Reece - Trinity Returns (Volume 3)




"Where the hell is she?!" I yelled at the shining rectangle that was the door. It had closed behind my Little Bunny after she left us here. How could she just leave like that? How could she do this to me? "Trinity!" I yelled at the door. "Trinity!"

I had tried to follow her several times after she disappeared, only to be thrown back several times until the door shut. I was frantic, scared and lost without her here with me. Right now, I was on my knees in front of the door, hoping and praying that she was going to come back to me sometime soon.

"Trinity." I pounded the floor with my fist as I said her name. "Trinity. Trinity. Trinity."

"Reece!" I heard Vincent's voice call out to me, but I ignored him.


"REECE!" He yelled at me again but this time he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"What?!" I shouted at him.

"Pull yourself together, Reece."

"How can I? She's gone. She disappeared."