Chapter 124- Reece – Seeing Where Trinity Has Been Part 2 (VOLUME 4)




When the door opened, it once again pulled the thing inside of it like there was a weird whirlwind or something. The images, which were still there instead of going all black again, swirled around and around in a way that made me feel like I was going to get sick. I had to wonder how my Little Bunny felt spinning through that until she landed on the other side?

Now that it all stopped spinning and moving around like a kaleidoscope on speed, I could see where we were. The door literally dropped us just on the other side of the compound. This was the road that would lead us into Colorado Springs. 

And there was something that I noticed as I looked around. There was color. It was there, but it was muted in a way. Not as vibrant or anything like that. And I wasn't sure if there was sound still, since I didn't hear anything at all coming from the screen.