Reece – What Happened To My Little Bunny Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




We all sat there, listening to that awful hissing sound and just watched as the head began to burn. Or should I say, as the ice started to melt, and the head disappeared with it. It was like the head itself had become ice and was melting into nothingness as the ice disappeared.

"Trinity, remind me to steer clear of that sword of yours." Trevor said as he looked at the fire, there was no hint of laughter or joking in his voice. He was being completely serious, and I could see why. If that sword could literally turn you into ice when you were cut with it, then you didn't need to deliver a fatal blow to someone. Just a scratch would do the job over time.

"I am still not sure how this sword works just yet." She said as she looked at the blade. "But I think that it's time that I put it away."

"Great. And how do you plan to do that?" Vincent looked at her with curious eyes.