Trinity - First Morning As A Mommy (VOLUME 3)




Reece had made me go to sleep late last night. He was right that I had been exhausted, but I didn't want to take my eyes off of our children. All I wanted was to be there for them and hold them. They were so little and so precious that I knew they needed me.

I listened to him though. I went to sleep. It was broken sleep though, since I had to wake up to feed them every two hours or so. Reece was there to help me. He brought the babies to me, and when I was done feeding one of them he would gently hold the baby against his chest and pat them until they both burped and fell to sleep.

The nurses had been there to help us as well, but they spent a lot of their time observing us rather than doing anything for me. I saw that they were smiling happily as they did what little they could. I think they were quite proud of Reece. I couldn't blame them though, I was proud of him as well.