While trying to deal with the hurricane in my mind, Harumi-Oneechan speaks and pats the mattress next to her, I approached as she asked.
My face is still hot and the closer I get, the more I feel warm. As I sit next to her, Harumi Onee-Chan lifts her blouse, removes her bra and then her right breast appears in my view, while her left breast feeds Haruo-Chan.
"When we women, we are pregnant, our bodies start to prepare to take care of the baby. Milk being something essential for the baby is produced as soon as they are born, before that in the baby's gestation period, our bodies are just getting ready." Harumi-Oneechan explains it to me as simply as possible, I'm not entirely a child, but she doesn't know that.
"The milk we produce is extremely healthy for the baby, as they don't need water or any other source of food. When you're pregnant, you'll see how babies love it." I already said, I'll never be a mother, so I don't have to worry about that.
Even thinking that, I still observe the right breast, her nipples that were normal before, were now releasing some white drops, I don't know what gave me, if it was an instinct from when I was a child or something, but I brought my mouth closer to the breast from Harumi-Oneechan. It wasn't because I wanted to, I don't see Harumi-Oneechan like that.
But sucking on your breast was very good, the milk that came to my mouth reminded me of when I was a baby ... Some may say that it is very bad to be a baby, but I can say with certainty, that the time for breastfeeding was heavenly.
Licking Harumi-Oneechan's breast, it reminds me of just a little taste, perhaps because my tasting pupil has evolved since my childhood. But although the taste is different from what I remember, it is still very good.
Harumi-Oneechan didn't say anything with what I did, she just stroked my head, I really appreciate that she didn't say anything, If she said, I don't know what I would do, I think I would never step on the Hyuuga clan again, maybe they would even kill me .. ... I don't want to think about it.
I stayed like this for a while, drinking Harumi-Oneechan's milk, when Haruo-Chan finished being breastfed Harumi-Oneechan stroked my head.
"Okay Saori-Chan we're done, if I continue to breastfeed you, I will not have milk to breastfeed Haruo later." I remove my mouth from Harumi-Oneechan's breasts, I had my face red I too nod. I think I'm going to cry ... Why did I do that?....
"So ... Sorry Harumi-Oneechan ..." I look straight into her eyes. Harumi-Oneechan still had a smile on her face, she patted me on the head and then adjusted your clothes again, putting on the bra first, this is the first time I see a mature woman putting on her bra, like Harumi-Oneechan's breasts are big, (now I know where Hinata inherited them from in the anime) she did something I didn't understand, where she stuck her hand inside the bra and adjusted both breasts.
"Don't worry Saori-Chan, I'm not irritated, Hanabi did something like that before, after Hinata knew, she tried it too the two didn't like the taste so much." Harumi-Oneechan said with a smile while getting ready, her words relieved me a lot, it cut off any fear that I had.
>>> Warning <<<
I am finished with my sick delusion.
>>> Warning <<<
"Ahhh, before I forget, here's Harumi-Oneechan, what Mom asked to deliver to you. This one is for Hiashi-Ojisan." Harumi-Oneechan brought the mood back to normal so easily, I want to learn how to do something like this.
We spent the rest of the time talking about random things, about how the ninja school is going and among other things. We continued until Hinata and Hanabi entered the room, they were wearing their training clothes and were a little sweaty.
"Saori." Hinata approached me and rubbed her cheek on mine, it seems that she is imitating me now.
"Hey, you're sweaty, gosh." I didn't bother with her sweat, but I still complained, the last time I did that she also complained, so it's revenge.
She seemed to understand my joke as she looked at me angrily.
"Go outside, before you wake up Haruo." We heard Harumi-Oneechan speak, so we nodded. Hanabi was the first to take my hand and drag me out, thus separating me from Hinata, she seeing that she was falling behind ran for us to reach.
As soon as we left and ran a little further, we found Hiashi-Ojisan.
"Oh, are you already here Saori-Chan?." Hiashi-Ojisan waved a hand.
Because Hinata is no longer as shy as in anime and after telling her several times that learning to fight is not a bad thing, since she can protect us and that hurting others in training is not a bad thing, that she will only be helping the others getting stronger, along with some training I did with her, made Hinata less shy in training, although she hasn't changed that much, because Hinata still doesn't like to hurt others. This at least made Hiashi-Ojisan not as tough as he is in the anime.
Hanabi is another monster. She was already extremely talented in the anime, not even mentioned here, from what Hinata said, Hanabi can easily fight with other older children and she hasn't even woken up Byakugan yet.
Both are strong, but Hanabi is a little stronger, Hinata is just as talented as she is, but she still hesitates to hurt the other a lot, something Hanabi doesn't do, so she has that advantage.
If I were to say, Hinata is the one who strikes back and Hanabi is the one who strikes first.
"Ah, Hiashi-Ojisan, good afternoon, Mom sent me a gift, I left it with Harumi-Oneechan." Hiashi-Ojisan nods, he seems to go back to his place, but then stops.
"Saori-Chan, what do you think about facing Hanabi and Hinata?. I never got to see how you are in terms of taijutsu." Hiashi-Ojisan has a twinkle in his eye. Is he planning something ?.
I will not lie, I am proud, I know that I am not a ninja and that my amount of chakra is minuscule, but in this time that I have been training it is not only to improve muscles or chakra, so I am confident in taijutsu, as long as they do not awaken they the Byakugan.
"I want." The three of us nodded.
"Well, then go one at a time." Hiashi-Ojisan is definitely enjoying this. Since I can't face them in the hall, we decided to fight on the open sand.
"Can we use the clan's taijutsu?." Hanabi asks her father, can I see that she is very excited about the idea of facing me. Usually whenever we fought amicably, Hanabi loses, but that's because she can't use her clan's taijtsu.
"I'm going first, Hinata." I bet Hinata doesn't even have to face me.
"Well, as I am here today, I will allow the use of the clan's taijutsu." Hiashi-Ojisan allowed the use of the Hyuugas' Taijujsu, I hope it she is not so advanced in it.
"Let's see how you did against Hyuuga taijutsu, Saori." Hanabi did not wait long and made the duel seal without resentment, which I accept. This was taught by Harumi-Oneechan.
As soon as Hiashi-Ojisan started, Hanabi came running towards me with an open palm. As I thought, I may not be able to cope if they have Byakugan, but without them I can.
Before Hanabi's palm reaches me, I take two steps back and divert his palm with one of my hands connecting to his wrist. Hanabi, seeing herself so open, retreats, but before she can balance, I move forward.
My type of Taijutsu is one without style, combining anything that I remember from the manga. So as soon as she stepped back and I moved forward Hanabi without experience made a defensive move to protect herself from any strikes I might make.
Hanabi should be used to fighting me, since when I train with Hinata, sometimes she faces me, but I always take it easy, she also does the same, since she doesn't use her Taijutsu style.
But today, as she is using what she learned from her clan, I will not take it so lightly.
His defensive movement was not the best choice, as my intention was not to punch, but to grab his fist and collar.
A typical judo move, but something she is not used to. Grabbing her fist with one hand and her collar with the other, pulling one of her arms forward and joining my back to Hanabi's chest, I rotate her with my lower body, that was enough to throw her on the floor , causing your back to hit the dirt floor.
I nudge his nose and laugh. Once she awakens Byakugan, I won't be able to do things like that anymore.
"I won HA NA BI ~." I keep laughing at her face, to which she responds with a very cute pout.
"That was unfair, Saori." We start to complain about what the other one does. A "Guhum" stopped us, we looked at Hiashi-Ojisan and Hinata who was beside him.
"It was a beautiful move that you made Saori-Chan, where did you learn it from?" To tell you the truth, I'm as calm as a lake with his question.
"I read in a book, ever since we faced those kids I looked for methods to face others." My excuse was easily accepted, Hiashi-Ojisan didn't even ask for the name of the book, he knows how much I usually read.
"Well, then it's Hinata's turn." Hanabi sulks over to Hiashi-ojisan's side while Hinata walks towards me.
"Remember how we trained, you don't have to be afraid to hurt me, this is training, it will make us stronger." I say to Hinata with a smile.
"Right ..." Hinata takes a deep breath and takes the Hyuugas' position. Hanabi is talented at fighting, but Hinata learned the Hyuugas' takas better.
I position myself in a similar way to her.
"Start." As soon as Hiashi-Oijisan says neither of us makes a move.
I try to look for a place where I can attack Hinata, but she is well positioned and with a focused look ... Those are the moments I hate the most, Hinata is counterattacking the same as I do ... Dealing with Hanabi is easier ...
Well, I'm going to have to attack somehow, so I better try that? ... Yes, Let's do it.
We stood for a few seconds and then I move towards Hinata and punch him with an open palm, which she deflects easily, I try to hold her wrist, but she was prepared for that and pulled your palm back away and attacked me, which deflect with my arm and then I counterattacked.
We did this exchange of blows 3 times, until I saw her unbalance a little and when our wrists connected again with a quick blow to your legs I made her fall on her ass on the floor.
Konoha ninjas are not used to low leg attacks ... The next style I can try can be capoeira, this one I know.
Helping Hinata to get up, we continued to fight, Hinata and Hanabi were alternating ... Are they trying to tire me out? This is unfair ....
We continued this for a long time, of course I lost a few times, but it was fun. Hiashi-Ojisan observed at that time and always made some comments about what we can improve, he talked several for me.
When we finished it was already getting dark. The clothes I wear are not even for training, they are ordinary clothes and now they are all dirty. Mom will kill me ....
At least Hiashi-Ojisan asked if I wanted to sleep here today, he even sent a ninja to inform mom.
The three of us went to bathe together, I was going to wear the clothes of one of the two girls to sleep, we still haven't decided which room we're going to. In the bath I also asked if they wanted to visit my house someday, which they agreed to.
In the bath I washed Hinata and Hanabi's back, we also played some more in the bath and when it came time to sleep, we didn't even discuss which room we were going to, we just fell into bed and slept. Hinata and Hanabi slept hugging me ... I must be your stuffed animal...