Trinity - The Morning After, So Embarrassed




 I had an extra spring in my step when I went down to breakfast the next morning. I walked in and took my seat without saying a word.

 "What's with that look?" Mom asked me.

 "What look?" I deflected.

 "The 'cat that ate the canary' grin that you've got." Mom was looking at me quizzically.

 "I don't know what you're talking about." I tried to sound as innocent as I could.

 "Yeah, sure you don't." Mom clearly didn't believe me.

 A few minutes later Abigail brought our breakfast to the table, but Little Bunny still hadn't come down.

 "Where's Trinity?" Mom asked, a look of concern on her face.

 "I haven't seen her." Abigail answered.

 "Julie, will you go find out what is keeping her?" I asked, I wanted to see my mate before I had to leave.

 "Yes, Sir." She replied before hurrying out of the room.