Chapter 34- Trinity – Through The Other Door (VOLUME 4)




I stepped through the door and felt like I was being sucked into some sort of whirlpool, vortex or something similar to that. The moment that my foot went across the threshold of that door that was just standing there in the mountains, it pulled me over like something had grabbed me and dragged me down.

The three little imps that looked like miniature versions of Reece seemed to be pulled along with me as I went through the door, but when I landed, I didn't see them anywhere. Actually, I didn't see anything at all. I seemed to have ended up in a pitch black, completely dark room of some sort. I didn't know what to do or what to think when I landed there.

"Hello?!" I yelled out to the darkness that surrounded me. "Is anyone there?" There was no response at all. "HELLO?!"