Chapter 204- Reece – Delivery Part 2 (VOLUME 4)




"Really?" I couldn't stop the word from escaping past my lips and made the others, all except for Griffin, turn to look at me.

"Yes, Reece, really. Here is the first little triplet. He looks good so far." With that, Griffin gave a big tug and I heard something soft and squishy slide through the liquid. It was a little odd really, since I knew that it was the sound of my baby moving through my Little Bunny's belly full of amniotic fluid, blood, and various other wet and gloopy things. "Baby A is here at twelve twenty-three in the morning on January the first two thousand and thirty. Congratulations.

The first thing that Griffin did when the baby was out, umbilical cord still attached and everything, was hold him up above the screen for me and my Little Bunny to see him. He was squirming and little and I heard him make a strangled sounding cry.