Chapter 101- Trinity - Shawn (VOLUME 2)




As we were running, racing to check on Shawn, I sent a message via mind link. I needed to tell Griffin to hurry. He had been waiting near the edge of town. He was waiting to see if he would be needed. Well, he was needed. I'm sure more than just Shawn needed his help, but Shawn was all that filled my mind right now.

'Griffin!' I nearly yelled into his head.

'Not so loud, Luna, please.' It sounded like he was speaking with pain in his voice.

'We need you, now.' I sent these words back at him with a slightly lower volume.

'Who has been hurt, and where?' He was already in his work mode.

'Shawn has been hurt, he is near the river on the south side of the city.'

'Lana and I will be there soon.' I was happy to hear that they were together and that they could help Shawn and everyone else.