Trinity – Capturing The Culprit (VOLUME 3)




I acted entirely on instinct. I did not even let a single second pass before I was already moving to save Aunt Glory. I wasn't the only one who was already on the move either. Trevor had sprung into action to protect his mate the moment that Hibiscus screamed and so did many of my guards as well as Aunt Glory's guards.

None of them were faster than I was, though. I moved to save Aunt Glory without even moving from my spot.

I lashed out with a whip: long, blue, shining and made of pure water magic. It slashed across the platform we were standing on and wrapped around Hibiscus's waist in just a fraction of a second.

Once the whip was around the crazy, psychotic bitch I pulled back as hard as I could. Hibiscus's forward trajectory was halted and reversed it was  almost comically, as I watched the way her whole body jerked when she flew backwards.