Trinity - What Has Happened While We Weren’t Here Part 1 (VOLUME 3)




After the excitement died down, it was time for the meeting to get started. We all sat around the room in comfortable seating. Athair mòr with Daciana next to him on a loveseat. Aunt Glory was sitting in an oversized armchair, on Trevor's lap. The rest of the council were in different chairs, Reece and I were on a loveseat like Athair mòr. The attendants, which were the Gammas and such that had been brought, were standing behind the council members that were here for the meeting.

Gabriel was standing behind me as well. He was ready to offer advice, but he was also going to memorize all that was being said so that we could take the information back home with us later. The guards that were in the room were standing in prime positions to protect me if needed, but we didn't expect anything to happen while we were here. And Reagan and Rika were in a magical play area that Aunt Glory had set up for them in advance.