Epilogue 3- Vincent – What It Was Like To Die (VOLUME 3)




Heather didn't let go of me all the way back to our residence in the castle. She held onto me in one way or another, even while I carried Charlotte and Tyler in my arms. She wasn't the only one that seemed to be excited that I was home. Conner and Renea were staying super close to me, and Faith was clinging to my pants leg like she didn't want to fall too far behind us all and get lost.

All in all, it was a little hard for me to move, but I didn't mind. I knew that they loved me, and they had missed me. I had missed them all too. They were my family, my whole world.

"Daddy? Are you leaving again?" Faith asked me with tears swimming in her eyes the moment that we were back inside our home and I had set the twins down.

"I don't think so, honey. There is no reason for Trinity to leave any time soon, so I don't have to leave for a while. And I am sure that Trinity wouldn't mind if I spent some time here with you all at home."