First kiss

Chapter 5

Mui Hue open her eyes and greeted by the light in the ceiling: She closed her eyes again and blink to adjust at the light. Where is she? She question. She tries to stand up but the pain in her head greeted her. "You already awake, thanks god.." She looks at that guy who just talked, In her surprise it's not Zhang Yong it's an old man.

"May I know where am I, and Who are you?" She furrowed her brows.

"I saw you lifeless with a little girl in my neighbor house," She nodded her head; after realizing what he just said, she looks at that old man in shocked.

"Where's my sister now? Is she doing fine?" That old man lowered his head made Mui Hue's heart beats fast and scared filled her at the moment, she still doesn't get the answer yet she's already scared by the move she saw to that old man. "Where is she!?" She shouted, her whole body trembled. She can't lose her sister, Mui Mui is her strength, she's the reason why she's fighting.

"I talked to the doctor who checked her and..." The old man is worried, if he will told her what happened to her sister, she will probably run and can affect her sickness; if he didn't tell her the truth, she will do the same though. "She didn't make it.." He doesn't know her but he knows what the feeling of losing someone.

"Where is she now?" She can't control her tears from falling. "This can't be happening." She whisper, widening her eyes preventing her tears to fall. "This is my fault, Mui Mui.." She whispers and the pain she's holding for a years now came out. "AHHHHHHH!" She shouted, her veins in head and neck became visible as she shouted.

"No one's fault, I don't know you nor what happened but I know it's not your fault.." He tries to comfort her but he can't go near her since her angriness is filling her.

"No.. No.. This will never happened if I didn't left her in my father, I already knows he can always like that and he can kill someone anytime, he's in bad mood yet I still left my precious little sister to him. I'm useless." She blame herself for almost whole day. Tomorrow, she can go home.


She left her hometown and continue her work in coffee shop, "Can we have our lunch now?" Zhang Yong asks, while leaning over Mui Hue's counter. She looks at him and she gulps as she witnessed the flirty face he had on while looking at her.

"I'm still busy and we take our lunch at exactly 1." She said, she turns her gaze at her counter; she's wiping it. Avianna is busy intertaining the customer in her counter. "Go home and take a rest," She let heavy sigh when she noticed Xhang Yobg still not looking away from her. "You have work, right? Go now, You're the boss and you're absent for almost 2 or 3 days."

"I like to be with you, I have a time to finish my work later." He said, still admiring her. "I'm the son of the person who ownes this shop so I have the right to order you too." He treathened. She let a chuckle.

"I thought you hate this shop?" She joked.

"Of course, its before.. I love this shop now." He winked at her. Seriously, is he flirting at her right now? At the shop? She look at her side just to find Avianna giggling and giving Mui Hue a teasing look. She then turns at Zhang Yong with a fake smile.

"Okay fine.. I will have lunch with you, but wait 'till our break, okay? For now, go to your house or your work.." She whisper. She thanks that someone enter the shop and they're group. "Go now, I'll text you.." She smiles at him and went to Avianna to help her with her costumers.

She went to the table where the couple sat down and give them the menu. "Can I get your menu now, ma'am, sir?" The girl that can be in her age too smiled and admire her.

"Mine is Mocha." She said.

"Mine is Capuccino." He said too without looking at her, Mui Hue nodded with a smile still on her smile.

"Your order is coming for 2 to 3 minutes, ma'am sir.." She said and takes the menu and handed it to the receptionist. She went to their counter and Mui Hue started to make their orders.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Avianna asked, she worried Mui Hue will got confused because their so many orders. She shook her head without looking at her co-worker.

"It's fine, just intertain the customer, Anna."

"But, There's no customer now, I can help you with that orders." She sighed and handed her the mocha.

"Okay then, put that it in tray, I'll deliver that to table 15 with this Capuccino," She nodded and did what Mui Hue said. She doned to make the orders and It's time for her to deliver. She's on her way to the table 15 when she saw Zhang Yong's figure; looking at her with his light blue eyes.

She let a heaved sigh, Why he doesn't listen to her? she thought. She purposely passed by in front of him and signed him to follow her. He chuckled before standing up and follow Mui hue behind. They both entered the dress room.

"Why?" He give her his teased look.

"Why are you still in here? Didn't I told you to go home? What if you get back to your work and you're tired?" Smile creeped his face.

"Stop worrying at me, watchinf you serving makes me relax and less tired." She gulps then let a heavy sigh.

"You really are stone-headed, you still haven't change."

"I'm still the Zhang Yong before, you're the one who changed." She didn't expect that their funny conversation ended up in serious conversation.

"Okay okay.. You know you're more bossy than me so.. Stay whenever you want.." She said and passed by him, smiles plastered her lips at the thought of they getting along with each other again.


Things aren't easy st Mui hue after her shift in coffee shop. She needs to go back at her hometown and arrange her sisters funeral and everything. Zhang Yong doesn't know about it since wanted it to herself and not drag Zhang Yong in her family problem again.

She went back home with a swallen eyes, she didn't eat her dinner and sleep immediately. What just happened last day took her strenght, She doesn't want to stand up, and work. Zhang yong doesn't know anything even the little cut in her head, hopefully she's having her baby hair to cover that cut. She have a little fracture in her bone in the shoulder but she acted like notiing happened.

He will not asked where's her sister since he doesn't know she had a little sister.

"Why you always want to go at the shop earlier than the shops call?" Mui Hue got shocked at the voice in her back: she looks at her back and saw Zhang Yong in her long sleeve rolled up to his musles and maong pants and his perfect body is visible.

"Don't you have works today?" She asks as she ooening the door with her keys. He strolled near her and watch her olen the door. "Am I asking someone?" She asked: noted the sarscam.

"I do have but you is more important." Finslly she opened the lock at the door and open it wide. She give him a disguisted look.

"Me is more important than the carrer you're holding?" He innocently nodded.

"If you knew what's my reason why I pushed my dreams to built my own business, you will sure like it and I know you will never sleep at thinking how much I love you." He said in a joked way but he means it.

"Stop joking around," He chuckled, they both went inside the coffee shop and she strolled to the changing room to put her things in the locker and put the apron on.

"Where's Avianna?" He asks.

"It's still early, We have a call we have to arrived here at 7:30 but we have our own call and it's 6 so we have the time to clean and arrange the seats." She said while putting the chsir down from the table.

"Then you're early than the time you guys had.. It's 5:30 you still have 30 minutes left.. Sit down first and let's hsve a talk.. Let's wait for your co-worker. You know how much I care for you.. I don't want you to do that alone, You will get tired." He widen his arms, wanting for a hug but Mui Hue shrug her head and continue to put the chairs down, he pouted.

"Help me then." She chuckled. She's done putting the chairs down and it's time to prepare the coffee shr will use later. She even wipe their counter. While wiping, she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she flinched a bit.

"You've been working hard... Does something bad happened? Why are you wiping tha counter so hard?" He whisper in her ear, she gasp as his warm breath is hitting her ear..

"I'm fine, I really need this counter to be clean, anytime." She lied, what happened last day in her house made her feel guilt and wanted to find her father.

"Then okay." He rested his chinNin her shoulder. "Can I get your attention for a second? You've been busy since yesterday.." He pouted. She holds his hand in her tomach since his hand still wrapping around her.

"If I have time, I will go to your house andgive you more attention.. Okay?" He let a heavy sighed.

"Don't you like it when I'm here? I wonder what happened last day that you became cold towards me." She didn't answer him. To get her attention, he buried his face in her neck and smell her scent; She flinch and slightly push him away.

"Stop, it tickles." She chuckled, she turns to the sink and wash her hands. Zhang Yong didn't stop and wrap his arms round her waist again and buried his face to her neck At first he thought it as a tickles for her but the next came in his mind is lust, affection to Mui Hue.

A while ago, he's just using his beard to tickles her neck; now he started to stuck his tongue out and bite her, she flinch a bit. He holds her tight so she can't ran away. She noticed his sudden change of mood, she shiver at the new feeling she's having right now.. He continued to do it and she knows what will gonna happen next since she saw it in every romance movie. She pushed him away.

"We're in shop and not in your room, Mr.Zhang Yong. Stop being cringy." She said and look at the glass wall if someone just see them, and when she saw nothing, she turn around to the sink.

"I told you to give me attention," He pouted. "At least talk to me, and dropped that fomality, I'm Zhang Yong, your childhood friend and your first love" He added, he said it with confidently.. Yes, she's saying that she love him but can't he knows that doesn't mean he's her first love? She says that because she loves him as bestfriend.

"I'm talking to you and you're talking to me right now? Can you elaborate more, Zui, what you want to say." She said still not turning her gaze to him.

"Aissh, nevermind. Let's have a breakfast first." He said, his expression changed. She chuckled and nodded, 'he's in bad moon' she thought. She purposely did thst so that she can return the favor. She wants to be flirty to him too since he's doing that since yesterday.