Trinity - Enemy Spotted (VOLUME 3)




The battle was still going on. This was the third time that I was heading into the thick of it all and still the monsters didn't show any sign of slowing down at all. When was this going to end? When were we going to find the mastermind behind this and end this war?

I knew that my troops were getting tired. They were resting, micro napping and eating restorative food to make things easier on them, but that didn't stop them from getting tired. They were exhausted mentally and physically. They needed this to end, and soon. I wish I could make it all go away. I wish I could just snap my fingers and make everything better. If that were possible though, I would have done it already. Aunt Glory and Athair mòr would have done it too. We would all have been making things easier on us with the use of our magic.