Chapter 9- Trinity – Visit Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




For a few days I didn't hear that voice. I didn't feel like I was making a massive mistake every moment of the day. I didn't feel like I was a screw up. For a few days, I had peace.

However, at Talia's birthday party, I started to hear that whisper when everyone was close by. I usually only heard it when I was near a large group of people, maybe because I was afraid that they were going to see me as a fraud and a failure.

Still, while I was trying to enjoy my little girl's special day, I didn't want to hear that voice or feel that way at all.

'They will…see them dead…your fault…can't stop it…it's coming…run away…kill them…will be destroyed…your fault…they will die…destruction…' The voice was barely there, just a whisper that was all jumbled. I wasn't able to hear all the words that it had to say to me, it was like so many of them were missing and just trying to decipher it was enough to give me a headache.