Trinity – The Fight Begins (VOLUME 3)




"I am going to stop you, Granny. I am going to make sure that you never leave here again."

"STOP! CALLING! ME! GRANNY!" She bellowed each word out as if it were its own sentence, its own declaration. There was so much anger in her voice at the time that the force of it, literally, shook the blackened trees around us. I had to wonder if it was just her voice that was shaking the trees or if it was her magic.

"I won't stop calling you what you are. Do you want me to stop because you don't want people to know how ancient and decrepit that you truly are?" She narrowed her eyes at me, her anger getting stronger and stronger.

There was a reason I was doing this. I wanted her to be so angry at me that she wasn't fighting in top form. I knew that she was powerful, as was I, but we didn't need to have a fight to the death to know who the top contender was here.