Chapter 194- Reece – Finalizing The Nursery (VOLUME 4)




For the last two weeks, I have been working on the nursery in between work and being with my wife. Yesterday, Gloriana and Daciana had their babies. It made me realize how little time we had left until Trinity was going to be delivering our three boys. That meant that I needed to make sure that this room was ready.

Ever since Talia graduated to having a big girl bedroom of her own, there was no need for the nursery to be used. Now though, we needed to have it ready for three babies at once. This time we needed three cribs, three chests of drawers, three dressers, three wardrobes, three toy boxes, three of everything.

I was almost done with the entire room. The paint jobs had been touched up so that it all looked like new. Even the glow in the dark paint that I used for the constellations was redone so that they would shine brightly again.