Epilogue 7- Lila – Something There (VOLUME 3)




I swear I felt like I was living some kind of fairytale right now. There had been so much happening that just didn't make sense to me. How was all of this even possible?

First, I found out from Trinity, my daughter in-law, that I was now immortal. I wasn't particularly upset about being immortal, but when I heard that news it made me think about my mate, my husband that died. Living this long life would be great, if I had him to share it with. But I didn't. I didn't have anyone to share my life with. I was basically going to be an immortal widow.

I thought about Collin a lot after I learned about my immortality. I couldn't get him out of my mind really. However, there was someone else that had been taking up residence in my mind a lot lately. Someone that I saw almost on a daily basis. And for some reason, I felt like there might be something there that wasn't there before.