Trinity - A Visit From Carter




 After Reece left, I started wrapping presents. I had all but one gift now, but that one needed a little more time to get ready, so I knew not to expect it yet. I wrapped all the presents for my family first, because I had gotten them things that I knew they would like and was really happy with those presents. Then, as I started on the gifts for my friends, there was a knock on my door.

 "Trinity?" It was Carter. I hadn't seen him in so long. I was so glad I had already wrapped his presents. I bolted to my feet and ran to the door. When I flung it open and saw him there, I threw my arms around him, happy to finally see him after so long.

 "Carter!" I squealed. "Oh Goddess, I missed you. Where have you been?" I asked him when I stepped away and beamed at him.