Chapter 188- Trinity – Griffin's Orders (VOLUME 4)




Reece called Griffin over pretty early the next day. After the kids had come to eat breakfast with me in my room and I hugged and kissed them all goodbye before they went to school, Reece made the call. Griffin, fearing that something was wrong, came running right away.

"I'm here. I'm here. What happened? What is it? Is it the babies? Is it Trinity? What's going on?" He came running into the room like something was chasing him. He had run all the way here with his medical bag in hand and his stethoscope around his neck. I could tell that he was truly scared.

"Reece, what did you tell him? He looks like the hounds of hell are after him."

"I only told him that I needed him to come over as soon as he could. That was all." He was acting all innocent like he hadn't just done something wrong.

"Dammit, Reece. You could have told him that there was no medical emergency. You most likely scared years off of his life." I scolded him.