Chapter 201- Trinity – Prepped For Surgery (VOLUME 4)




Almost as soon as Griffin said 'let's go deliver some babies', The bed that I was laying in was wheeled out of the room and taken to another place on the same floor, but it was somewhere that I had never seen or been to before.

This room was definitely an operating room. That was easy to tell. There were sterile white walls, an antiseptic scent to the air, and it was very cold. There was a table in the middle of the room with little platforms sticking out to the side. Without anyone having to tell me, I knew that my arms were going to be strapped to those little things.

There were little wheeled trays that were around the area as well. I knew that underneath the blue cloth on each of them, were the tools that Griffin was going to use to deliver my babies. There were also three little wheeled bassinets, each with a nurse standing nearby. They were the ones that were going to be caring for my boys when they were born.