Reece - Trinity Wakes Up (VOLUME 3)




  About ten minutes after Griffin left the room Noah and Vincent came back in. They looked relieved so I could guess that he had told them that Trinity was out of the woods now. That was good, I wouldn't have to be the one to tell them. As it was I was going to have to tell my mom. Unless I could delegate that task to someone else.

"Did Griffin say how long she would be asleep for?" Noah asked me as soon as he stopped next to the bed. I watched as he tucked the stray hairs behind Trinity's ear. If he weren't her brother of sorts I would be furious, but he was so I didn't say anything about it.

"No, he didn't. I hope it won't be long but I also hope it is until the morning, she needs her rest." I was looking at her peaceful face as I spoke.

"Yeah, she does. She has been busy and this pregnancy is taking a lot out of her." Vincent was the one who responded which surprised me.