Reece - My Vow (VOLUME 3)




Trinity and I had those first few moments after the babies were born all to ourselves. She had fed them, and all she wanted to do was hold them now. I could see the love and joy in her eyes as she looked at our children. I couldn't have been more proud of her at that moment. She was the most amazing thing that had happened to me, and I would never forget that. Ever!

The problem was, it was now approaching one in the morning, and my Little Bunny was exhausted. She had been exhausted before all of this started a few hours ago. She had gone to bed early to get some sleep because she was so tired, and then the excitement started. She needed to rest now.

As I got to my feet, setting Reagan into his little bed that the nurses had brought in for us, I saw her eyes droop just a little. She was fighting the sleep, but she would lose soon.