Reece – Trinity The Goddess (VOLUME 3)




As I watched, my Little Bunny was changing. She started to glow with a bright, shimmering, blue light. The light was only shimmering because it had flecks of gold dust inside of it that was reflecting the light around us.

That wasn't all that changed about my Little Bunny, though. Not by a long shot. She became so much more beautiful. She was radiant and Goddess-like. That was all that I could describe it as. She literally looked like she was a goddess that had come down to walk with us mere mortals.

And to top it all off, she had thin, nearly see-through wings on her back that had sprouted from her back. It looked like these wings had been formed of those thin purple, blue, and gold colored lines that so lightly traced the mark on her back. The wings were more like the ones you would expect to see on a dragon than on a Goddess. Then again, I didn't think that Goddesses had wings, so that was new to me as well.