Trinity - Situation At The Mall (VOLUME 3)




I took the babies shopping with me when I went for a birthday present for Reece. They were almost seven months old now, just a couple days away now. I couldn't believe it, where was time going?

Juniper was with me for the trip and so were Thoma and Izzy. They had been going with me more frequently when I left the house. And since I was going to the mall, I thought they would like that. They needed to find their own place in the world as well.

They had both found mates, which was amazing, one had been among my pack and the other was in Landon's feline pack; Izzy had mated with a bobcat. They were getting better with their adjustment to the modern world, but it was still hard sometimes.

I didn't know what to get Reece today though. I was here to shop for him and didn't know what to get him. I was thinking I could get him a new suit so that he could mix up what he wore every now and then, but I didn't know if he would like that.