
Chapter 7

Hate isn't even a word for these two...

"She's my goddamn sister you prick! She doesn't even know you two assholes! The only one she knows here is Lucas, and she regrets meeting him!"

"Who the hell do you think you're yelling at?!"

Within seconds Daniel's hands had moved to my face. He smashed my head into the locker while Isen repeatedly landed body punches on me. Lucas was recording it, on my phone. MY fucking phone. I removed Daniel's hand from my face and kicked him."Looks like you won't be having any kids, you bastard."

Isen punched me straight in my nose. Now I think it's actually broken. I groaned as it bled. "I really hate you two..." I wiped my nose. I swung at Isen but Lucas caught my wrist. "Aww, trying to fight back like your friend, that's your worst mistake!" "What the hell did you do to Haru?!" "Aww, you gave him a nickname too. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Tell me what you did to him!" Lucas twisted my arm behind my back and kept it there. Isen grinned at me. "Let's just say that he won't be awake for a while, but don't worry, you'll be right with him soon."

"Like hell, I will!" I kicked Lucas in his side causing him to let go of my arm. I grabbed my phone back from his hand, but Daniel had kicked it out of my hand once he stood back up. How come I was always getting myself into some type of trouble? Why could I never just have a peaceful day without all this extra drama and fighting? I should've stayed in Ms. Rimes's room. I even managed to drag Haruhi into this. I'm such a terrible friend.

"Y-you kicked me! In my balls! My goddamn balls! You're f-fucking dead!" Daniel was now infuriated. He's still a bitch in my eyes.

He pushed me back into the lockers by my neck. "Let me g-go!" He ignored me as his grip got tighter. I watched Isen as he reached into his pocket and took out a pocket knife. "Is this what you did to Haruhi?!" I'll kill them. It may not be now, but ill definitely kill them. Without hesitation. Everyone here has suffered enough from these low-life mother fuckers. "Shut up!" I tried to get Daniel's hand off of me but his grip was too strong. He tilted my head to where Isen could easily access my neck.

"You're worthless. You're just like Haruhi and that lame excuse of a brother you had. My vision started to go blurry and dark. Before I fainted I heard Daniel and Isen say "Shit! Someone's coming!" Daniel, Isen, and Lucas ran off, leaving me to fall to the floor. Why couldn't anyone have come sooner...I'm certain we were loud as hell...I closed my eyes and I don't really remember anything else.

Warped voices echoed in my head. "Private, wake up. I don't have all day you know." "Y-yeah, please wake up Saito. I'm getting worried." I slowly came to with my vision still being blurry. I squinted at the figures standing in front of me. "H-Haruhi, is that you? My vision is really acting up at the moment. I can't...fucking see, damnit." "Yeah. Look who I found though." "Captain...Shiroe?! What the hell happened to you? You had me acting like a psycho girlfriend!" Where the fuck has he been all this time? Had me worrying for his stupid ass.

"Calm down. It's only been a day. As to what happened, I was at a friend's house and my phone had died. Their charger wasn't even a charger anymore. It was like one of those old apple chargers and it breaks really easily, so the wires are all showing and whatnot." "Mmm...Well, either way, I was hella worried about you two."

"Awww." Shiroe smiled. "Save all that mushy bullshit for later, you whipped son of a bitch." "Heh, okay. What time is it by the way?" Haruhi checked the time on his phone. "It's a 10:20." "Oh, okay. I guess we should all head back to class." "I'm against it, but sure." "Y-yeah. Also, Saito, make sure that you take care of your nose. Okay?" "Alright. Good look Haruhi." We all left the infirmary and went back to class as usual. Unfortunately, Ms. Rimes's classes are 2 periods long, so I had to return to her class. I walked back to my class and I was immediately bombarded by female classmates.

One of the girls spoke up. "We heard about you and Lucas." "Are you okay?" "Pretty much. Everything is fine except for my nose. My head still hurts a little too but it'll pass."

"Saito, is it true that you fought Daniel and Isen?" "Sure, I guess so. It wasn't that hard at first, but then things got a bit out of hand as you can see." After a few more questions I managed to get back to my seat. I sighed once I realized that Lucas sat in front of me. Turns out that while I was gone Lucas tried to get the class against me. He came back to the class 'limping' to get other girls' attention.

He told them what had happened but left out the fact that Daniel and Isen were there. He flipped the situation around and said that I took his phone, called him names, and claimed that I had beat him up. Speaking of phones, where's mine? Anyways, Lucas got the class riled up and yelling. Shiroe came into the class during that time to skip. He was almost immediately killed by the girls. He managed to calm them down and told them how Daniel and Isen were there while Lucas was recording. He then proceeded to tell the class what they did to me and that I was in the infirmary...He made me look like a wuss...But, he did tell them about how I fought back until Isen brought out a pocket knife. The only reason why they ran away was 'cause Shiroe was looking for me and happened to walk down that hallway at that point in time. I'm thankful for that though.

So, that explains why the class was all hype and worried when I finally came back. My nose still hurts, but I'm glad that Haruhi and Captain are good. I checked my pockets and my schoolbag for my phone."Dammit. Now I'm sure that I don't have it." I don't really remember much except for me taking my phone back from Lucas. After that, I think I just passed out or I just blacked out. I don't know.

"Yo, Saito, I'm back."