Chapter 26- Reece – A Wake Up Call From Vincent (VOLUME 4)




It was almost two in the morning. I was sound asleep in the penthouse suite of a luxury hotel in New York City. I had wrapped up a late night meeting with that group of old stiffs that wanted to basically rob me blind. They took one look at my young appearance and instantly forgot that I was in my thirties and have been running this company for over fifteen years now.

Honestly, when the phone rang, I thought it was one of them calling back to tell me why I needed to up their budget or to give them this grant or whatever else it was that they wanted from me.

I didn't even look at the phone when I picked it up, pressed the answer button, and growled into the ear of whatever asshole woke me up at this time of night.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spoke a lot louder than I had planned on, but I didn't care. Whoever that person was, they were now on my shit list.