Chapter 9- Reece-Cooperation? (VOLUME 2)




To say that hearing what Agent Otsana had to say surprised me was an understatement. If I heard that right, my Little Bunny had commanded obedience from a non pack member that was forced to obey. Was she a former pack member that never settled with another pack? Was she actually a Red Springs wolf? I sincerely doubted it.

"Agent Otsana, are you saying you were compelled to follow my mate's orders?"

"Yeah, that is precisely what I'm saying." She was still staring at Trinity with a look of shock, fear, wonder, and distrust all mixed together. "And I want to know how she did it." She didn't sound as if she were planning to pull her offer of cooperation from the table, but things were definitely taking a unique turn.

"I don't know how I did it." Little Bunny's eyes were wide and full of doubt and fear. "I don't know what's going on here." She looked afraid, like she was actually a rabbit cornered by a pack of wolves.