Trinity - The Goddess’s Second Gift (VOLUME 3)




I couldn't believe what had just happened. This was further proof for me that I was a Trinity. I was three species: wolf, witch, and fae. And now I was blessed by three different celestials: Nehalennia, Thoth, and Danu. I wondered for a moment what other true trinities there were in my life.

I couldn't think about it for long though. I was pulled back to reality, or whatever you wanted to call this plane of existence, when the Goddess spoke again.

"Now, Ríon Trinity, I have another gift for you. This gift is not something that you can truly take with you, however, it will still be very beneficial for you." With a wave of her hand. Danu summoned the two men that were behind her. They wore cloaks that covered their faces, and I could not tell who, or what, they were. I just believed they were men because of the size and shape of them.